This Week in Our Parishes

|Parish Office is CLOSED from December 23rd to January 1st |

|Tuesday, December 24th Christmas Eve | |

|Mass @ St. Agnes (With Incense) |6:00 pm |

|Mass @ St. Anthony (With Incense) |7:30 pm |

|Mass @ St. Agnes (With Incense) |9:30 pm |

|Wednesday, December 25 Christmas Day | |

|Mass @ St. Anthony (With Incense) |10:30 am |

|Mass @ St. Agnes (With Incense) |12:00 Noon |

|Thursday, December 26 No Mass @ St. Agnes | |

|Friday, December 27 Mass @ St. Agnes |9:00 am |

|Saturday, December 28 | |

|Mass @ St. Anthony |8:00 am |

|Mass @ St. Agnes |5:00 pm |

|Mass @ St. Anthony |7:30 pm |

|Sunday, December 29 | |

|Mass @ St. Agnes |9:00 am |

|Mass @ St. Anthony + Novena of Jesus the Black Nazarene |10:30 am |

|Mass @ St. Agnes |12:00 pm |

|Monday, December 30 @ St. Anthony | |

|Mass + Novena Jesus the Black Nazarene |7:00 PM |

|Tuesday, December 31st New Year’s Eve | |

|Mass @ St. Agnes |5:00 pm |

|Adoration @ St. Agnes |6-7 pm |

|Mass @ St. Anthony |7:30 pm |

|Wednesday, January 1st New Years Day | |

|Mass @ St. Anthony |10:30 am |

|Mass @ St. Agnes |12:00 Noon |

|Thursday, January 2 | |

|Mass @ St. Agnes |9:00 am |

|Mass @ St. Anthony + Novena of Jesus the Black Nazarene |7:00 pm |

|First Friday, January 3 | |

|Mass @ St. Anthony + Novena of Jesus the Black Nazarene |7:00 pm |

|Saturday, January 4 (Mass @ St. Anthony) |8:00 am |

|Mass @ St. Agnes |5:00 pm |

|Mass @ St. Anthony + Novena of Jesus the Black Nazarene |7:30 pm |

|Sunday, January 5 | |

|Mass @ St. Agnes |9:00 am |

|Mass @ St. Anthony + Novena of Jesus the Black Nazarene |10:30 am |

|Mass @ St. Agnes |12:00 pm |

The Twin Roman Catholic Parishes of

St. Agnes St. Anthony

10826-62 Avenue 10661-82 Avenue

Edmonton, AB T6H 1N1 Edmonton, AB T6E 2A6

Phone 780-432-0611 Fax 780-434-4969




The Parish office is closed from Monday December 23rd to Wednesday, January 1st.

Phone messages will be check regularly.

A Blessed Christmas to everyone

& a Prosperous New Year.

December 25, 2019

Christmas Message from our Pastor

St. Agnes & St. Anthony Parishes

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,


Christmas is a  major solemn feast for us  Christians and to the world. Because it is the Day God came to live among us. In the Old Testament, a man committed sin to become like God. On Christmas God came to live among us and to become human. In the Child Jesus heaven and earth merges. He is fully human and fully divine. By incarnation, God dignified our human nature and expressed the purpose of the creation of humanity, that is, being with God always. When humanity rebelled and went away from God, God came to live among us. In the Gospel of John, we read: “God so loved the world that he gave his only son to humanity”.

Incarnation is an Act of Communion and solidarity of God with humanity. As human, Jesus experienced all the limitations of humans. He experienced hunger, thirst, and heartbroken situations of life. His life with humans Jesus wants to guide them to salvation, weld up the relation between man and God, man and man, and man with nature. His presence with us became salvific for us. Likewise, our communion and association with other people should make their life more beautiful and more livable by taking away pain and suffering from their lives. This is an effective and practical way of giving Christ to the world.

Christmas is an expression of the trust of God in humanity. God entrusted His only Son into the hands of humans- into the hands of Mary and Joseph. As a child, He was vulnerable, weak and dependent. God trusted the goodness of humanity. At the final stages of Jesus’ life, God entrusted His Only Son into the hands of Humanity. There we see the breach of trust by humans. In spite of all this, God still believes that we can bring the best in us. Today, God presents each innocent child to the world as Good news with a lot of possibilities and potentialities. We have the responsibility to protect them and help them to grow with the original innocence that God has given them ensuring a safe environment for their natural growth and development.




It’s the duty of each Christian. By all means, see Jesus in each child.

Christmas is a time of joy, because Our God is with us. It is the fulfillment of the promise of God to humanity. In the fullness of time, the WORD  became flesh and lived among us. It gives us the idea that God is ever faithful in his promises. God is trustworthy. Today, Jesus is with us through the Holy Sacraments and through the Sacred Scripture through which we can welcome Christ into our lives.

The First Christmas is the real human birth of Jesus. The second Christmas is the second coming of Jesus. Between this time, the faithful should conceive the Word and give birth to the Word (Jesus) in this world. This is our call: be the forerunners of Christ and witnesses of Jesus Christ. Giving Christ to the world as the remedy for today's darkness and problems.  We read in  Isaiah 9:2  “The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned”.

In our society, people have a lot of problems, such as bad economy, unemployment, homelessness, addictions, anxieties, worries, sickness, tensions, stress, and moral decadence and so on. Into these brokenness and darkness welcome Jesus. Hope and trust in Him.

Christmas gives us the assurance that God is with us.  He is Emmanuel who came among us to give us life eternal by liberating us from the tyranny of evil.

May this  Christmas liberate all of us, our families and our parish community from all evils and bring us true happiness & peace in abundance.  May the New Year be a Grace-filled one and God is with you in all your endeavors throughout the New Year.


Fr. Varghese Munduvelil





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