Narnia Vocabulary Chapter 15 – Deeper Magic From Before ...

Narnia Vocabulary Chapter 16 – What Happened about the Statues


|bound |move quickly and energetically |

|whisked |quick sweeping or whipping motion |

|prodigious |great in amount, size or extent; enormous |

|indigo |dark grayish-blue color |

|plumage |the feathers covering a bird’s body |

|braying |sound a donkey makes: harsh high-pitched, grating voice |

|creeping |developing or advancing by slow but sure degrees |

|concealed |to keep something hidden; prevent it from being known |

|dungeon |underground prison cell; usually beneath a castle |

|ransacking |searching and examining very thoroughly and carefully |

|liberated |to release someone or a group; to set free |

|surged |to move like a wave with a sudden rush in a particular direction |

|bawled |yell out or up at |

|rubble |broken stones, bricks and other materials from buildings that have been destroyed |

|deformed |unshapely form; spoiled; disfigured; hideous looking |

|din |loud, harsh, continuing noise |

Narnian Expressions

“Gave a bay” – make a sound like a dog to guide people in a particular direction.

“English fox hunt” – a tradition in England where a fox is let loose and then chased by dogs and horsemen

I. Vocabulary Enrichment Activities – Chapter 16

A. Fill in the blank with the missing word that best completes the meaning of the sentence. Use the story context for clues.

1) In order to return the statues into human form, Aslan ________________ on them. This action ________________ them from the magic of the White Witch and returned them to life.

2) As the statues returned to life, Aslan sent them to look in the deep _____________ of the Witch’s palace where he believed she would have __________________ even more statues.

3) The newly liberated statues ________________ toward the palace in a huge wave, and searched for others who had been turned to stone.

4) The most impressive statue was that of a stone lion who gave a _______________ yawn after Aslan brought him back to life and began to jump and leap playfully in the yard.

B. Critical Analysis

1) The final battle can be seen as a battle between the forces of good and evil. Explain why you agree or disagree with this statement.

2) Explain why you think Aslan first went to the Witch’s palace instead of going directly to help Peter and the others.

C. Comprehension – True or False

Read the following statements. If the statement is true, write “true” in the space provided; if false, correct the statement so it is true.

1) There was such chaos in the courtyard that the dryads and nymphs fled to the forest. ________________

2) To return the statues to life, Aslan only needed to touch them with his paw. ________________

3) As the statues returned to life, there was great joy and excitement. ____________

4) Lucy discovered the statue of Mr. Tumnus. ________________

5) All giants are as good tempered as Rumblebuffin. ________________

6) Aslan opened the front gate by using his magic. ________________

7) Lucy gave her handkerchief to Rumblebuffin because he had a cold. ___________

8) The newly liberated statues were set free and returned to their homes. __________

9) Peter’s army was greatly outnumbered when they arrived, and Peter was fighting with the White Witch. ________________

10) Peter would have lost the battle had Aslan not killed the White Witch. __________

II. Write, Discuss, Create – Chapter 16

Write: Pretend that you are Lucy. Write about how you feel about finding Mr. Tumnus and having him restored to life.

Discuss: As a class, describe what Giant Rumblebuffin is like. Discuss how he is alike or different from what you typically expect a giant to be (i.e., stereotypes).

Create: a picture, write a poem or a song, or create another type of artistic work about the last battle.

Narnia Vocabulary Chapter 17 – The Hunting of the White Stag


|seaweed |plants such as kelp that grow in the sea |

|seagulls |large web-footed white and gray sea birds with yellow beaks |

|revelry |a lively celebration involving eating, drinking, dancing and merrymaking |

|piercing |an intense quality of sound |

|remnants |a small part of something left over after the rest is gone; survivors |

|quarry |a hunted animal or bird |

|marvel |something that inspires awe, amazement or admiration |

|foreboding |a feeling that something bad is going to happen |

|signification |the meaning of something such as a thing, word or event |

|stag |adult male deer |

I. Vocabulary Enrichment Activities – Chapter 17

A. Fill in the blank with the missing word that best completes the meaning of the sentence. Use the story context for clues.

1) After the final battle, the children travel to Cair Paravel where they are crowned kings and queens with much _____________________ and lived happily near the sea where they were accompanied by the ________________ sounds of the _________________ that flew over the castle.

2) Susan, Lucy, Peter and Edmund ruled Narnia for many years. One day they were told that a magical White Stag had been seen. So the now adult kings and queens set forth to hunt their ___________________, for they knew that the White Stag would grant wishes.

3) After a long hunt, Peter, Susan, Lucy and Edmund saw something very strange – an iron post with a lamp on top. But though it seemed familiar, they couldn’t figure out the ______________________ of the object.

4) It was with a sense of __________________ that they determined to continue hunting the White Stag, but they were full of enthusiasm and looked forward to a possible adventure.

All at once, they found themselves back at the Professor’s not a day older than the day they’d first entered the magical kingdom of Narnia! Do you think they will have other adventures in Narnia?

B. Critical Analysis – This thing we call ‘time’

Early in the story, Peter and Susan seek out the Professor to talk about Lucy’s fascination with Narnia, Peter tells the Professor that it is only logical that, if something is “real,” it must be real all the time. p. 52

What does this statement mean? Is time real…? If you believe it is real, then shouldn’t five minutes seem to pass at the exact same speed no matter what you’re doing?

Think of times in your life when it seemed that “time stood still.” Jot them down. Now think of times in your life when it seemed that “time sped by.” Jot them down.

Compare your list with others in the class. What do you think? Is time real or is it something that seems to pass at different speeds for different people depending on where they are and what they’re doing?

Many fantasy stories deal with twists in time, in particular, stories about time travel. Explain why you think time travel is or is not possible.

C. Comprehension – Short Answer

Read each question and write an appropriate answer.

1) How did Edmund help win the final battle?

2) How does Lucy restore Edmund and save his life?

3) When Lucy returns to him, how does Edmund appear to her?

4) Why do you think Lucy wants Edmund to know what Aslan did for him?

5) What did Aslan provide for the tired and hungry warriors who had fought in the battle?

6) Where did Aslan lead them the day after the battle was won?

7) What did Mr. Beaver warn the children about Aslan?

8) How do the royal names the children were given reveal their characters?

a) King Peter the Magnificent?

b) Queen Susan the Gentle?

c) King Edmund the Just?

d) Queen Lucy the Valiant?

9) List what the Kings and Queens accomplished in Narnia after their coronation.

10) Why did Susan, Peter, Lucy and Edmund set out to hunt the White Stag?

11) What is it that Lucy tells the others she thinks will happen if they pass the iron lantern?

12) What does Susan advise the others to do?

13) In the end, what do they decide to do?

14) When the children find themselves back at the Professor’s house, what is so strange there?

15) What advice does the Professor give the children if they want to return to Narnia?

II. Write Discuss Create – Chapter 17

Write: Pretend that you are one of the Pevensie children who has just arrived at Cair Paravel. Write a letter to a friend describing your arrival and your coronation as King or Queen.

Discuss: whether or not you agree with Lucy that Edmund should be told what Aslan did for him? Give specific reasons why you agree or disagree with her.

Discuss: When Lucy is tending to Edmund on the battlefield, Aslan reminds her that others are gravely wounded as well and in need of her help. Discuss how “doing good” for one person may sometimes conflict with doing a greater good for many.

Create: a drawing of the castle at Cair Paravel as you picture it in your imagination. Re-read the description on p. 198.

Mythological Creatures in Narnia

Creature Definition

|werewolf |a person believed able to change into a wolf and back again into a human being |

|ghoul |evil and terrifying spirit |

|boggle |goblin; ghostly, awful |

|ogre |evil giant or monster who eats people |

|minotaur |monster with a body of a man and head of a bull that was fed human sacrifices |

|hag |offensive term used to describe bad old women – essentially witches with magical powers |

|spectre |a ghostly presence |

|centaur |wild creature with the head, arms and torso of a man joined to the body of a horse at the neck |

|unicorn |mythical animal usually depicted as a white horse with a single straight spiraled horn growing from it’s forehead |

|efreet |mythical jinn spirits that embody fire; they resent humans and consider themselves superior to them |

|dryad |nature spirit that lives in trees |

|nymph |nature spirit that lives by springs and rivers or cool caves |

|faun |a mythical creature with the feet, legs and horns of a goat but the face and arms of a man |

|satyr |like a faun but considered less gentle and kind and more interested in satisfying itself with pleasurable activities, like eating and |

| |drinking |

|incubus |a male demon |

|wraith |ghost of a dead person |

|ettin |3-headed giant in English fairy tales |

|sprite |small spirit being like an elf or a fairy |


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