Poetry test study guide

[Pages:1]Novak ? Literature and Composition Poetry Unit Final Study Guide

Topics: Be able to define these terms, provide your own examples of them, and identify them in pieces of


? Meter (iambic, trochaic, dactylic,

? Personification


? Imagery

? Assonance

? Onomatopoeia

? Consonance

? Sonnets (English vs. Italian)

? Alliteration

? Rhyme (external vs. internal, slant)

? Simile

? Rhyme scheme

? Metaphor

? Parallel structure


Total points: 92 points

? Scanning and identifying meter: 18 points

o Annotate stressed/unstressed syllables

o Determine type of meter

o Determine number of feet

? Sonnets: 14 points

o English vs. Italian

o Rhyme scheme

? Sound devices/figurative language: 4 points

o Identifying examples of topics above

? Quote identification: 12 points

o Name the poem (will be from the list below)

o Explain the quote and how it relates to rest of the poem

o Identify a poetic/sound device within the quote

? Short answer: 24 points

o Be able to define poetic devices/figurative language terms/sound devices

o Be able to give examples of define poetic devices/figurative language terms/sound


o General information about poems read throughout the unit

? TPCASTT analysis: 20 points

o Choose one of two poems and complete the step by step analysis

o Will summarize more than paraphrase line by line for "P" step

Poems we have read during this unit: 1. How to Eat a Poem ? Eve Merriam 2. Mushrooms ? Sylvia Plath 3. The Black Snake ? Mary Oliver 4. Two Sisters of Persephone ? Sylvia Plath 5. Queen of the Night ? Josie Whitehead 6. Neither Out Far or In Deep ? Robert Frost 7. My Papa's Waltz ? Theodore Roethke 8. As Flowers Bloom for May ? Jackson Freeman 9. On His Blindness ? John Milton 10. Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Day? ? William Shakespeare 11. When, in Disgrace with Fortune and Men's Eyes ? William Shakespeare 12. The Bells ? Edgar Allan Poe (excerpt) 13. Charge of the Light Brigade ? Alfred, Lord Tennyson (excerpt) 14. The Tyger ? William Blake (excerpt)


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