The Rebellion of Boudicca - Primary Resources

The Rebellion of Boudicca


Seutonius’ Story

I am Seutonius and I am Governor of the Roman Province of Britain. I don’t like Britain it is cold and wet and the Celtic Tribes are savages. I would have preferred to have been made governor of a warmer part of the Empire. Still, I will make sure I keep these Celts in order and get metals like iron and tin for the Roman Empire.

I am in Wales, it is a place you now call Angelsey in the north of Wales. We have to deal with trouble from a tribe of more savages they have been stirred up by the Druids. We will put down this uprising and sort these Britons out they will be ruled by Rome. I have told my men to kill everyone men, women and children. This also seems to be a temple to their gods it is nothing compared to the temples we build to our Roman gods. I have also ordered my men to destroy this area and cut down all the trees. That will show them the power of Rome and Roman gods.

Word has come that the king of the Iceni is dead he seemed to be at peace with Roman rule so I expect no trouble from his widow. More word has arrived Boudicca has gathered and army and has attacked Roman cities Colchester, London and Saint Albans and killed thousands of Roman citizens. We could be driven from this province so I must march my army south to put down this other rebellion.

We are gathered on the battlefield, they have more men than I do but I know these Celts do not have the battlefield discipline that Roman soldiers have. Boudicca is rallying her army. Hah! she has even brought her supporters. Well I will hold my line and show them how a real army fights a war.

We are victorious, the Celts made charge but my men held we broke their line and advanced through them. As the battle went against them they turned and fled but were trapped by their supporters. Once we had defeated their soldiers I ordered my men to kill all that stood in our way, even women and children. We have also captured Boudicca and her daughters. I have her under guard so she cannot escape and I will take her to Rome to show the emperor proof of my great victory over these Celts. She will pay for the Romans she has killed and the cities she destroyed.

A centurion has just told me that Boudicca is dead. Both her and her daughters have taken poison. I am furious but at least I defended the Roman Province and saved us from total disaster.


1. Who is Suetonius?


2. Where is he from?


3. Does he like Britain?







4. What does he think of the Celts?



5. Why was Seutonius in North Wales?





6 What did he do there?







7. What did Suetonius do when he heard of the rebellion?


8. Did he think that Boudicca would lead an army?


9. Do you think that Suetonius thought he would beat the Celtic tribes and why?






10. What did he want to do to Boudicca when he had caught her?




10. Continue to explain what Suetonius want to do to Boudicca



11. Was Suetonius angry that Boudicca had killed herself?


12. Draw a picture of Seutonius and his soldiers?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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