Coyne: World History

WW [190335]StudentClassDate1.Which two countries were parties to the 1939 Non-Aggression Pact? ??A.Italy and Great Britain ??B.Germany and the Soviet Union ??C.France and Poland ??D.Japan and the United States ???2.The list?below describes which form of government?Characteristics of a Government??1. Absolute authority over the people?2. Demands people’s unconditional loyalty?3. Glorifies the aims of the state?4. Controls all aspects of society ??A.totalitarian ??B.representative democracy ??C.theocracy ??D.constitutional monarchy ???3.Use the excerpt below to answer the question..?.?.?the Fascist conception of life stresses the importance of the State and accepts the individual only in so far as his interests coincide with those of the State.?.?.?. It is opposed to classical liberalism.?.?.?. Liberalism denied the State in the name of the individual.?.?. .—The Doctrine of Fascism, Benito Mussolini,?1932 Which statement?best supports this philosophy? ??A.The government has a responsibility to its citizens. ??B.Individual rights are secondary to government concerns. ??C.The government gives inalienable rights to its citizens. ??D.Individual actions are protected by the government. ???4.Which situation in the 1800s is the best example of a colonial protectorate? ??A.United States acquisition of Alaska ??B.Austrian annexation of Slavic lands ??C.France’s occupation of Indochina ??D.Italy’s invasion of Ethiopia ???5.Economic difficulties experienced in Germany between 1923 and 1933 can be linked to the harsh restrictions of the ??A.Fourteen Points. ??B.Treaty of Brest-Litovsk. ??C.Treaty of Versailles. ??D.Mandate System. ???6.What was an immediate result of the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand? ??A.Germany signed a peace treaty. ??B.Great Britain formed an alliance with Belgium. ??C.Russia’s monarch was overthrown. ??D.Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia. ???7.Which nations adopted a fascist system of government before World War II? ??A.Poland and Lithuania ??B.Russia and Japan ??C.Italy and Germany ??D.England and France ???8.Which factor illustrates the influence of free enterprise on the Industrial Revolution? ??A.the use of private capital to finance the production of goods ??B.the purchase of surplus harvests by the?government to stabilize prices ??C.the passage of tariffs to protect domestic manufacturing ??D.the adoption of government regulations to protect consumers ???9.Social Darwinists in the late 1800s and early 1900s used the philosophy of “survival of the fittest” to justify which national action? ??A.supporting local humanitarian aid ??B.creating regional trade partnerships ??C.expanding existing colonial empires ??D.legislating progressive political reform ???10.These wars were fought primarily for which reason??? Crimean War: 1853–1856???First Boer War: 1880–1881?? Russo-Japanese War: 1904–1905 ?? establish democratic governments ??B.religious divisions between populations ?? expand imperial holdings ??D.self-determination for ethnic groups ???11.Use?the information to answer the question.The Rise of???????????? ??????? ????? ????Began to modernize in the 19th century????Created a regional military empire in Asia and the?????Pacific during the 1930s and 1940s??? Transformed into democracy with a powerful?????manufacturing economy?during the late 20th century?? Which nation best replaces the question mark in the title? ??A.Russia ??B.Chile ??C.India ??D.Japan ???12.Which statement best explains imperialism? ??A.a government’s control over economic planning ??B.a?policy of gaining colonies to establish new markets ??C.the publication of information to promote citizen loyalty ??D.the glorification of military power by political leaders ???13.Which change was made to enable the increase shown in this graph???A.The Chinese government collectivized agriculture. ??B.Chinese leaders provided financial incentives to businesses. ??C.The Chinese government expanded foreign trade agreements. ??D.Chinese leaders reduced antipollution regulations. ???14.Use the map below to answer the question.Which World War II–era agreement does this map reflect? ??A.the Yalta Conference ??B.the Treaty of Versailles ??C.the Nazi-Soviet Pact ??D.the Potsdam Conference ???15.Which country was a member of the Triple Alliance? ??A.Great Britain ??B.France ??C.Russia ??D.Austria-Hungary ???16.Which of the following was not a reason?for the United States entering World War I? ??A.the sinking of American merchant ships by the Germans ??B.the Zimmerman Note ??C.the sinking of the Lusitania passenger ship ??D.the desire to obtain Germany’s overseas colonies ???17.Germany’s entrance into World War I was based on a pre-arranged agreement with Austria-Hungary. This is an example of ??A.a treaty. ??B.a contract. ?? ultimatum. ?? alliance. ???18.The communists were successful in the Chinese civil war because the ??munists were better supplied and armed throughout the struggle. ??B.nationalists had been weakened by the invasion of other Asian powers. ??C.nationalists suffered from a lack of Western economic and moral support. ??munists had the support of a majority of the peasants. ???19.Use the list below to answer the question.? Pursue truth.? ? Never use violence. ? ? Try to win an enemy to your side.? ? Expect change to take time.? The philosophy in this list is?best exemplified by which example? ??A.Fidel Castro’s overthrow of a dictatorship in Cuba ??B.Sun Yat-sen’s restructuring of the government?in China ??C.Mahatma Gandhi’s work to remove British authority from India ??D.Ho Chi Minh’s struggle in Indochina to gain independence from France ???20.Which question would?best help guide a student researching the major differences between India and Pakistan? ??A.What effect did religion have on the partition of India and Pakistan? ??B.How did the strategy of passive resistance affect India and Pakistan? ??C.What effect has U.S. Middle Eastern policy had on relations between India and Pakistan? ??D.How did the creation of a free market economy increase tensions between India and Pakistan? ???21.Karl Marx’s slogan “. . . WORKERS OF ALL LANDS UNITE!” is associated with which economic theory? ??A.capitalism ??munism ??C.utopianism ??D.mercantilism ???22.Use the excerpt below to answer the question.There are not too many necessities of life produced, in proportion to the existing population. Quite the reverse. Too little is produced to decently and humanely satisfy the wants of the great mass. There are not too many means of production produced to employ the able-bodied portion of the population.—Capital, Karl Marx,?1894 Which government action would address the concerns in this excerpt? ??A.decreasing corporate taxes ??B.privatizing commercial industries ??C.distributing resources to individuals ??D.implementing workplace safety laws ???23.How did the government of the Soviet Union respond to high unemployment in the 1930s? ?? delaying plans to modernize factories ?? increasing control over the economy ?? restricting spending on the military ?? providing incentives for production ???24.Which event was a major cause of the development of Palestinian terrorism? ??A.creation of the European Union ??B.United States entry into the United Nations ??C.creation of a Jewish state in the Middle East ??D.United States deployment of troops to Vietnam ???25.The secret agreement in which Germany promised to return?territory from the United States to Mexico in exchange for Mexico’s assistance during World War I was the ??A.Fourteen Points. ??B.Schlieffen Plan. ??C.Triple Alliance. ??D.Zimmerman Telegram. ??? ................

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