Middle East Movie ListArab SpringThe Square [al-Meidan] (2013): This Arabic-language documentary focuses on the different actors in the 2011 protests in Cairo. ON NETFLIX.Suleima (2014): An animated documentary about a woman who partook in the Syrian uprising. Silvered Water, Syria Self Portrait (2014): A document about the 2014 Syrian civil warClash [Eshtebak] (2016): The film takes place in a police van following the June 14th protests. There are army supporters and Muslim Brotherhood members in the van. AT CANNES THIS YEAR MAY NOT BE AVAILABLE.Covert OperationsArgo (2012): Ben Affleck goes to Iran during the hostage crisisZero Dark Thirty (2012): Seal Team 6 capture Osama.Dirty Wars (2013): Documentary that focuses on the expanding powers of the JSOCEgyptian Films The Call of the Nightingale [Doa al-Karawan] (1960): An Egyptian girl becomes a maid in her dead sister’s former husband’s house to avenge her death.The Last Night [al-Leila al-Akhira] (1964): A woman wakes up fifteen years older and is married to her brother-in-law. The Sin [el-Haram] (1965): A film about a peasant who gets raped and forced to hide the resulting pregnancy from her family and friends. The Mummy [al-Mummia] (1969): A film about a peasant family in Egypt in the late 19th century that sells “Pharoanic treasures” illegally. The subtitles in this stream are poorly placed. The Land (al-Ard) (1969): A peasant farmer fights the British landowners for access to water. LOW QUALITY, NO SUBTITLES.Chitchat on the Nile [Thartharah fawq al-Nil] (1971): A film about a barge where disenchanted government employees meet to criticize the government. Watch out for ZouZou [Khally Ballak men ZouZou] (1972): An Egyptian musical about a family of entertainers. The Terrorist [al-Erhabi] (1994): A film about an Egyptian plotting against the government. THE YOUTUBE HAS NO SUBTITLES.Iranian FilmsPersepolis (2007): This is the French-produced film adaptation of the graphic novel about the Iranian revolutionThe Salesman (2016): Debuting at Cannes, this film is about an Iranian couple who moves into a house that used to be inhabited by a prostitute, based on Death of a Salesman. AT CANNES THIS YEAR MAY NOT BE AVAILABE.Inversion (2016): An Iranian film about a woman who has to decide whether or not to move with her mother due to Tehran’s pollution. AT CANNES THIS YEAR MAY NOT BE AVAILABLE.Israeli and Palestinian FilmsFertile Memory [Al Dhakira al Khasba] (1980): The film contrasts the lives of a young, radical Palestinian novelist and her aunt who cannot read. Described as the first feminist Arab film. Divine Intervention (2002): A series of interconnected sketches about daily life as a Palestinian.Paradise Now [al-Jena Alan) (2005): A film about two Palestinians who wish to plan a suicide attack in Tel Aviv.Kamkameh (2011): A film about life in Gaza under the Israeli blockade. Open Bethlehem (2014): A film about a woman who returns to Bethlehem as the city is becoming more divided. One Week and a Day (2016): A film about an Israeli couple dealing with their son’s death. AT CANNES THIS YEAR MAY NOT BE AVAILABLE.Personal Affairs (2016): Israeli Arab parents in Nazareth fret over their son in RamallahBeyond the Mountains and Hills (2016): An Israeli film about a soldier who has issues returning to civilian life after serving in the army. AT CANNES THIS YEAR MAY NOT BE AVAILABLE.Iraqi/Kuwaiti FilmsThe Cruel Sea [Bas-Ya-Bahar] (1972): A drama about the relationship between the sea and Kuwaiti society. The Dupes [al-makdu’un] (1973): A film about a group of Palestinians in Iraq trying to cross the border into to Kuwait to benefit from the oil boom.Lebanese FilmsLe Petit Etranger (1962): A man abandons his dream of becoming a pilot and experiences the rampant corruption in Lebanese society. Out of Life (1991): The film details the “kidnapping and torture of a French photographer by a Lebanese militia in Beirut.”12 Angry Lebanese (2009): A documentary about a play in a Lebanese prison.Tramontane (2016): A film about a “young man in a small Lebanese village who discovers that his identity card is a forgery.” AT CANNES THIS YEAR MAY NOT BE AVAILABLE.North African FilmsBattle of Algiers (1966): The classic film about French occupation in Algeria.Chronicles of the Years of Embers (1975): The film explores the Algerian War of Independence, won the Palme d’Or. LOW QUALITY.Man of Ashes [Rih Essed] (1986): A film about the sexual abuse of working class boys in Tunisia.Silences of the Palaces (1994): This Tunisian film is the coming of age story of a servant’s daughter in an aristocrat’s home. On the Edge (2011): A film about two young Moroccan girls who work in factories and are drawn into the nefarious side of Casablanca.Syrian FilmsThe Night [al-Lail] (1993): A film about different periods in the Syrian town of Quneitra, which was destroyed in the 1967 war. Turkish FilmsMustang (2015): A Turkish film about 5 teenage girls who want to live in the modern world, but are held back by their conservative uncle. ON NETFLIX.U.S War Movies & PTSDIraq in Fragments (2006): A documentary about the lives of Iraqis during the war, was successful at Sundance.In the Valley of Elah (2007): A film about a military police officers search for his son, who had recently returned from the Iraq War. The Hurt Locker (2009): A film about the war in IraqHell and Back Again (2011): A film about vet who served in Afghanistan suffering from PTSDWar Canister [Yahya al Allaq] (2013): A film about the fuel shortage in Iraq under U.S occupation. ................

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