Write a short story about a bully that never gets into trouble

|Write a short story about a bully that |Write a short story about a careless |Write a short story about a deep sea |Write a description of a pirate. Your |Write a description of a burglar. Your |

|never gets into trouble. |waitress. |diver’s encounter with a shark. |description should contain at least seven|description should contain at least seven|

| | | |adjectives. |adjectives. |

|(15+ sentences) |(15+ sentences) |(15+ sentences) | | |

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|Write a letter to the Prime Minister |Write a letter to your headteacher |Write a letter to your parents or carers |Write a letter to your best friend |Write a letter to your favourite football|

|about how you would improve England if |explaining how you would improve your |asking for £50 pocket money per week. |explaining the reasons why they are your |club explaining why they should employ |

|you were the Prime Minister. |school if you were the headteacher. |Explain why you need this money. |best friend. |you as a professional footballer. |

| | | | | |

|(10+ sentences) |(10+ sentences) |(10+ sentences) |(10+ sentences) |(10+ sentences) |

|Write about your favourite ever dream. |Write about your worst ever nightmare. |Write a recount of your favourite holiday|Write a humorous poem about a fat cat. |Write a humorous poem about a hairy bear.|

| | |or school break. | | |

|(10+ sentences) |(10+ sentences) | | | |

| | |(10+ sentences) | | |

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|List the reasons why the football team |Write a recount of the best football |Write a short story about a football |Write a short story about a ladies’ |Write a poem about your favourite |

|you support is the best team ever. |match you’ve ever watched. |player that could never score goals. |football team that wins the World Cup. |football team. |

| | | | | |

|(15+ sentences |(15+ sentences) |(15+ sentences) |(15+ sentences) | |

| |[pic] | | | |

|Write a short story about a girl that |Write a short story about an unloved cat.|Write a short story about a teacher that |Write a description of an eagle. Your |Write a description of a giraffe. Your |

|always played tricks on her brother. | |always got things wrong. |description should contain at least ten |description should contain at least eight|

| |(10+ sentences) | |adjectives. |adjectives. |

|(10+ sentences) | |(10+ sentences) | | |

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|Write a short story about an alien |Write a short story about a friendly |Write a short story about some |Write a short story about an ugly fish |Write a letter to your teacher about what|

|invasion. |monster that lives under a child’s bed. |troublesome twins. |that grew beautiful. |you would most like to learn about and |

| | | | |why. |

|(10+ sentences) |(15+ sentences) |(15+ sentences) |(10+ sentences) | |

| | | | |(10+ sentences) |

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