Senior Infants Easter Activities

Senior Infants Easter Activities


Dear Parents/Guardians,

I hope you and your families are all keeping well.

As it is the Easter period, I have put together some fun Easter related activities

for anyone who may want to engage with them. This Easter work is not compulsory.

It is optional. Pick and choose from it. This work is set out for a two week period

(see dates above). The website will be updated with class work again on Monday the

20th of April.

I have included some Easter scavenger clues for anyone who may be having an

Easter egg hunt. Some clues are suitable for use indoors and others for outdoors.

Again, please tell your child I was asking for them and I¡¯m looking forward to seeing

them! I hope they have an enjoyable Easter.

Any links I have provided below can be opened by right clicking on them.

If you have any queries please email me at cobrienlisronaghns@

Have a lovely Easter everyone!

Keep Safe and keep social distancing,

Kindest Regards,

Catherine O¡¯Brien ?




Listen to ¡®The Story of the Easter Bunny¡¯ on YouTube.

. Can you predict what the Easter Bunny

will do? Where do you predict the Easter Bunny lives? What was your favourite part of the

story? Why? Does this story remind you of any other Easter stories you know? Have you

made any connections with the story?

Rhyme: Practise saying the rhyme ¡®Eggs¡¯ (attached further down). Get your child to

cut out the rhyme and glue it into their rhyme copy. Draw some eggs and chicks on

that page in your Rhyme copy.


This year we are following the Junior Infant Bua na Cainte programme. You can

download the programme (if you wish).

If you have any problems downloading this please email

Once this is downloaded please go to:

?c¨¢id¨ª Speisialta ¨C An Ch¨¢isc (Easter) there you will find Ceacht 1 (lesson 1) and Ceacht

2. There will be activities for the children to listen to and interact with.


Bua na Cainte A book pg 46. Dathaigh Coin¨ªn na C¨¢sca (Colour the Easter



This year we are following the Junior Infant Grow in Love scheme.

Please go to

Login details are


Password: growinlove

Click on Junior Infants. Go to Theme 6: Holy Week and Easter. Click on the Lessons

¡®Jesus Dies on the Cross¡¯ and ¡®An Easter Surprise¡¯. There are videos of these stories in

the lessons the children can listen to.

? Grow in Love Workbook ¨C The children can complete pgs 38-41 in their books.



I have attached some fun Easter Maths sheets further down that your

child might like to do.

SESE: History, Geography and Science


Geography: Make an Easter scavenger hunt around the back garden (the children

can draw their own map!).





Go on an Easter egg scavenger hunt in your house or garden. I have attached

some indoor and outdoor Easter egg hunt clues below.

Play the game ¡®Bunny, Bunny, Easter Bunny¡¯. This game follows the same rules as

¡®Duck, Duck, Goose¡¯ just using the words ¡®Bunny, Bunny, Easter Bunny¡¯ instead.

Chicken Dance ¨C Maximo GoNoodle

Art: (Just ideas to pick and choose from).


Draw and colour/paint Easter eggs of all sizes and colours. Can you use different

designs? E.g. a spotty egg, an egg with stripes, an egg with a bow etc. (I¡¯ve


attached a blank template of an egg, if you want to use it).

Easter colouring sheets or


Go to and search for Easter crafts for kids.


Some enjoyable art lessons to do at home over the next few weeks can be found



on ''

(Bunny template below)

(Design an Easter card for a loved one)

Please cut out this rhyme and glue it into your child¡¯s rhyme copy.

They can draw pictures of eggs and chicks to decorate the page.


Eggs come in many sizes,

Eggs hold some big surprises.

Speckled, brown, white or blue,

Eggs hold babies that are new.

Chicks from eggs are fluffy and yellow,

Chicks from eggs are funny fellows.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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