Creation truths - Word Library

Creation truths

Read Genesis Chapter 1

Can you complete the following chart?

What did God create on the following days?

|Day |Creation |

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|Day 1 | |

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|Day 2 | |

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|Day 3 | |

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|Day 4 | |

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|Day 5 | |

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|Day 6 | |

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|Day 7 | |

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1. God prepares before He fills. His whole purpose is never known at once.

2. The principle of separation – godliness, holiness our attitude (know it all).

3. God not only ‘spoke’ things into being (days 1-3), He also made things (days 4-6).

He made great lights v15

He created creatures in the sea v21

He made the beasts on the land v25

He made Man v26

4. Like God we are to use our ‘spiritual facilities’ as well as our ‘physical facilities’.

5. Times and seasons are important to God.

6. The things God blessed we should respect

- Animals (His creation) Gen 1:22

- Sabbath rest Gen 2:3 (fellowship of believers, gathering together, His presence).

- Family Gen 9:2 (Noah)

- Covenant with Noah and his descendants Gen 12:1-3 (The family of God)

Answers and comments

|Day |Creation |

| |Light called Day |

|Day 1 (v3-5) |Darkness called Night |

| | |

| |Notes |

|1 Day and Night |The New Testament confirms the Genesis account as a real story.|

|4 Son, Moon and stars |Luke 3:38 Genealogy account |

| |1 Tim 2:13 Man created first |

|2 Heaven (sky) |Other references to Adam[1] |

|5 Creatures in sea and birds |Day 1 is not the Sun but light of God John 1:15 |

| |The length of the ‘day’ is not known[2] |

|3 Earth and Sea |First three days God made the expanse (empty spaces) and next |

|6 Animals on land and Mankind |three days He filled them |

| |God first makes ready before filling. |

| |God separated light from darkness – the principle of separation|

|Day 2 (v6-8) |Heaven (sky) |

| |Division of the waters (firmament) |

|Day 3 (v9-10) |Earth and Sea |

| |Gathering of waters (v9-10) |

| | |

| |Grass, Herbs and trees (v11-13) |

|Day 4 (v14-19) |Son, Moon and stars |

| |Signs and seasons. Days and years |

| |Two great lights |

|Day 5 (v20-23) |Creatures in water, birds |

| |God blesses the animals and asks them to multiply (v22). We |

| |should be kind to animals and creation. |

| |Notes |

| |Other things God blessed |

| |Mankind v 28, 5:2 |

| |Sabbath day 2:3 |

| |Noah and family 9:2 |

| |Covenant with Noah and descendants 12:1-3 |

|Day 6 (v24-25) |Animals on land |

| |Cattle, creeping things and beasts |

| |Man made in God’s image (v26-31) |

| |God blesses mankind (v26-27) |

| |Implications of being made in God’s image |

|Day 7 (2:1-3) |God rests |


[1] Romans 5:13 (reign of sin); 1 Cor 15:22, 45 (Death and life in Adam)

[2] Day could be 24hrs or period that God accomplished something i.e Day of the Lord Isa 2:12, Day of judgement Matt 10:15


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