How to light my ventless gas fireplace


How to light my ventless gas fireplace

Even though few homes today rely on fireplaces as their primary heating source, many homeowners still enjoy the ambiance of a warm fireplace. Ventless gas fireplaces, in particular, are popular because they're clean and easy to use. Also known as unvented or vent-free fireplaces, a ventless gas fireplace operates with natural gas or liquid propane (LP) that flows into a gas burner mounted in the fireplace. When ignited, the flames run through gaps in artificial ceramic fiber logs, giving the illusion of a real wood-burning fireplace. With any fireplace installation, a major issue is venting the exhaust gases, whether it is simple smoke from a wood-burning fireplace, or the exhaust fumes produced when you burn gas. Venting a fireplace is especially complicated in retrofit installations, where it can be problematic to find a route for the chimney flue. Another issue with fireplaces concerns the energy loss. Wood-burning fireplaces are inherently inefficient, since a good deal of the home's heat inevitably escapes up the flue rather than radiating into interior spaces. Vented gas fireplaces are somewhat better at retaining heat, but modern homes are now being built so airtight that even a vented gas fireplace may create negative air pressure that hinders good exhaust. Air flowing out a chimney vent flue can even prevent combustion gases from other appliances from exhausting properly. For these reasons, both wood-burning fireplaces with traditional masonry chimneys and vented gas fireplaces are less prevalent than they once were. To solve these issues, a ventless gas fireplace might be the solution. Easier to install than vented wood or gas fireplaces and capable of warming small rooms, gas fireplaces that have no vents passing to the exterior are becoming more popular for remodeling work and even in new-construction homes. Because there is no airflow to the outdoors, they do not create the negative pressure problems that can occur with a vented fireplace. There are limitations, though. In a traditional vented gas fireplace, there are two vents that run to the outside of the home. One is a freshair intake that provides combustion air help the gas burn more efficiently. The other vent safely removes any exhaust gases created by burning the natural gas or LP to the outdoors. On the surface, a ventless gas fireplace looks quite similar to a vented fireplace. It has a control panel to operate the pilot light and flames, and holes in ceramic artificial logs for the flame jets. There is a slight difference to the flame jets between the two styles, and as a result, ventless fireplaces tend to burn somewhat less realistically than vented units. As with vented fireplace, ventless units usually have blowers that circulate air around the firebox to heat the room. However, ventless fireplaces have neither of the two outdoor vents found in vented units. Instead, combustion air for the burner is drawn into the fireplace from the air inside the home, and exhaust fumes also remain inside the home. This may sound dangerous, but ventless fireplaces are engineered in a manner that minimizes the exhaust fumes. A special regulator creates a fine mixture of gas and air that burns extremely cleanly, and the units are carefully tested in approved laboratories before they can be sold. Ventless gas fireplaces are deemed to operate within the range of safety for cycling these combusted gases back into the home's interior. By contrast, vented gas fireplaces create a dangerously high amount of combustion exhaust and therefore must be vented to the outdoors. The safety of ventless gas fireplaces is a subject of debate. According to the National Association of Certified Home Inspectors (NACHI), a patchwork of regulations across the United States controls the legality of ventless fireplaces. Roughly a third of states allow these units with no restrictions. California is the only state that outright bans all ventless fireplaces, and there are notable restrictions in Massachusetts. In the remaining states, a welter of regulations controls ventless fireplaces based on factors such population of the city, altitude, and surrounding geography. In many states, there are restrictions on where the home you can install a ventless fireplace--they may not be allowed in sleeping areas, for example. Low oxygen levels can be a concern with well-insulated homes that have a slow exchange of indoor and outdoor air. Ventless gas fireplaces have a feature called an oxygen detection system (ODS), which automatically turns off the unit if oxygen levels in the room fall below a certain level. The fireplaces may also have built-in CO (carbon monoxide) detectors that also automatically shut off the fireplace if high levels are detected. Still, hazards are present. Some manufacturers recommend leaving a window cracked open while running operating the fireplace to ensure there is a source of fresh air. NACHI also observes that although fumes are greatly reduced, ventless fireplaces still release small amounts into the home, increasing the risk of carbon monoxide exposure. And non-vented burning of natural gas or propane also produces water vapor as a byproduct, which can increase humidity levels and the risk of mold. It's therefore wise to do your homework on the units you are considering. Make sure its specifications meet safety standards, and that the unit is approved for installation by your building code authorities. Ventless fireplaces may well be a good choice for a decorative feature in a room where its use can be supervised, but shouldn't be used as a principal source of heat, especially in a sleeping area. And it is not a good choice if anyone in your home suffers from breathing problems, such as asthma or COPD. The cost of the firebox unit or insert and the log assemblies are roughly the same for both ventless and vented gas fireplaces. Both require the same type of natural gas or propane connection, so there is no cost difference in terms of plumbing. The cheapest way to have a ventless fireplace in your home is with gel-based units. No plumbing is required, as these units use alcohol-based gel fuel canisters that burn for up to three hours. The major price difference between the two types of fireplaces is the cost of venting. Direct-vent gas fireplaces require two vents in the back: one that expels gases and another that draws in fresh air from the outside. (Some direct-vent fireplaces are vented with a single two-chamber vent pipe). Because venting is such a large part of the installation cost, ventless fireplaces are generally a lot less expensive than vented units. A vented gas fireplace costs between $3,500 and $8,000 to purchase and have installed, depending on the amount of carpentry required to run the ductwork. By contrast, a ventless fireplace costs between $1,000 and $5,000. Ventless fireplaces, which don't include a flue or chimney, have been sold in the U.S. since 1980. They're powered by natural gas, propane, alcohol-based gels, or electricity. Although less expensive and easier to install than a traditional fireplace, the gas and propane options do have some risks since there's no chimney to expel their gases to the outside. Modern ventless fireplace models are strictly regulated by federal agencies and standards groups for safe operation in your home. But the debate about their safety does continue. In fact, Massachusetts and California, as well as Canada and other countries, have outlawed gas and propane ventless fireplaces. Here's what you need to know about ventless options. Types of Ventless Fireplaces Ventless fireplaces are typically freestanding units that don't require a flue or chimney to exhaust combustion air to the outdoors, making them relatively easy to install in any room. Home Maintenance Tips Keep the vintage wallpaper, but upgrade that time- and moneydraining retro thermostat to programmable. Home Maintenance Tips Save your cash for more important things, like, you know, your mortgage. Home Maintenance Tips Even if you think they've already started to freeze. Home Maintenance Tips Telltale signs you're flubbing homeowner maintenance, like parking on grass. Home Maintenance Tips Avoid regrets by knowing what questions to ask a REALTOR? or owner before you commit to a new home. Those fueled by natural gas or propane can be positioned anywhere that a supply line can be installed -- usually against a wall or inside an existing masonry fireplace. The latest models also feature automatic ignition, a function that eliminates the need for an outside electrical circuit to spark the pilot light -- a handy feature should the electricity ever go out. Gel-fueled units are even more versatile, as they're completely self-contained (not tethered to a supply line) and light with a match. Electric units need only a 120-volt outlet nearby, and a dedicated circuit isn't necessary. What Does "Ventless" Mean? Ventless fireplaces fueled by gas or propane rely on indoor air for combustion, and they exhaust a low level of their combustion gases into the room in which they're located. A chimney or flue isn't necessary. Yard & Patio Here are 7 ways to kill weeds with household items. You'll save money while showing no mercy to these uninvited guests. Painting & Lighting Choosing the wrong type of paint finish could mean a do-over that costs twice as much. Kitchen Follow these seven strategies to get the most financial gain on your kitchen remodel. The risk to your health is a long-standing and ongoing debate. Proponents suggest that any emissions are negligible, and well within indoor-air quality guidelines as set by various regulatory agencies. Essentially, these products must meet the general requirements for all combustible heating appliances established in the 2002 version of the National Fire Protection Association's standards that require ventless fireplaces to have factory-installed carbon monoxide monitors and oxygen detection safety devices (ODS). These safety devices automatically shut off the fireplace if the carbon monoxide level in the room rises above 25 parts per million, and/or the oxygen level falls below 18% -- levels for indoor air quality suggested (but not standardized or regulated) by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Critics, however, claim that such monitors are unreliable and imprecise, allowing oxygen and carbon monoxide levels to fluctuate out of range before the units shut down, resulting in potential health hazards. Ventless fireplaces that use gel canisters or electricity, meanwhile, are above that fray, as they don't emit anything other than a low amount of heat. In fact, ventless fireplaces generally are just for aesthetics and supplemental space heating. Those with automatic ignition or that use gel fuel can supply a low level of room heat for short spans of time and during power outages, when electricity isn't available. Installation and Maintenance Ventless fireplaces that are connected to a gas or propane line require professional installation by a gas or plumbing contractor, and shouldn't have a heating capacity that exceeds the appropriate room size recommended by the manufacturer. Despite their relative ease of installation, and regardless of fuel source, ventless fireplaces aren't a turn-them-on-and-forget option. All units require at least annual cleaning of the log set and other exposed components, while gas and propane products should also have their oxygen and carbon monoxide monitors checked and adjusted annually for optimum performance. Although suppliers may tout the integrity of factory-installed carbon monoxide monitors, installing a hard-wired, independent carbon monoxide monitor in the room in which the fireplace is located is a smart second tier of safety. Expect to pay $100 to $200 for an hour of an electrician's time and the monitor. Costs Gas- or propane-connected ventless fireplaces usually include a factory-finished enclosure and/or mantle. With professional installation, they cost $2,000 to $6,000. Installation may not require a building permit, but check with your local building department to confirm if there are any regulations or limits on the use of a ventless fireplace. Gel-powered ventless fireplaces generally cost less, $300 to $700, and don't require professional installation and associated costs. You'll need to assemble some of the unit, including putting the factory-supplied logs in front of the gel canisters. The fuel comes in 13-ounce canisters that cost about $3 and last about 2.5 hours each. They are sold in cases of 24 for about $80 or $110 for a dozen, 30-ounce refill bottles. Electric fireplaces also are standalone, self-contained, and factory-finished, requiring no installation other than removing them from the box and plugging them into a wall socket. They cost about $1,000 and up, depending on the sophistication of the mantel and surround. Suppliers claim these products produce a realistic flame effect created by randomly filtered lighting, but judge for yourself at a retailer before you buy. Choosing the Correct Size It's important to size a ventless fireplace for the size of its room. A large, open space, such as a great room, should handle a ventless gas/propane fireplace with a 25,000 BTU or higher output, akin to the heat output from a sealed and vented gas fireplace. For smaller rooms, such as a bedroom or bathroom, ventless gas- or propane-fueled fireplaces can be sized down to 5,000 BTUs. For optimum control over heat output, these units can be regulated by a wall thermostat or remote control. Gel-powered units can output up to 9,000 BTUs. Electric fireplaces, like space heaters, provide very localized output -- at most, 4,500 BTUs -- but will remain working as long as they are plugged in and switched on. Regardless, ventless fireplaces of any kind and size are nearly 100% efficient, as very little of the heat they emit escapes the room. By contrast, an open-faced, wood-burning fireplace with a chimney may lose 85% or more of its heat output through the flue. Related: The Warm and Cozy Home

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