
1. What 3 factors contribute to foodservice workers’ injuries?

2. What role does OSHA play in keeping the workplace safe?

3. Where do the standards come from?

4. What role does the EPA play in workplace safety?

5. Why do you wear protective clothing while working in foodservice?

6. List everything that you know about aprons according to textbook.

7. Why do you wear gloves?

8. When do you change single—use gloves?

9. Describe the “type” of shoes that must be worn by foodservice workers.

10. What is a back brace designed to do?

11. How can you minimize slips and falls? List your 4 favorites.

12. Of the 16 ways listed in the book to avoid cuts, which are the 5 most important to you?

13. Of the 11 ways to prevent burns and scalds, which 5 are the most important to you?

14. Explain how to lift properly---1 more time!

15. What does the term “lockout/tagout” mean?

16. List the precautionary measures you must take before cleaning equipment.

17. If combustible switches, wiring, metals and iron are on fire, what class of fire is it and what extinguisher(s) would you use?

18. If wood, paper, cloth or plastics are on fire, what class of fire is it and what extinguisher(s) would you use?

19. If grease, oils or chemicals are on fire, what class of fire is it and what extinguisher(s) would you use?

20. If there is a fire in the deep fryer, what class of fire is it and what extinguisher(s) would you use?

21. If there is a fire in the mixer cord what class of fire is it and what extinguisher(s)

Would you use?

22. What is the most common type of extinguisher?

23. Who inspects fire extinguishers?

24. What is the purpose of a ventilated hood system?

25. What is the best way to extinguish a grease or oil fire?

26. How does this work?

27. If we have a big fire in the cooks’ area, where would the students in the bakery area leave the kitchen area and where would they go when they get outside of the building?

28. What is an “emergency”?

29. If I yelled to you to call the fire department, what would you do?

30. What does first aid involve?

31. What type of burn causes blisters?

32. If someone is seriously burned, how do you cool the burned skin?

33. List 4 types of wounds and briefly describe each.

34. If you need to assist someone with a minor cut, what is the first thing that you

need to do?

What if it is a severe cut?

35. When is the only time the Heimlich maneuver is used?

What if the person is coughing?

What if the person is unconscious?

NEVER give the Heimlich _________________________________________.

36. When is CPR performed?

How does it work?

37. What 2 organizations can you contact to learn how to administer CPR?


1. Define “sanitary”.

2. Define “contaminated”.

3. List and describe 2 ways contamination can occur.

4. What is the most common way cross-contamination can occur?

5. The following is a list of foodborne illnesses.

After each illness, list the food(s) involved and (in your own words) describe how to avoid the illness.

EXAMPLE: Trichinosis pork, nonpork sausages, wild game

Thoroughly cook meats to recommended temps





Hepatitis A

Norwalk Virus








6. Define “sanitation”.

7. Define “hazards”.

8. List the 3 types of hazards in the food industry.

9. Where do biological hazards come from?

10. What causes the MAJORITY of fooodborne illnesses?

11. How do microorganisms grow?

12. Who is most at risk for foodborne illness?

13. How can you eliminate foodborne illness?

14. How do you know if there is an “outbreak”?

15. If you think there is an outbreak, what steps do you follow?

16. Who must you report the foodborne illness to?

17. What costs are possible with an outbreak?

18. How is the only way a foodborne illness is confirmed?

19. Who (according to your book) investigates a suspected outbreak?

20. If you have an idea that in your establishment you have an outbreak, what is the first thing that you must do?

21. Define and describe “bacteria”.

What are their favorite temperatures?

What is their favorite menu?

22. Describe “viruses”.

What is the easiest way to spread viruses through food?

What are their favorite foods?

23. Describe fully, in your own words, “Hepatitis A”.

24. Where did foodservice kitchens keep the ice delivered from icehouses?

25. Describe “parasites”.

Where are parasites most commonly found?

How can they be eliminated?

26. Describe “fungi”.

27. Describe “molds”.

28. Describe “yeasts”.

29. The key to avoiding bacterial and biological hazards is practicing good personal hygiene. What main guidelines does this include?

30. Describe “chemical hazards”.

31. __________________________________________ Must always be kept on file.

32. Never store ____________________________________ near food.

Always keep cleaning products ________________________________________.

All cleaning products must be _________________________________.

33. What is the difference between “cleaning” and “sanitizing”.

34. When is a work surface washed, rinsed, and sanitized?

35. Overuse of pesticides can cause _____________________________________.

36. What do you need to know about empty pesticide containers?

37. What are physical hazards?

38. Why is it important to have a good pest management program?

39. What do pests “need”?

What are pests looking for?

If you see “signs” of pests, what must you do?


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