USG Renting Guide 2006 - Landis Properties

[Pages:10]Realtor Evaluations

The data in the following report are intended to provide useful information about how current OSU students living in rental properties perceive the level of service they receive from their rental company. Survey participants were asked to complete eight online questions relevant to their experience with their respective rental company during the current year. Renters living in properties operated by more than 100 different rental companies responded. All companies receiving feedback from five or more respondents are identified in this report; 1,240 responses were included and summary information is provided for 36 different rental companies.

The organization of the data is similar to how previous editions of the Renters Guide to provide an easy presentation and understandable comparison between rental companies. The results for each of the ten questions are presented one at a time, with the companies listed in alphabetical order and scores are presented in graphical format.

We hope that this guide will continue to be a useful tool in helping you decide from whom to rent. However, it is important to gather as much information as possible before making your rental decision. A great resource for such information is the OffCampus Community Services Office, located in the Ohio Union. For additional help in finding housing, moving in, living offcampus, and moving out, go to . We wish you good luck in your renting process.


Students received an email invitation to participate in this survey. The email addresses were obtained from the University Registrar's Office of The Ohio State University, and sent to 26,916 registered undergraduate students not currently residing in university housing. The email directed students to an online survey hosted by the Undergraduate Student Government. A total of 1,240 students completed the survey. The results were compiled by rental company and the results of each question were tabulated. The average score of each of the eight questions was obtained by assigning a value to each response, and then calculating the mean of those values. Scoring for individual questions was as follows: Maintenance concerns were graded on a descending point scale from 5 to 1. Answers fit within a range of 5 points for "A Few Days;" 3 points for "1 to 2 Weeks;" and 1 point for "2 to 4 Weeks." Questions on cleanliness, initial repairs, rental costs, safety confidence, and parking availability were graded on a final point scale where 5 points were awarded for the best ratings and 1 point awarded for the lowest ratings. For the computation of the Overall Score, all "Yes" and "No" questions were given 5 points for a "Yes" answer and 1 point for a "No" answer in order to be comparable to other scale values, for individual yes/no items the percent of respondents indicating "yes" is reported. Questions left unanswered or those answered with "Not Applicable" or "Not Sure" were not included in the overall score computation. Overall scores for the rental companies were determined by averaging the individual scores of each of the eight questions. The number of responses obtained for each of the published companies ranges from 5 to 107. Those realtors receiving less than 5 survey responses were not included in the analysis. It is important to note that a score received by a company that is higher than a score received by some other company is not necessarily statistically or significantly different.


In publishing this information, neither the Undergraduate Student Government nor The Ohio State University are endorsing or supporting any company or business over any other; this survey simply provides a direct report of tenant opinions. Because the data contained in this section reflects opinions, different interpretations are possible. The above mentioned organizations assume no responsibility for reader, tenant, or prospective tenant interpretation or reaction to the data. Nothing contained in this data analysis is intended to give legal advice. If you have any questions regarding the law or its application to a given situation we suggest you consult the OSU Student Housing Legal Clinic or another attorney service.

Q1: How Soon Does Your Realtor Attend to General Maintenance Concerns? 5 = A Few Days; 3 = 1-2 Weeks; 1 = 2-4 Weeks

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

Buckeye Real Estate (107) Cerberus (9)

Coldwell Banker Commercial (15) Colony Club (5)

Cooper Real Estate (22) G.A.S. Properties (18)

George Kanellopoulos (31) Governors Square (13)

Harrison Apartments (28) Heritage Apartments (11) Holiday House Apartments (6) Hometeam Properties (47) Inn Town Homes & Apartments (100) Jefferson Commons (25) Kohn Royer Griffith, Inc. (13)

Landis Properties (10) Locations, LTD (21) My First Place (18)

NorthSteppe Realty (71) Ohio State Properties (6) Olentangy Commons (14)

Olentangy Village (14) Oxford Rentals Co. (36)

Pella Co. (79) Property Management (15)

Riverwatch Tower (20) RZ Realty (14)

Sales One Realty Agency (5) Scarlet & Gray Realtors (12)

Sterling Place (8) University Apartments (11)

University Manors (54) University Village (38) Wilkinson Properties (6)

Wolf Properties (5) Other Realtor (293)



1.80 2.40

2.23 2.05


2.85 4.78

4.33 4.20

4.33 3.32

3.80 4.36

4.27 5.00

3.38 3.55

3.00 4.78


4.67 4.23

4.54 3.94 2.92

3.15 3.00

4.00 3.73 3.04

4.14 4.67

3.00 3.50

Performance Scores

Q2: How soon does your realtor attend to emergency maintenance requests? 5 = A Few Days; 3 = 1-2 Weeks; 1 = 2-4 Weeks

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

Buckeye Real Estate (107) Cerberus (9)

Coldwell Banker Commercial (15) Colony Club (5)

Cooper Real Estate (22) G.A.S. Properties (18)

George Kanellopoulos (31) Governors Square (13)

Harrison Apartments (28) Heritage Apartments (11) Holiday House Apartments (6) Hometeam Properties (47) Inn Town Homes & Apartments (100) Jefferson Commons (25) Kohn Royer Griffith, Inc. (13)

Landis Properties (10) Locations, LTD (21) My First Place (18)

NorthSteppe Realty (71) Ohio State Properties (6) Olentangy Commons (14)

Olentangy Village (14) Oxford Rentals Co. (36)

Pella Co. (79) Property Management (15)

Riverwatch Tower (20) RZ Realty (14)

Sales One Realty Agency (5) Scarlet & Gray Realtors (12)

Sterling Place (8) University Apartments (11)

University Manors (54) University Village (38) Wilkinson Properties (6)

Wolf Properties (5) Other Realtor (293)

2.86 Performance Scores

4.12 5.00 5.00

4.20 3.50

5.00 4.56 4.56

5.00 4.64

5.00 3.84

4.28 4.13

4.45 5.00

3.71 4.41

3.97 5.00

4.33 4.83

4.58 4.23 3.55

4.56 5.00

4.64 5.00

4.25 3.83

4.91 5.00

4.60 4.45

Q3: How clean was your rental property at the time of your move in? 5 = Very Clean; 1 = Very Dirty












Buckeye Real Estate (107) Cerberus (9)

Coldwell Banker Commercial (15) Colony Club (5)

Cooper Real Estate (22) G.A.S. Properties (18)

George Kanellopoulos (31) Governors Square (13)

Harrison Apartments (28) Heritage Apartments (11) Holiday House Apartments (6) Hometeam Properties (47) Inn Town Homes & Apartments (100) Jefferson Commons (25) Kohn Royer Griffith, Inc. (13)

Landis Properties (10) Locations, LTD (21) My First Place (18)

NorthSteppe Realty (71) Ohio State Properties (6) Olentangy Commons (14)

Olentangy Village (14) Oxford Rentals Co. (36)

Pella Co. (79) Property Management (15)

Riverwatch Tower (20) RZ Realty (14)

Sales One Realty Agency (5) Scarlet & Gray Realtors (12)

Sterling Place (8) University Apartments (11)

University Manors (54) University Village (38) Wilkinson Properties (6)

Wolf Properties (5) Other Realtor (293)

3.25 4.50

3.60 4.40

2.86 3.50 3.55 3.92 3.89 3.82 4.17

1.95 3.55

2.88 3.23 4.10

2.05 3.00

2.34 4.50

3.93 4.50

3.00 2.86 2.14 2.42 2.50 2.40 2.75

4.00 2.91 2.57

4.39 4.67

4.40 3.55

Performance Scores

Q4: If your realtor agreed to complete repairs before your move in, how many were completed on time? 5 = All; 1 = None

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

Buckeye Real Estate (107) Cerberus (9)

Coldwell Banker Commercial (15) Colony Club (5)

Cooper Real Estate (22) G.A.S. Properties (18)

George Kanellopoulos (31) Governors Square (13)

Harrison Apartments (28) Heritage Apartments (11) Holiday House Apartments (6) Hometeam Properties (47) Inn Town Homes & Apartments (100) Jefferson Commons (25) Kohn Royer Griffith, Inc. (13)

Landis Properties (10) Locations, LTD (21) My First Place (18)

NorthSteppe Realty (71) Ohio State Properties (6) Olentangy Commons (14)

Olentangy Village (14) Oxford Rentals Co. (36)

Pella Co. (79) Property Management (15)

Riverwatch Tower (20) RZ Realty (14)

Sales One Realty Agency (5) Scarlet & Gray Realtors (12)

Sterling Place (8) University Apartments (11)

University Manors (54) University Village (38) Wilkinson Properties (6)

Wolf Properties (5) Other Realtor (293)

3.07 4.86

4.00 4.50

3.17 4.30

3.64 4.00 4.31

3.17 5.00

1.85 3.68

3.27 3.10

4.33 1.81

3.38 2.20

4.33 3.82

4.17 3.63 3.07 1.71 2.08 2.64 3.00 2.40 3.50 3.09 2.79

4.55 5.00

3.50 3.56

Performance Scores

Q5: How do you feel your overall rental costs (including utilities) compare to similar properties in the area?

5 = Much Lower; 3 = No Difference; 1 = Much Higher












Buckeye Real Estate (107) Cerberus (9)

Coldwell Banker Commercial (15) Colony Club (5)

Cooper Real Estate (22) G.A.S. Properties (18)

George Kanellopoulos (31) Governors Square (13)

Harrison Apartments (28) Heritage Apartments (11) Holiday House Apartments (6) Hometeam Properties (47) Inn Town Homes & Apartments (100) Jefferson Commons (25) Kohn Royer Griffith, Inc. (13)

Landis Properties (10) Locations, LTD (21) My First Place (18)

NorthSteppe Realty (71) Ohio State Properties (6) Olentangy Commons (14)

Olentangy Village (14) Oxford Rentals Co. (36)

Pella Co. (79) Property Management (15)

Riverwatch Tower (20) RZ Realty (14)

Sales One Realty Agency (5) Scarlet & Gray Realtors (12)

Sterling Place (8) University Apartments (11)

University Manors (54) University Village (38) Wilkinson Properties (6)

Wolf Properties (5) Other Realtor (293)

3.32 2.33

3.27 2.80

3.27 3.00

3.45 3.00

3.54 3.27 2.50

3.49 3.61 4.00

2.54 1.90

3.60 2.61

3.35 3.17 3.21

3.93 2.72

3.15 3.71 3.85

2.69 3.00 3.00 3.38

2.20 3.16

2.53 3.33

3.00 2.88

Performance Scores

Q6: In general, how confident do you feel that your property is safe from theft and burglary? 5 = Very Comfortable; 1 = Not At All Comfortable












Buckeye Real Estate (107) Cerberus (9)

Coldwell Banker Commercial (15) Colony Club (5)

Cooper Real Estate (22) G.A.S. Properties (18)

George Kanellopoulos (31) Governors Square (13)

Harrison Apartments (28) Heritage Apartments (11) Holiday House Apartments (6) Hometeam Properties (47) Inn Town Homes & Apartments (100) Jefferson Commons (25) Kohn Royer Griffith, Inc. (13)

Landis Properties (10) Locations, LTD (21) My First Place (18)

NorthSteppe Realty (71) Ohio State Properties (6) Olentangy Commons (14)

Olentangy Village (14) Oxford Rentals Co. (36)

Pella Co. (79) Property Management (15)

Riverwatch Tower (20) RZ Realty (14)

Sales One Realty Agency (5) Scarlet & Gray Realtors (12)

Sterling Place (8) University Apartments (11)

University Manors (54) University Village (38) Wilkinson Properties (6)

Wolf Properties (5) Other Realtor (293)

2.64 3.89

2.67 3.80

2.50 2.22

3.29 3.77 4.46

3.27 2.67 2.15

2.98 3.60

2.92 3.90

1.90 2.44 2.42 3.67 3.14 3.71 3.33 2.67

2.00 3.35

3.08 1.80

2.58 4.00

2.36 2.69 3.82 2.83 3.20 3.10

Performance Scores

Q7: How available is parking at your rental property? 5 = Very Available; 1 = Not Very Available












Buckeye Real Estate (107) Cerberus (9)

Coldwell Banker Commercial (15) Colony Club (5)

Cooper Real Estate (22) G.A.S. Properties (18)

George Kanellopoulos (31) Governors Square (13)

Harrison Apartments (28) Heritage Apartments (11) Holiday House Apartments (6) Hometeam Properties (47) Inn Town Homes & Apartments (100) Jefferson Commons (25) Kohn Royer Griffith, Inc. (13)

Landis Properties (10) Locations, LTD (21) My First Place (18)

NorthSteppe Realty (71) Ohio State Properties (6) Olentangy Commons (14)

Olentangy Village (14) Oxford Rentals Co. (36)

Pella Co. (79) Property Management (15)

Riverwatch Tower (20) RZ Realty (14)

Sales One Realty Agency (5) Scarlet & Gray Realtors (12)

Sterling Place (8) University Apartments (11)

University Manors (54) University Village (38) Wilkinson Properties (6)

Wolf Properties (5) Other Realtor (293)

3.70 4.44

3.40 4.20

3.23 3.67 3.77 4.46 3.85 4.55 4.50 3.87

3.07 3.68

3.62 3.90

2.76 3.72

3.31 4.33 4.57 4.36

3.47 3.65

3.20 4.20

3.08 4.00

3.25 4.63

3.55 3.59

4.50 3.33 2.80


Performance Scores


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