~Section Quiz - Council Rock School District

Name ------------------ Date____________

Section 4: Struggles for Justice Political Reform and the Progressive Era

~ Section Quiz

Class - - - - - -

A. Reviewing Key Terms and People

Directions: From Column II below, choose the person or term that best fits each description. Write the letter of the answer next to the correct number. You will not use all the answers.

Column I

1. helped found the Tuskegee Institute in Alabama

2. helped found the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

3. a murder by a mob

4. prejudice against Jews

5. educational facility sponsored by a church

Column II

a. mutualista b. Ida B. Wells c. Booker T. Washington d. anti-Semitism e. barrio f. W.E.B. Du Bois g. lynching h. George Washington Carver i. parochial school

B. Key Concepts

(t Directions: Read the following statements. Ifa statement is correct, write Yes next to its

~ number. Ifa statement is incorrect, replace the underlined word or phrase to make the statement


6. Sarah Walker wrote against lynching in her newspaper. 7. Leaders in the African American community took different approaches to

anti-Semitism. 8. Mexican and Japanese immigrants often faced prejudice. 9. Booker T. Washington believed that African-Americans should focus on

learning trades. _ _ 10. Booker T. Washington felt that African-Americans should fight to end

discrimina tion.

C. Critical Thinking

Directions: Answer the question below on a separate sheet of paper.

11. What kinds of problems did minority groups face in the United States?

? Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Pearson Prentice Holi. All rights reserved.


Name _______________________ Date---------------- Class ________

Section 1: The Gilded Age and Progressive Reform Political Reform and the Progressive Era

Section Quiz

A. Reviewing Key Terms and People

Directions: From Column II below, choose the person or term that best completes each sentence. Write the letter of the answer next to the correct number. You will not use all the answers.

Column I

Column II

1. Most federal jobs are part of the _________

2. In a(n)

, the public

votes for or against a proposed


3. One of the reforms adopted

during the Progressive Era

was the


gave people the chance to

remove an elected official from


a. primary b. recall c. amendment d. civil service e. spoils system f. graduated income tax g. initiative h. referendum i. muckraker

4. An election in which voters

choose their party's candidate

is a ------- -

5. The

means that

people pay taxes at rates

depending on their level of


6. The crusading journalist Ida Tarbell was a well-known

B. Key Concepts

Directions: Read the following statements. Ifa statement is correct, write Yes next to its number. If a statement is incorrect, replace the underlined word(s) to make the statement


7. The Interstate Commerce Act and the Sherman Antitrust Act were passed to limit the power of big business.

8. A chief goal of political bosses was to give more power to voters.

C. Critical Thinking

Directions: Answer the following question on a separate sheet of paper.

9. What were two ways Progressives tried to institute reforms?

? Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Pearson Prentice Hall. All rights reserved. 92

Name ----------------------- Date_______________

Section 2: Progressive Presidents Political Reform and the Progressive Era

(l Section Quiz

Class ___________

A. Reviewing Key Terms and People

Directions: Match the descriptions in Column I below with the terms and people in Column II. Write the letter of the correct answer next to each number. You will not use all the answers.

Column I

1. name for a person who worked to destroy monopolies and trusts

2. President who formed the Bull Moose Party

3. President responsible for establishing the Federal Trade Commission in 1914

4. the protection of natural resources

5. natural area set aside and protected by the federal government

(t B. Key Concepts

Column II

a. conservation b. Woodrow Wilson c. trustbuster d. William Howard Taft e. national park f. Theodore Roosevelt

Directions: From Column II below, choose the term that correctly completes each sentence. Write your answers in the blank. You will not use all the answers.

Column I

6. Theodore Roosevelt used tl).e _______ to break up trusts and limit the power of business.

7. After reading The Jungle, Theodore Roosevelt took action against meatpacking houses that resulted in the

Column II

a. Pure Food and. Drug Act b. Square Deal c. New Freedom d. Sherman Antitrust Act e. Federal Reserve Act

8. Woodrow Wilson continued promoting reforms with his _________ program.

C. Critical Thinking

Directions: Answer the following question on a separate sheet of paper.

, 9. How did the assassination of President William McKinley lead to Progressive reforms at the national level? ? Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Pearson Prentice Hall. All rights reserved.


Name ______________________ Date_ ___________ Class _ _ _ __

Section 3: The Rights of Women Political Reform and the Progressive Era

Section Quiz

A. Reviewing Key Terms and People

Directions: Matc;h the descriptions in Column I below with the terms and people in Column II. Write the letter of the answer next to each number. You will not use all of the answers.

Column I

1. a term used for a person who worked for women's right to vote

2. first president of the Women's Christian Temperance Union

3. ban on the sale and consumption of alcohol

4. a forceful suffragist who confronted Woodrow Wilson about suffrage

5. a suffragist with a detailed plan to win the vote state by state

Column II

a. Frances Willard b. Alice Paul c. suffragist d. Florence Kelley e. Carrie Chapman Catt f. prohibition g. temperance

B. Key Concepts

Directions: From Column II below, choose the answer that correctly completes each sentence. Write the letter of the correct answer next to each number. You will not use all the answers.

Column I

6. The ___ ________ doubled the number of voters ' in the nation.

7. A radical crusader, ____________ won publicity for the temperance movement.

S. Women struggled to get an education, and in 1877, ______ granted the first Ph.D. to a woman.

Column II

a. Eighteenth Amendment b. Boston University c. Carry Nation d. Nineteenth Amendment e. Carrie Chapman Catt

C. Critical Thinking

Directions: Answer the following question on a separate sheet of paper. 9. What are two ways suffragists worked for women's right to vote?

? Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Pearson Prentice Hall. All rights reserved.



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