Golden Bible Chapters

Golden Bible Chapters

Assurance John 14

Affliction Job 1, 42

Bread John 6

Beatitudes Matthew 5

Courage Joshua 1

Comfort 2 Cor. 1

Devil Revelation 12

Depression Psalm 34

Education Deut. 6

Election Eph.1 Rom. 9

Faith Hebrews 11, 12

Family Ephesians 5, 6

Giving Malachi 3

Gratitude Romans 12

Heaven Revelation 21, 22

Hell Luke 16, Rev. 20

Invitation Matthew 11

Illness 2 Cor. 12

Justification Romans 5

Judgment Matt. 25

Keys Matt. 6

Know Him Phil. 3

Love 1 Cor. 13, John 13

Loneliness Psalm 23

Marriage 1 Cor. 7

Missions Luke 10, 24

New Birth John 3

New Life Galations 2, 5

Original sin Genesis 3

Overcoming 1 John 5

Prayer Mt. 6, Luke 11

Power Ephesians 1, 3, 6

Quickened Ephesians 2

Quick tongue James 3

Resurrect 1 Cor. 15

Religion James 1

Sin Psalm 51, Romans 3

Salvation Acts 9, 16

Temptation 1 Cor. 10

Thanksgiving Ps. 100

Unity Eph. 4, Col. 2

United Romans 6

Vine John 15

Victory Romans 8

Word of God Psalm 119

Wisdom 1 Corinthians 2

Youth Ecc. 12, 2 Tim. 2

Yearning Psalm 42

“These were more noble. . . , in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.” Acts 17:11

Other Important Scriptures


Definition 1 John 3:4

Extent Romans 3:9-19

Origin Genesis 3

Result Romans 5:12, 18

Wages Romans 6:23


Born Again John 3:1-16

By Grace Ephesians 2:1-10

By Blood Romans 5:6-11

Forgiven Isaiah 1:18

Free 1 Corinthians 15:1-4

Only Name Acts 16:25-34

Repentance 2 Cor. 7:9, 10

Through Faith Rom. 10:1-10


Adopted Romans 8:1-17

Armor Eph 6:10

Consecrated Romans 12:1-8

Fellowship 1 Thess. 1

Fruitful John 15

Pressing On Phil. 3:7-16

Pure Hope 1 John 3:1-3

Witnessing Matt. 10:32, 33

Yielded Romans 6:1-13

Famous Parables

Good Samaritan Luke 10

Lazarus Luke 16

Prodigal Son Luke 15

Publican & Pharisee Luke 18

Rich Fool Luke 12

Sower Matthew 13

Talents Matthew 25

Ten Virgins Matthew 25


Ascension Acts 1

Baptism Matt. 3, Mark 1

Birth Luke 2

Deity John 1, 5

Messiah Isaiah 53

Prayer John 17, Matt. 6

Preeminence Colossians 1

Priesthood Hebrews 1, 2, 5

Resurrection John 20

Right Hand 1 John 2

2nd Coming Matt. 24, Rev. 19

Temptation Matt. 4

Transfiguration Matt. 17


Confession Psalm 51

Dwelling Place Psalm 90

Forgiveness Psalm 103

Nature Psalm 8, 19

Old Age Psalm 71

Providence Psalm 121

Security Psalm 91

Shepherd Psalm 23

Thanksgiving Psalm 100

Worship Psalm 84


Beatitudes Matthew 5

Bible 1 Cor. 2:9-14, John 16:13

Golden Rule Matthew 7:12

Holy Spirit John 14-16, Acts 2,

Lord’s Prayer Matthew 6

Sermon on the Mount Matt. 5-7

Summary of the Law Matt.22:36-40

Ten Commandments Exodus 20


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