This the largest year in thank you I )f most heartily for your in it ...




has touched and frozen flip fountains


of his life on tills shore o time), al though, as we turn in tills seer and

ombcr season to reflect, we realise

that while in the loss to us is earth's


abatement it is Heave n's gain. In accordance with the divine plan, It is

not intended that we should compre

MM hend the problems of existence or that we should get used to the trag- 'dv of death. Willie there is con stantly rising on the swelling tide of

tears the solemn thought


5 VWv'SJ


"There Is no union here of hearts That hath not here its end,"

THE LATE JUDGE HENRY M. and that as every path leads to death


we are reminded of the shallow glory

taught to human power, we huve con-

solation in the thoughts that

J'Ipjism Your Honors, Members of tho liar, Relutives and Friends of Our

Fallen Drothor:

"Life Is just a w inter's day. A Journey to the tombs,"

Tills occasion awakens sentiment too deep to be fathomed by tlie povoriv nf laniniairo and emotions too profound for full expression in tears.


"Life, though transient as the hour. Is yet the seed of immortal flower."

As I have no prepared speech, I trust that I will be pardoned if I ut ter, in mv feeble way, the promptings

of mv heart. I am mindful of the fact that the tongue of eulogy cannot add

Memorv beckons me back to the time when I first met Judge Furman. 1 lived in Montugue county. Texas, and went to Ardmore, Indian Terri tory, ou horseback, for the purpose of

to the life of the one in whose memory we meet today. As we survey liia life, we feel a sense of mingled pride, pleasure and pain -- pleasure at

studviiiK law In some law office In that cilv. I saw a man on the street whose appearance attracted me and I told him of my mission. Although

his labors of love and achievements and pain in the thought that death

1 was a timid, awkward, country boy, wearing high top boots, in a pleasant

way lie give me the Information and


4 )f

This is the largest year in our history. We thank you most heartily for your part in it and wish you a


New State Hardware Co.

advice I desired. From that day we


were friends and I would feel false


Ulieumatism depends on nn acid"

in I,.-, muscles

I,lin1. which nlTcrts .

and joints, producing



flammation, stiffness nnrf pain. This

ncid pets into the. Mood tlirou;n

some defect in the digestive process.

Hood's Sarsapnrilla, the old-tim- e

Mood tonic, is very successful in tho

treatment of rheumatism. It acts

directlv, with purifying- effect, on

the Mood, tion. Don't

and improves llie

suffer. Ot ITood 's



Uli C Sl'Khtl. sou iHwtsr PHONE b90

Marinello Toilet Preparations



R iibertt JlflFJ II eiun mi Ln


Always the same good quality. The more you use, the more you wunt to use.

ASK YOITI CltOCEIl Recommended and guaranteed by l'urcell Wholesale Crocery Co.

Solomons Famous FruitlCake

Nothing Finer!

to myself if I did not upon tills oc

casion pay some tribute to that friend Judge Furman -- who made me. at our

Repeal of License Tax.

abolition of the gross receipt tax by

first meeting, a beneficiary of his ser

Oklahoma City. I'ec. L'l - Secretary the court placed such large corpora-

vice of love. Judge Furman did not care so much


of State J. I.. I. you is an advocate tions on the ad valorem basis only. of the repeal of the corporation license The secretary Is confident that the

..( for the glare and glitter, but lie look .. i


evtra eoodlvvoik will have been completed. The tax of the state. The secretary Is of adjustment of Ibis matter would be

cd to the real things of life

.; "Tho inmate, not the room; The wearer, not the garb."

i,,i, As we pause In the presence of his

lite, we are prone to exclaim, "W hat

a forge and what a beat" shaped tin

nohilitv of that gallant. Intrepid soul!

lie is loved by all who saw "the prince

VULCANIZING ly gleaming ot his soul." lie was


brave and efficient. He

was gentle, genial to his friends, and

true to those related to him by fond

est, tendcrest ties. He possessed an

Frederickson Tire analytical and constructive mind, de

voted mainly to the common good

Recognizing his exceptional ability

and sterling worth, we may epitomize

bv saving that he was ever jovial

full of mirth, profound in reason and

MR. AUTOMOBILE altogether a manly man. His emi

nence as a lawyer has already been

OWNER discussed. We know that while he

did not pursue paths of exploded er-

rors, he also, did not trail in the muddy

ruts of the ages. He was a pioneer

in the fields of reason and forethought

anil left landmarks that will not be

Horn down by an advancing civiliza-

uj tion.

Although gnat in mind, his mind did

not have supremacy over his heart. The Masonic home for orphan children In this state stands as a monument to


Whenever nossible the ships are

ordered to home ports lor Christmas.

Shortly after arrival the men to work. Inside and out In

are put cabins,

in wardroom and about the deck-th- ere

is a swarm of seamen at work.

Some will be painting and others will

be polishing metal work, ratlings, tne

monster guns and brass Instruments

on the bridge.

Shortly before Christmas all the

Others will save expenses by remain- -

ir.g aboard ship. Hundreds or the

good conduct men will have a whole

week's furlough, and when these re-

turn others will go away.

The men who remain on board in

dulge in all sorts mines. im- - them distributing

of :, hrist.m..a.s... fes- -

gilts to poor chll- -



mi iii- -

i. ....

hoard the battleship New York.

his true character, evidencing the fact is lost." The stars rise and fade In that while Intelligence sat upon his due season and bring anew their

brow as on a throne, love radiated splendor. The diurnal resurrection Is

from his the busy where he

life. Many times he left scenes of the court room had worked hard all day to

succeeded by another. Summer falls Into the Icy arms of winter and spring time resurrects the vegetable king- -

lecture in an endeavor to raise money dom Into new life. Death follows life

for the Masonic Orphans' Home. We j and life follows death like winter

are taught and believe that as he did unto the children, he did unto the One

gives acorn

way has

to spring. As the the elements Tor a

burled larger

who became the "first fruits of them and better form, we cannot believe

that slept," and that command of authority

lie. at whose jtha' the inferior above the superior the tenant of! will rise. We believe that the grave

the tomb for three davs "came forth," lis nn open door and not a wall; the

has "gathered to himself the generous uegniiinig aim mn nn- - i..i.n(,


spirit of our friend."

and that , death is tho spreading of

We find a truism in tlie words of pinions to soar and not forever the

Vardeman, which I beard Judge Fur folding of wings. We Have our days,

man quote with manifest pleasure our nights and our days again. When

In the bank of eternity, the - we sec the crawling worm hurst the

the opinion that this tax is a burden and Is contrary to public policy for tlie reason that such corporations must also pay their ad valorem taxes, and that the double tax standard has never mitigated successfully. The burden is somewhat heavy on the great capital of the state invested In private corporations. Oklahoma is in viting foreign capital to invest within her borders, and probably no state ot the republic has so much money invested in the oil development of the stale. For several years tnese in vestments weer ill small localities, but for the past two years the de. velopnient has spread to almost every quarter of the state, and much foreign capital has been Invited to assist in the explorations made for oil and nat ural gas. Public service corporal Ions do not have this double tax. as the


Insures snowy whitn beautiful clothes on washday, lluy lied Cross Hluo. not Just cheap liquid blue which makes your

ilotlies greenish yellow. Itd Cross Hull

lthie large paekakatis cost only 5 cents. All food grocers sell It. Adv.

Do You I'se

beneficial to the whole public, and be the iustruiiieutallly of securing much additional capital from the sister anil older states ot the union.

Wo wnnt your tires and tubes to repair and will do good work.


Co. Kew 1'oat Oflce it Opposite .

MaRe your tires lust longer more miles, less tire cost. From 1500 to L',500 mora mlleg per tire ut $3 and $:i.50. Ford sizes.

Others In proportion. See

Ardmore Add-a-Trea- d


Cat's Paw 'est credit will be given to him who confinement of its self wrought tomb QUAIL BRAND


has contributed Hie most to the sum and come forth In a more beauteous of human Joy, who has planted a flow form and mount upward on expanded



Old 2 Good

Home-Mad- e

I'cr in the heart of despair and kiss"d wings, we cannot but read in It the

Heels v

Family Cough Remedy

t with tlie sunshine of hope; and w ho jcmbli-- of mans destiny. Judge Mr-'hapainted the pallid cheek of care: man acted upon the assumption that

It not, you don't grt the bmtl

Attach- -


llntXT fhnn liid- - Klnil 1'nnlly



'with the rose of health and happiness" the brow of love and labor must first

Mankind has been divided into thoe feel the pierce of the crown of thorns


'who lift and those who lean, lie was before It could bear the weight and

a lifter. He heeded the admonition wear the crown of gold, and notwith-

2'j afgprstImviae'ilioriimlnmkniaItutnufi.entpetl.xslHudlhteibvcoytlieolooaf,lfitu(uctt"rticetvilohslvrldiudvmeoeic.Imriamio4avclaamsltebenvauiewubvndknfgemyineetovlnaswloUuaeirfwsliddpddlwntelinoitsrmilevoywlu-tnltl'rrilhriagihe"ldunatl-eclrglehpreuncdi.!.tmisib,lteiigcvtghloisuv.nghat!r'hetIotahtlsioeihtasiiiievylrsvaiewvrvepfdeuotiosemrrioipurtte'uihtnnjpaiipcrniloacwfentpporrlhethhec.utlroi-Maiaie.ogtncniminoihsh-nnasf.ts

Tftlioinoaodiastiieeing.g.sievtpesIs'ltiehirnaeiasglxahmntpatohnslaedattgnmisiltmhu, engmeaevcsrdeatoirusapsvteessrpuopotifrlleisel.paireefpc.naorauas-g-thIyt1

4I..L1n anil

tllP Mire, im- -

ctaAoanhrtddeedsidantevaarumasyinlevdmusbcetrohbauarnwogtenhilclihtiatuahlinssadutaretlullaxlyi-flsnlo- ve,rovaetshrbstceorooonmnitsghechheroininttatihgltsy,e.,

croup, whooping cough and bronchial

asthma, there is nothing

l'inex is compound

a of

most valuable coneentraU-- a genuine Norway pine ex-

of the poet.

"Life is the mirror of king and slave 'Tis just what you are and do; Then give to tho world the best y it have. And the best w ill come back to you."

Tlie work and deeds of Judge l'nr-j"th- e man still live. His life was an In-

to the young man. I have been advised that in the early davs of his nractice that he frequent iv walked miiiiv tulles to attend coirt. and this fact I remembered ill t severity of mv earlv struggles in tin; profession. Let us think of Judge Fur- linan as still alive in that world wlo ve

"There shall be no more death,

standing the "black camel kneeled at his tent," and all that was mortal was

consigned to the tenement of clay -the dark cave of eternal night, he did not pass away as a meteor to be heard !,ll mori'. but will be raised in power land ininiortalit y. We are told that some shall shine as the brightness of

stars forever and ever." and in the death of our friend we believe 'other bright star was added to the constellation of Heaven, for be com

linen won umi num.- - ...j..,.. "Hear ye one another's burdens." As lie approached the "cold tent whose 'curtains never float outward." I be-

'lieve that he felt the sentiments which jwe find enshrined in the beautiful.

poetic wonts:

tract, been

combined used for

with guaiacnl generations to

and has break up

fk t"'nl'l raenTlIiycv'lshiockvnTeMeerconcirxleftv1ui"'otaiiennucvaiioro'lwXn.uiisdyligii,ttdithh-thlriso-dui.ilni.i'gfi,sgmugalisFplstiptte.wodiiiiiUtfnrhoetaormcvrteniAonnenmt.,s'.n,'pIirinbvra.eate-rmna-pndnpasteurreoacerdmateioopnnttoo-J.fft

neither sorrow, nor erving. neither shall there be any more pain."

As lienjamin Franklin once said:

"Heath is as necessary to the ci '1 stitution as sleep; we shall ri-- e

"Siinsent and evening star. And one clear call for me.

And may there be no moaning of

the bar When I put out to sea, lint such a moving as seems Too full for sound or foam.

in the morning ."

When that which drew from out the




For Kale by



Phons 1121

8- - VVssh.

ed 50c. JJ JJ

Cross Electric Shoe Shop

Phone 125-- J

8 N. Washington

Tlie Man Who Slaves Today Provides for Tomorrow.

Here is a Sure, Easy Way to Get the Christmas Money

You Will Need!

It is bard to be broke at Christmas. A Christinas without money Is like June without sunshine. Somehow It chills us and leaves the day that Is Joyous and cheery for others empty and without warmth or pleasure for us.

Join Our Christina. Saving! Club Which IS NOW OPEN

And make sure your Christmas money


You ran do either of six things you wish.

Join ( lass No. 2 and pay J cents the first week. 4 rents the second

week. cents the third week, and so on for SO weeks. Then at the end

of fitly

we will pay you


Been Making It in Ardmore For Fifteen Years and

As another


"All. to


as In a wheel, a'l sinks to rea--cen-

Tarns acain home."

While all t! it was mortal of our

friend was plae.-- , in t!..- - a'!


the du-- t. sweet memories of him In

Or join Class No. T, and pay 5 rents the tirt week. 10 rents the

e.k, l", cents the third week, and so on f.,r a'J weeks. Then at the end of fifty weeks we will pay you ! ! .75.

Or. If you w you may Is gin paying the bigge payments, and pay e:--s aeh week.

We Know How--


Look la your magazine and

Kmblems of n an . expire-."-

U is a la of r,at-,i--

who piss, s, i it tfcat "No fene

c. r like the ftagrat of roses that

are faibd and fine, and on this sol-

ium occasion in our hopes we summon

pe.ue to lis

coti.'nrt ti his

home ajij re t ti hN soul.

ias Stiil aeain, you may Join both classes, beginning with the lowest

payments on on" and the hiki.est on the other Or Join

50 and

pay aoc each week, or Join Class 100 and pay $1 00 each week.

I.- t every member of the family Join one or Brother of the Clubs.

Solomon's Steam Bakery

you will always find HOLSTEIN MILK

advertised for babies and lava-lid-

We have It Phone 2S3

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In Use For Over 30 Years

Always bears the

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will get quick relief by taklne 'ham-I-

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