Samaritan Woman - Bible


Lot Does Not Listen to God (Genesis 18 – 19)


Main Point: God loves us and wants the absolute best for us.


Key Verse: “I know the plans I have for you,” announces the Lord. “I want you to enjoy success. I do not plan to harm you. I will give you hope for the years to come.” – Jeremiah 29:11

Materials: Warning sign pictures


Hands on Application:

·       Say: Take a minute to think about warning signs. Do you see any warning signs day to day? Maybe you saw some signs on the way to church today. What are they for? How do they help us? They point out danger, they try to protect us. That’s right, they protect us from dangers that we might not see otherwise.

Group Discussion:

·       Say: Today we’re going to look at some everyday warning signs. Hold up pictures of warning signs. Look at each warning sign. What does it mean? What is it trying to protect against? Discuss what each sign is designed to protect against.

·       Say: In the lesson today, Lot also received some warning signs. These signs weren’t signs like ours, though – they were signs from God! Lot made the very poor choice of living in Sodom, an extremely wicked city. Although he did not approve of the evil ways of the people there, he still chose to live there rather than move away. Because the city was so wicked, God decided to completely destroy it and everyone who lived there.

·       Say: The Bible says that Lot was a good man who did what was right, even though he chose to live among incredibly evil people (2 Peter 2:7-8). Because Lot was a good man, God graciously warned him of the coming danger. Can anyone tell me how He warned him? He sent two angels to Lot. Even when warned by angels, Lot and his family STILL were unsure about leaving the city they KNEW was about to be destroyed. The angels had to literally drag them out of the city to save them. As soon as they were out of Sodom, the angels told them to run for their lives. The angels gave them another warning, which was to make sure they did NOT look back at the city. Lot’s wife did not listen to this warning, and she turned into a pillar of salt! Clearly, God’s warnings were correct both times. God knew that there was huge danger both times for Lot and his family, and because He loved them, He gave them clear warnings about how to be safe. You can ALWAYS trust God! The next time you hear God warning you of something dangerous (either physical or spiritual), listen to Him and obey Him.

Conversation with God (Prayer): Pray that your children will listen to God because He wants what is best for them. Fill in the prayer journal and close in prayer.

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Unless otherwise noted the Scriptures taken from: Holy Bible, New International Reader’s Version, (NIrV®)

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Lot Does Not Listen to God



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