Heat n glo fireplace will not stay lit


Heat n glo fireplace will not stay lit

DIY Tips If your gas fireplace won't stay lit at all or not light at all if your gas fireplace won't stay lighted up, there are some things you can try to do yourself before you have a professional fireplace repair company. PRO TIP: Any attempts to service your own gas fireplace that you do at your own risk ? and the risk of your family, pets and property. Sometimes it's better to just hire a professional. In my opinion, it's one of those things! Gas fireplaces, ovens, and other combustion devices are safe when professionally installed and maintained. Done improperly, the risk of gas leaks, explosions, fire, and carbon monoxide poisoning is very real. If you live in the Phoenix, AZ Metro area or anywhere within a 35-mile radius of Magic Touch Mechanical's main offices in Mesa, Arizona - call us only for gas fireplace service. We have been repairing, maintaining, and upgrading gas fireplaces for nearly 1/4 century! Check out a recent Modern Gas Fireplace Project completed by Magic Touch Mechanical fireplace technicians. My gas fireplace won't stay lit! If you read this article, it is safe to assume that your gas fireplace will either not stay infected, or will not lift at all. The first thing you need to understand is, this problem is probably related to the inflammation assembly. Depending on the fireplace model, the ignition assembly usually consists of the pilot light assembly, pilot pipes, thermocouple & thermops. Is your pilot light lit? Nothing irks me more than when I call my Internet service provider to report an outage and they ask me if my modem is plugged in. That said, you know there's a reason they should ask it right? You know there's a percentage of people who probably say; Oops never cares. So, did you check to see if your pilot light was lit? If not, relieve the pilot by following the instructions on your heart or in your user manual. Again, I hate to say it, but... is your guest even turned on? We see a few a year where the gas is not on or the propane tank is empty! PRO TIP: If you don't know how to light a pilot light, you should probably really name a pro rather than reading up. I'm not trying to be mean - I'm trying to advise you to stay safe! If you've lit your pilot light and everything seems to be functioning normally now, you're good to go! However, consider calling a pro to perform maintenance and cleaning of your fireplace. All fireplace manufacturers recommend doing this annually for optimal efficiency and your safety. My Fireplace Pilot Light won't stay lit as the pilot light on your gas fireplace won't stay illuminated, a very likely culprit is a component called a thermocouple. A thermocouple is a safety device and is a component of the ignition system. Its purpose is not to allow the gas valve to open if the pilot light is not lit. Without this device allow your gas valve gas to leak into your home... enough said right? The thermocouple is a metal rod protruding right in front of the pilot himself. It feels as flame flame or not. If the pilot light is illuminated, it heats the thermocouple. It opens the gas valve and allows gas to enter the erhawe... and voila, fire! You're still reading, so I think there was no voila for you. Try cleaning your thermocouple as your pilot light will not remain illuminated It is not uncommon for the thermocouple to collect carbon deposit buildup after a season of use. After all, your thermocouples sit in direct flame all his life. If after inspection you determine there is a carbon buildup on it, try cleaning it up. The best way to do this is with a strip of fine grit sandpaper. Gently rub it back and forth until it looks like it's shining again. Often you'll find it's enough to fix a fireplace that won't stay lit. If that doesn't work, the technician in me wants to recommend calling a pro. While it's not expensive or difficult to replace a thermocouple, it's not an expensive recovery from a fireplace contractor either. Difference is, the contractor can test all the other components and even clean it for you while he's there. What is the difference between a thermocouple and thermopsy? Overall, a thermocouple and thermops are the same thing. Both use the energy derived from heat to convert it into electricity. A thermopile is simply bundled together a series of thermocouples. As a result, a thermops generate more electrical current than a thermocouple. A thermosile can be used to power a thermostat in some devices. However, a thermocouple does not provide enough electricity to do so. Other reasons why a Gas Fireplace won't stay lit as with any heating device, there are a number of reasons why a gas fireplace won't stay lit. Although typically the ignition system is the problem, here are some other common issues: Incorrect Gas Pressure- Fireplace technicians use a tool called a manometer to measure the gas flow through the gas valve. When the gas pressure is not set properly, the fireplace will not remain lit. If it's just out of adjustment, the technician can get it back into calibration. If you own a manometer and know how to use it, you can easily do it yourself. I assume that people reading this article don't - which is why I'm leading by it to have a fireplace technician do it. Faulty Gas Valve- After ignition system components, a faulty gas valve is the next most common component failure we see in gas fireplaces. While gas valves typically hold the life of a fireplace, they are a functional component and subject to failure. There's too much in danger of suggesting a congregational mess with a gas valve replacement -- so I won't. It's deinite time to call a fireplace service company if your gas valve is broken - period! Clog up/Dirty Burner Ports- Usually clogged burner ports will cause your gas fireplace to have uneven flame distribution. More often than not, the heart will perform poorly, not failing to stay infected. In my thirty years as a however, I saw this happen. Faulty Flux Capacitor - The flood capacitor plays a scroll in... There is no such component as a flood capacitor in a gas fireplace. However, I am happy to see someone still reading this article! Gas Fireplace Cleaning You can clean your burner ports yourself with care and attention to detail. Do not use chemicals or water! I recommend using a soft brush brush, rags and a toothbrush to get the job done. PRO TIP: Never use anything to stick or drill burner ports! PRO TIP: It is very important to replace the guest logs in the same place you removed them. Gas logs are strategically designed and placed for proper flame distribution, heating and operation. You may find it's very dusty in the components cabinet of your fireplace. This is quite common even after just one season of use. Some disposable rags, a feather duster, and a good wet/dry vacuum should do the trick. Be very careful not to disturb any of the wiring and even more so, any of the gas pipes - move slowly and methodically. Fireplace Glass Cleaning When it comes to fireplace glass cleaning, things can get a little tough. With the many styles and types of gas fireplaces and inserts, procedures for removing the glass vary widely. Breaks that glass can lead to expensive repairs, and in some cases parts may no longer be available. For that reason, I highly recommend hiring a professional for fireplace glass cleaning. I definitely explained how to do much more complicated things than glass cleaning in this article, why not just explain this one? Honestly, the answer is; I've seen homeowners accidentally break their fireplace glass before. It's hard to watch when they realize how much it will cost to recover against what they would have paid a professional to clean it up. Whether you repair your own fireplace or not, you should have inspected it annually and serviced professionally. It's not very expensive to add glass cleaning to keep your fireplace looking its best. Plus, you don't have to worry about how to decompose and re-recommend the fireplace. Fireplace Service Near Mesa, AZ If after reading this article you still need a professional fireplace service company, I hope you will call us. Magic Touch Mechanical offers maintenance, repairs, and upgrades to gas fireplaces and fire pits. We service the entire Phoenix-Metro area and surrounding cities. If you live outside Magic Touch's service area, there are some great places to find a good fireplace service company. Angie's List ? Angie's List is now free to search. Tip: Search the category of guest logs for more local consumer reviews. Better Business Bureau ? The BBB is a great place to see what other people have to say about their experience with fireplace service companies. Google ? The almighty Google knows all about everyone it seems. Start by searching fireplace service company near me. If you found this article helpful, please do me favor and share it on social media. Even better, let's create a Google Review so that other people find it too! Other articles you might like modern fireplace Add a realistic look to your fireplace with glowing embers embers

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