Attitude at or about work

Positive and Negative Attitudes at or about Work

Number your paper from one to seventy six.

Beside each corresponding number make a (+) if the comment is positive or make a (-) if the comment is negative.

Think about the comments you make about school and chores are they positive or negative?

1. “I’m going to do this job for the summer, so why should I do my best?”

2. “Why do I always get stuck in a job like this?”

3. “I don’t like my job.”

4. “When will I ever find a better job?”

5. “Do I have to go to work today?”

6. “What do they expect for the money they are paying me?”

7. “I’ll just do what they tell me to do.”

8. “I’m glad I have this summer job because I’ll need work experience to get the job I want.”

9. “I’m going to prove to myself and others that I can be a good worker.”

10. “I don’t like this job.”

11. “This job is just like all the other jobs that I have had.”

12. “I can be a good worker.”

13. “I guess I will quit.”

14. “I can always find a better job.”

15. “This was the only job that I could find.”

16. “What can I do for you?”

17. “How can I help you improve?”

18. “You expect me to do what?”

19. “I didn’t realize that I would really have to work on this job.”

20. “Isn’t it great that I’m getting paid to do such a fun thin?”

21. “I’ve been on time to work every day this year.”

22. “I’m so proud of myself and this job.”

23. “I’m using all of my time productively.”

24. “I expect to try my best at all times.”

25. “Please explain to me what you want me to do exactly.”

26. “I will ridicule this job in public every chance I get.”

27. “I would quit but I need the money.”

28. “I’m going to go in early so I can finish what I started yesterday.”

29. “I expected this job to be better than this.”

30. “I hate my job.”

31. “I love my job.”

32. “This job is the same old thing every day.”

33. “I’m so bored at this job.”

34. “Why should I do a good job, no one else does.”

35. “Why should I show up every day, no one else does?”

36. “You want me to work with whom?”

37. “You have to be kidding.”

38. “If you have an issue with me, you will just have to get over it.”

39. “I didn’t know I needed to do that.”

40. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

41. “I don’t have any problems – the problem must be you.”

42. “I would like to learn more.”

43. “I made a mistake but I have learned from that mistake.”

44. “I accept the blame for this failing.”

45. “I’m glad to share my knowledge with someone else.”

46. “I will not give up.”

47. “I can do this.”

48. “I continue to learn from my own mistakes.”

49. “I will continue to improve because I’m taking suggestions from others.”

50. “I will try new ideas.”

51. “I will take on difficult tasks.”

52. “I will be a team player.”

53. “I can be trusted.”

54. “I can get along with all workers.”

55. “I will make logical decisions.”

56. “I listen to the ideas of others.”

57. “I accept criticism respectfully.”

58. “I get self satisfaction from my job site.”

59. “I pride myself in my productivity.”

60. “Look what a good job that I’ve done.”

61. “I feel confident in my own ability.”

62. “I’m bored!”

63. “I’m not going to change for this company.”

64. “This company is only out to make money.”

65. “You want me to do what? You have to be kidding.”

66. “I never make excuses.”

67. “I accept responsibility for the mistake. It was my fault.”

68. “I can’t do this.”

69. “This is too hard.”

70. “I love volunteer work.”

71. “I hate this.”

72. “I despise this job.”

73. “This is so tiring.”

74. “This is a nice job.”

75. “I love the fact that I’m getting paid and helping my community at the same time.”

76. “Why don’t these people ever do what they are supposed to do?”

What are some comments that you can think of that someone might use at work?

MSCD7-1- Students will identify and evaluate work ethics and behavior characteristics needed for success in a career and in life.

a) Demonstrate the importance of positive work ethics in relation to success (Appearance, attendance, attitude, character, communication, cooperation, productivity, organizational skills, respect, and teamwork).

b) Identify examples of appropriate and inappropriate personal behaviors in specific school, social, and work situations.

c) Assess the consequences of positive and negative work ethic choices.

d) Perform activities that will develop effective communication and decisions making skills.

e) Explore group dynamics and interpersonal skills in order to foster teamwork.

MSCD7-2: Students will investigate Georgia’s Career Program Concentrations that align with their personal assessments and identify possible career pathways.

c. Discover and coordinate personal abilities, interests, and personality traits with career concentrations and pathways.

e. Evaluate employability skills, academic proficiencies, and personal qualities needed for success in self-selected pathway.


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