Bee Crisis: Pollinators Endure Countless Threats in Florida

Vocabulary for this unitHuman Impact?Deforestation?Erosion??Desertification?Water Flow?Urbanization??Habitats?Rural Areas?Sand Dunes?Air Quality?Water Quality?Water Flow?Pollution?Water Cycle?Greenhouse Effect?Acid Rain?Smog?WatershedResources for TopicsWildlife vs Waste Quality and Air pollution Forest Protection Energy Water and Bee Populations Warming Fuels Cars In Danger Species in Florida of five checkpoint dates are met. Two point awarded for each checkpoint.PaperLength 650 words, Font TNR 12, and Citations1086420 Length requirement met. Font is Times New Roman 12. Citations for at least 5 sources are put into the references tool and shown as end notes. APA formatting preferred. Copy E-mailed to teacher.PaperOriginal content appropriate to topic1086420All content of the paper is original work. No direct duplication of resource materials allowed. Vocabulary from the list included in the paper as appropriate. Paper is easy to read, organized, and includes information toward human impact in Florida.Presentation1086420Spoken presentation is clear and concise. Student answers questions on the topic from the class and teacher. Student helps others understand how their topic in important to Florida residents.PowerPoint, Model, Poster1086420Well-organized, graphically easy to understand, and on topic of the presentation. Labeling should be done with computer rather than handprinted. Poster need to be on foam board. PowerPoints need to use a template. Models need to be safe for all students of handle. HYPERLINK "" Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission & Wildlife Foundation of Florida Department of Environmental Protection Conservation pages for the FDEP Now America’s Health Ranking Environmental Protection AgencyThe Buzz On Florida's Honey Bees Crisis: Pollinators Endure Countless Threats in Florida report says what Florida already knows — climate change is affecting us now CHANGE AND FLORIDA: WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW Warming 101 BEACH Program of beach bacteria before going for swim 4 Florida Beaches Have Just Been Put On Advisory Due To Fecal Bacteria Environmental Protection Agency on Fossil Fuels. Fuels: The Dirty Facts Fuels Videos Fuel VehiclesAn?alternative fuel?vehicle is a motor vehicle that runs on a?fuel?other than traditional petroleum?fuels?(petrol or Diesel?fuel); and also refers to any technology of powering an engine that does not involve solely petroleum (e.g. electric car, hybrid electric?vehicles, solar powered).Department of Energy: Alternative Fuel Vehicles Department of Energy SpeciesVIDEOS URBANIZATION could gobble up another 5 million acres in Florida by 2070 ................

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