Pilot light on gas fireplace is loud


Pilot light on gas fireplace is loud

Photo: Q: I jumped in my shower this morning and, holy cow, was it cold! After a quick inspection, I discovered my water heater's pilot light out. Should I try to relight it?A: That depends on why the light blew out. The issue may have been something as simple as a draft, a dirty pilot orifice, or a worn-out part--or the extinguished pilot light could be a sign of something more troublesome. First, sniff out the potentially larger problem: Do you smell gas? If you do, leave your house and call the gas company! Otherwise, keep reading to determine how you can fix the problem by yourself. (Note: Unfortunately, if your water heater has an enclosed burner chamber, you're probably out of luck as far as a DIY fix; only a professional plumber should access an enclosed burner chamber.)When you see your pilot light out, you can usually relight it.A downdraft in a vent pipe on a windy day or even the breeze through an open window can be enough to snuff out a pilot light. Relighting instructions are similar for most water heaters, and you can find them permanently affixed to the side of your unit.Photo: In order to relight the pilot, remove the access cover at the bottom of the water heater. Both the control knob and the water temperature knob should be in the "Pilot" position. While depressing the control knob, light the pilot light with a long match or wand lighter. Once the pilot ignites, continue holding the knob down for a full minute to bleed air out of the line. (For a water heater with an automatic igniter, the relighting process is virtually the same. Instead of using a lighter or match, though, you'll push the striker knob repeatedly while depressing the control knob until the pilot ignites.)Relighting the pilot light may or may not be all you need to do to start up your water heater once more. Depending on what happens after the pilot ignites, proceed with one of the following:If the flame remains lit, you're good to go! Simply replace the cover plate, turn the control knob to "On," and select the desired temperature on the water temperature knob so that you can return to a refreshing hot shower.If the pilot light flickers and goes out soon after relighting, clean the pilot orifice. A dirty pilot light orifice hinders gas flow, but the fix is simple. First, shut off the gas to the water heater (look for a valve on the gas line that supplies the unit). Remove the pilot orifice fitting, which is located under the access cover, by twisting it to the left. Then, unscrew the orifice itself from the fitting. Once the fitting has been disassembled, clean all surfaces with a cotton swab dampened with rubbing alcohol. After reassembling and reattaching the fitting, relight the pilot light as described above.If you're able to light the pilot light, but it goes out when you release the control knob, the thermocouple probably needs replacing. The thermocouple is a safety device that shuts off gas flow if it senses the pilot light is out, but when damaged it loses its regulatory ability. This fix is a bit more complicated than the first two, but a replacement is inexpensive--often less than $20.This piece, which resembles a copper tube, connects the control panel to the burner assembly, which is located behind the access panel. Before attempting to disassemble anything, shut off the gas to the water heater. Next, release the burner assembly by using an adjustable wrench to detach the thermocouple tube, the pilot light tube, and the gas supply tube from the control panel--the burner assembly should slide right out. (Hint: Because there are various sizes and types of thermocouples, the best way to get an exact match is to take the damaged thermocouple with you when buying a replacement.) After replacing the damaged thermocouple with the new one, slide the burner assembly back into place, reattach the tubes, and then relight the pilot light as described above. If you're looking for a fireplace that gives you both efficiency and the pleasure of watching the flames dance, you might consider a gas model. You can't roast marshmallows in them, but you'll have the advantage of a clean and convenient source of heat.A modern gas fireplace emits no smoke and vents its waste gases to the outside through a tube in the wall rather than up a chimney. It incorporates air-movement channels that maximize the warmth supplied to the house. The fireplace consists of incombustible "logs" covering gas vents, and the fire itself burns behind glass doors. It gives off both radiant and convected heat and provides an experience similar to an open fire [source: Berendsohn].One benefit of a gas fireplace is that it may help lower heating bills. It lets you heat the room you are spending time in while you keep your thermostat low and the rest of the house cooler. You stay toasty and your furnace gets a rest. Most gas fireplaces take advantage of sealed combustion. Their doors have gaskets that block all air. The fire draws air outside air through a pipe to support combustion, so no warm room air is drawn out of the house.If you want to add a fireplace to an existing home, a gas fireplace makes sense. Because it doesn't require a massive masonry hearth and chimney, it can easily be included in a new family room. You sacrifice much less floor space and still have a fire to look at. You can also buy a gas fireplace insert that fits into a traditional fireplace hearth and boost its energy efficiency. As with its wood-burning counterpart, the gas insert has its own flue that snakes up the masonry chimney.Because gas burns very cleanly, there are even vent-free fireplaces on the market. In this case, the combustion products -- carbon dioxide and water vapor -- simply enter the room, along with all the heat produced. Although highly efficient, they are also subject to debate. In a tight home, a vent-free fireplace can deplete oxygen or create an excess of moisture. The American Lung Association warns buyers to be careful of the emissions given off by vent-free appliances [source: American Lung Association].Gas fireplaces are easy to use and require little maintenance. Some come with a remote control, so that you can adjust them from across the room. You will occasionally have to remove dust, soot and carbon buildup from the logs and make sure the door gaskets are intact. As with any gas appliance, if you smell gas, turn off the supply and call an expert.Because they involve open flames, all fireplaces -- even gas ones -- create some danger. The next section will talk about how to use a fireplace safely.Other AlternativesWith no vent, ethanol fireplaces boast a high efficiency in heating a room. They burn renewable ethanol (pure alcohol), and they can sit anywhere in your home, even on the living room coffee table. Another alternative is the electric fireplace, either freestanding or inserted into an existing hearth. It's not exactly a fireplace -- there is no fire -- but an electric heater designed to look like a fireplace. It's clean, emission-free, easy to install, and can provide plenty of warmth. Maybe it doesn't have the charm of a crackling fire, but it doesn't come with the drawbacks, either [source: CBS]. Natasha Sioss/Moment/Getty Images Light a standing pilot on a gas stove by holding a lit match near the gas outlet. Most gas ovens have a round hole in the floor of the oven labeled pilot, but some require accessing the unit through the broiler drawer. Manufacturers use several different methods to ignite the burner in a gas oven. Not all require the owner light the pilot manually. Many use an electronic igniter that glows red and produces enough heat to light the pilot when the dial is in the on position. Others use a device to produce a spark to ignite the pilot, which produces heat that opens a valve, allowing gas to flow to the burner for ignition. I purchased a vent free gas fireplace this past spring when they were one sale at a local store and it seemed to work fine with the little testing I did to make sure it worked properly. I turned it off shortly after installing it because I wasn't going to use it until the this winter.This year when trying to use it, the pilot light wont stay lit half the time. In the times when the pilot light will stay lit long enough for the gas bar to ignite, the fire will cut itself off shortly thereafter and the pilot light will go out again. The only time I can keep a fire going is if I turn the heat all the way up and it works until it reaches the right temperature to cut itself off. When it does cut itself off the pilot light goes out again.I'm guessing (although I don't know for sure) that it has something to do with the fireplace not being able to detect a flame and its cutting itself off as a protection mechanism. Unless I go full force on the temperature setting which generates enough heat where that isn't a problem. Can anyone give me any feedback on what exactly could be going wrong and what I should take a look at? I have a vent free ProCom modle #FBD28T. Mine has done this also a couple of times. I believe it was be due to air being trapped in the gas line. Once I ran the unit for several hours, the pilot stayed lit and the unit worked as the manufacturer intended. I suggest making SURE all the air has been blead from the gas suply line. The idea of purging the line of air seems faulty: 1) there has been pressure before, so any significant amount of air would have already been "pushed out", 2) purging is commonly done by leaving the line unhooked and then opening the valve - gas flowing out making getting a nice BOOm! possible., 3) air is itself partially combustible and should have been burned up already. I would look at the gas flow regulator. Contact the store and manufacturer immedaitely! My vent free gas fireplace pilot stays lite all winter long. Comes spring when I would like to use it to save on my fuel oil the pilot will not stay lit. This seem to happen every year. Anyone know why? The reason the pilot goes out on mine is that sometimes when the valve turns on because the thermostat wants heat the burner takes too long to ignite causing a buildup of gas, then when it does ignite the resulting WHOOOOSSHHHH blows out the pilot, the burner flame goes out and the gas then turns off and the heater is without the pilot running. Poor pilot to burner ignition design. pilot stays lit,but goes out when you turn on htr Mine just started doing the same thing today. Pilot stays lit until I turn on the heat then it goes out. Most likely the thermocouple. Update; my delivery guy overfilled the tank and it was drawing liquid instead of vapor freezing up the regulator. I let out some gas and am now good to go. My unit shuts down when I turn on the bliwer Post a reply as Anonymous

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