American Fanciers Association, Inc

[pic] American Cat Fanciers Association, Inc.


This contract is hereby entered into by __________________________ [Club/Cat Fanciers], a Chartered ACFA Club and

__________________________________ [Judge], a licensed ACFA Judge, who agrees to judge a (n): AIIbreed _____,

Specialty______show on the ____________ day of __________________, _______ at ____________________[City/State].

Both Club and Judge agree to all provisions set forth in the current ACFA Show Rules, specifically the provisions of ail sections of Article Vll: JUDGES.

Special Conditions: NOTE: Special conditions may, in no way, be in contradiction to any Rule of ACFA. If special conditions set forth conflict with the Rules, the Rules of ACFA shall prevail.

Of the Club: _________________________________________________________________________________________________

Of the Judge: ________________________________________________________________________________________________

The Club further agrees to provide the Judge with the name, address and phone numbers of the hotel/motel where the Judge will be staying, as well as the Show Hall, no less than two weeks prior to the date of the Show.

This contract is signed with the full knowledge and understanding of current ACFA Show Rules and Bylaws, and the default penalties contained therein, by all parties involved:

Show Official: Judge:

________________________________________ Signature _________________________________________

________________________________________ Name ____________________________________________

________________________________________ Street ____________________________________________

_______________________________________ City/State ___________________________________________

_______________________________________ Phone No _________________________________________

________________________________________ Email ____________________________________________

Emergency Contact Name & Ph__________________________



Date ______________________________________________

Club: Fill out the contract [3 copies], sign and mail to Judge, with SASE for return.

Judge: Sign contracts, retain last copy and return two copies to Club Official in envelope provided

Club: Retain original copy for your files and mail the second copy to:

ACFA Central Office

PO Box 1949 Nixa MO 65714-1949

Ph: 417-725-1530 (10:00 – 4:30 CST) ~ Fax: 417-725-1533 ~ Email: acfa@

Rev 2/1/2018


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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