GAC012 Assessment Event 2: Project Written Report

GAC012 Assessment Event 2: Project Written Report

The Business Plan:

Café #8

Student’s Name: Kawk Kyung Chul

Student ID #:HUK21811

Teacher:PJ Kim

Due Date: 16 July 2012

Word Count:

Table of Contents


Executive Summary 1

1.0 Introduction 1

1.1 The Objectives of the Research 1

1.2 The Context 1

1.2.1 Prime Function 1

1.2.2 Key Competitors 1

1.2.3 Legal Structure 1

1.2.4 Choice of Business 1

1.3 Background Knowledge 1

1.4 Thesis statement 1

2.0 Method 1

2.1 Data Collection 1

2.2 Research objectives from data collection 1

3.0 Findings 1

3.1 Key Success Factors 1

3.2 SWOT analysis of the business and an alternative 1

3.3 Summarization 1

4.0 Discussion 1

4.1 Interpretation 1

4.2 Assess the Effectiveness of the Research 1

5.0 Conclusion and Recommendations 1

5.1 Identification and Justification 1

5.2 Competitive Edge 1

Executive Summary

• This business plan is helpful for you in understanding of my project “The Café #8” and this plan contains constructive strategies to sell my products.

• The prime function of Cafe #8 is to sell prime coffee & dishes and to provide amazing entertainments for customers.

• In Korea, there are many cafés in the Samsung Dong, Samchung Dong, Shinsa Dong and so on. In addition, big companies’ franchises such as Starbucks, Coffee Bean and Cafebene, big company’s franchises are another critical competitors.

• This Bbusiness plan shows thea unique type of café type I designed infor the future inof Korea.

• The business structure may be a sole trader, but I also tend to do franchiseing.

• Although Mmany Ccafes are located in Kangnam, Shinsa Samchung and so on, the #8 provides differentiateddifferent services comparing towith other cafes.

• [This business plan shows the unique café type I designed in the future in Korea.]

• Found the iImportant information is found from Google, Naver, and Wikipedia.

1.0 Introduction

1.1 The Objectives of the Research

The interest ofto cafés has been increasedincreasing a lot over the last couple of years. Sso it is thean excellent challenge to make a new type of cafe.

1.2 The Context

1.2.1 Prime Function

The prime function of the Café # 8 is to provide an optimal quality of coffee & dishes and to give the energeticenergizing amusements for customers.

1.2.2 Key Competitors

In Korea, the traditional brands of coffee shops, such as Cafebene, Tom N Toms, in addition,and the foreign brandscoffee shops like Starbucks are threatening competitors. Also, at Shinsa Dong Street or Samchung Dong Street, there are many private café owners who manage as ato be sole traders.

1.2.3 Legal Structure

The business structure may be sole trader, but I also intend to do franchiseing.

1.2.4 Choice of Business

At first, most of café owners or baristas hashave tried to the popularizationpopularize of the coffee. As a result, drinking coffee has beenbecome more and morefamous into the public. However, nowadays, customers start to requiredemand thea better quality of coffee and services because they grow tired of the normal coffee or ordinary services. Customers want thea unique type of coffee and special services.

1.3 Background Knowledge

Before explaining about the café, in the past, some places were existed similar features of cafés with similar features existed in some places. In Korea, the” Da Bang”, is the traditional café which sells tea and simple snacks. The major feature of Da Bang wasis their forums offor debates. Many intellectuals had times discussing the topics in the Da Bang.

Coffee was come in the century of Chosun by Go Jong, the King of Chosun.

The king never forgot the taste of the coffee, so he brought some right away from Russia.

At that moment, coffee was enjoyed by the people who belonged to the upper class because the cost of the coffee was too expensive fast. It was a discretionary spending. And the sort of coffee was one.

Nowadays, the price of coffee becomeis lower than before and manythe Da Bongs changed the function of thatit. TheIts function just has just become friendship and people have beenenjoyedenjoying various kinds of coffees. As a result, coffee cafés hashave been appeared more and more similar features of today’s cafewith each other.

1.4 Thesis statement

TodayNowadays, whenalong wethe sides are walking onof the streets, we can see many kinds of coffee cafés. It is shown that the high demands of coffee confirms the popularity of coffee cafés. However, most of coffee stores arehave too common interior designs and only sells ordinary coffee including Americano or Cappuccino.

2.0 Method

2.1 Data Collection

1. Searched the online information through Google and Naver to find about the appropriate locations and to know the number of the floating population of the Kangnam, Shinsa, and Cheongdam.

2. Referred thefrom professional magazines of interior designs and studied the designs.

3. Went the Samcheong-dong Café Street and looked around to see the general traits of café interior designs.

4. Interviewed the café owners and got the important information of café marketing strategies.

2.2 Research objectives from data collection

After the end of data collection, what I found over the

3.0 Findings

3.1 Key Success Factors


Cheongdam Dong


Cheongdam Dong is thea place located near the Shinsa Dong, Apgujeong-dong and Nonhyeon-dong. These sites are known as the luxury towns, so the demands of premium products are very higher comparing to other villages. Cheongdam Dong is the suitable positionlocation to sell high quality of coffee.

Coffee Beans

Arabica bean


The Canephor bean


The Robusta bean


In addition, the coffee beans are also important to determine the coffee café’s reputation. There are 3 kinds of coffee beans;: Arabica beans, Canephor beans, and Robusta beans. The “cCafé #8” will deal with all sorts of coffee beans. The Arabica bean is grown all around the world and over seventy percent of all coffee beverages are made withfrom it. It’s general in the world. However, coffee of the Canephor or Robusta bean is cannot be seen easily in Korea. It can be a unique product differentiation comparingwhich can’t be found in other coffee shops.


[pic] [pic]

If the “cCafé #8” does not produce other exciting amusements, it iswill be a common café in Korea. To getbe outon top, it is necessary to giveprovide attractive elements forto customers. The “cCafé #8” will have the billiard tables and little museums exhibiting works of art.

Also, the creative interior design of the store can be helpful for the customers to enjoy in the “cCafé #8”.

3.2 SWOT analysis of the business and an alternative

|Strength |Weakness |

|To provide optimal quality of coffee & deserts |Too high cost to prepare the café |

|To experienceprovide various exciting entertainments for |Too difficult to attract customers at the first time |

|customers | |

|To viewexhibit an excellent design of interior and furnitures | |

|Opportunity |Threat |

|Increasing The demand of café in Korea still increasing now |Big company’s franchise coffee stores such as Starbucks, Coffee |

|Nowadays, people want premium products more |Bean |

| |Too many coffee stores in the Hhot places like Shinsa Dong |

Marketing Strategies

At first, the awareness of the public with “cCafé#8” will be pretty very low because there are competitive cafes near. To solve this problem, the “cCafé #8” will hold contests which attract regular customers.

Most of café customers are female. Almost 70~80% of women enjoy talking in the café. To useget advantage of this point, the “cCafé #8” will provides the special benefits for women.

For women customers, the “cCafé #8” will provide special deserts free just forin a moment for free to female customers.

|Piece of Cake |Macaroni |Tiramisu |Ganache |


During this period, I should keepattract female my customers and makeorganize concrete events to attract more customers more and more. The reason why of other stores becomingbecome popular is mostly due to word-of-mouth. So, this free giving time is important to inform the public with our location, menus, and locations and prices of the products.

Plan B

Although the plan A looks like perfect, the cost should but always be considered about the first cost.

The real estate of Cheongdam in Korea is too expensive in Korea. Maybe, KangNam Gu is the most highestexpensive cost of ground. So, tTo reduce the financial burden of the money, Jeongja-dong, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do isare all secondary preferences.

And Jeongia-dong is also a competitive location because it has a plentifulbig floating population. And cComparinged to Seoul, Gyeonggi-do’s air is clearer than Seoul’s, so customers can feel noveltyhappy.

3.3 Summarization

4.0 Discussion

4.1 Interpretation

If the “cCafé #8” has advantages and excellent opportunity without threat and disadvantages, there is no evident that the “cCafé # 8” will be an innovator of a succeedingsuccessful new type of café. First of all, location of the café #8 is Cheongdam, Cheongdam is the place whichwhere people spend lots of money in. So, I can say that the demand of premium products is very higher than other places. And aAlso, the “cCafé #8” is new type of café; a combination of amazementsamusements and café, so it’s unique and attractive forto customers.

When I did the research about the “cCafé #8”, I found 2 main points influencing in mythe business;: social factors and economical factors. Those Ssocial factors isare amazingly important these days. As developing social influences and economical influences, the demands of premium products such as coffee; are steadily, the demands of coffee prescribe the increasing line, are and shown that there are big chances of economical spending tendency. Most of people todaynowadays have some interests abouton the sophisticated or luxurious products; filling yourtheir satisfaction can be the reason why people spend lots of capitals. And aAlso, getting rid of stress may be a reason because it will be helpful to release your moodsstress.

To sum up, these will influences people will be thankful to spend more money in buying my premium products.

4.2 Assess the Effectiveness of the Research

• Social fFactors & eEconomical fFactors

These two main factors have great influences in my business plan. They can improve the income of my productscafe and give a good reputation offor the my café #8 it.

So, the thing that crossed my mind is that these two influences make me thinking about the “cCafé #8” more.

5.0 Conclusion and Recommendations

5.1 Identification and Justification

5.2 Competitive Edge


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