Chapter: Chapter13: Personality

Chapter 13: Personality Practice Test Name: ________________________

1. Cheerful, honest, friendly, and optimistic are all _____.

a) personality traits

b) motives

c) emotions

d) all of these options

2. Which of the following acronyms can help you remember the "Big 5" personality traits?





3. The main problem with all trait theories is that they _____.

a) are unreliable

b) cannot explain personality

c) are invalid descriptions of personality

d) have not been standardized

4. The id, ego, and superego are _____.

a) located in the unconscious

b) three mental structures in the psyche

c) present at birth

d) the first three psychosexual stages of development

5. Perfection is a problem that is most associated with the _____.

a) id

b) ego

c) superego

d) ego and superego

6. In Asia, people are defined in terms of their _____.

a) enduring traits

b) short-term traits

c) social relationship

d) submissiveness

7. The problem with the excessive use of defense mechanisms is that they _____.

a) distort reality

b) increase anxiety

c) become ineffective

d) become fixated

8. The genitals are the primary erogenous zones in which stage(s) of Freud's psychosexual theory of development?

a) latency

b) phallic

c) phallic and genital

d) latency, phallic, and genital

9. During the ________ stage, children repress sexual thoughts.

a) psychosexual

b) oedipal

c) latency

d) latency, phallic, and genital

10. Basic anxiety is associated with which of the following Neo-Freudians?

a) Horney

b) Adler

c) Jung

d) Rogers

11. The good and bad feelings you have about yourself are called _____.

a) self-actualization

b) self-esteem

c) identity

d) superiority-inferiority complex

12. A major criticism of humanistic psychology is that most of its concepts and assumptions _____.

a) are invalid

b) are unreliable

c) cannot be tested scientifically

d) lack a theoretical foundation

13. Self-efficacy is associated with _____.

a) Bandura

b) Rogers

c) Rotter

d) Maslow

14. A criticism of the social-cognitive approach is that it overlooks or ignores the contribution of emotion and _____ in understanding personality.

a) scientific research

b) unconscious forces

c) motivation

d) expectancies

15. The unshared environment in studies of personality refers to differences in______.

a) the genetic make-up of individuals

b) aspects of the environment that differ between individuals

c) cultural practices

d) the living conditions and economic circumstances between family groups

16. Based on heritability studies, 40% to 50% of personality appears to be related to _____.

a) the environment

b) the family

c) family, friends, and the environment

d) genetic factors

17. A biopsychosocial approach might suggest that introversion is caused by _____.

a) high levels of cortical arousal

b) conditioning

c) cognitive processes

d) all of these options

18. Projective tests measure your _____.

a) potential abilities

b) current knowledge and abilities

c) your interests and aptitudes

d) unconscious processes

19. If you believe what a pseudo personality test says about you, this may be because everyone has a tendency to prefer the flattering or neutral statements about themselves that such tests contain. This is called the ______.

a) Fallacy of Positive Comments

b) Self-serving Bias

c) Delusion of Perfection

d) Goodness of Fit

20. The concept of _____ is essential to all Western theories of personality.

a) the unconscious

b) self

c) behavior

d) all of these options


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