
PLANNING COMMISSIONREGULAR MEETINGMONDAY, January 11, 2021This meeting was conducted via ZOOMThe meeting was called to order with the Pledge of Allegiance.Roll Call: Dennis Knowlton, Don Schark, Joanne Cammin, Russ Herlache, Joel Kiss, Ron Robishaw, and Ed Thon, were present, plus Supervisor Al Malesky, DDA director Tyson McKinley, Building Inspector/ Zoning and Planning official Bruce Palmer, and Kochville Veteran’s Hall Director Kerri Malesky.We approved the agenda.Ron Robishaw made a motion to approve the minutes from the November 23rd, 2020 Planning Commission meeting. Joanne Cammin supported it and the motion carried unanimously.There was no Public Comment.There were no PA33 reports.Ed Thon read the minutes from the last Township Board meeting held in December 2020.There was no Old Business.New Business:Election of 2021 Planning Commission officers. Ron Robishaw nominated Joel Kiss for the Chairman. Joel accepted the nomination. There were no other nominations. Motion was approved unanimously.Ed Thon nominated Ron Robishaw for Vice Chairman. Ron accepted the nomination.There were no other nominations. Motion was approved unanimously.Ron Robishaw nominated Ed Thon for Secretary. Ed accepted the nomination. There were no other nominations. Motion carried unanimously.We read over and accepted the Planning Commission meeting dates for the 2021 year.Ron Robishaw was part of the group that wrote the new CIP report. He discussed what the report was for and asked if there were any questions. Joanne Cammin said that in the section of the report for the fire department they stated that $600,000 was needed for a fire truck. She asked if this was a new or used truck. Ron said new and then Supervisor Malesky excused himself for speaking up and added that that cost was for a new truck which would be paid for over a 10 year period. He said they usually try to get about 20 years out of each truck. The old truck would then be sold. There were no other questions. Chairman Kiss said he commended all of those responsible for creating the report, said it was well done, and made a motion to move the report up to the Township Board for final approval. Ed thon supported the motion and it carried unanimously. Ron Robishaw said that the Zoning Board of Appeals had scheduled a meeting for January 28th, 2021 for the election of ments: Dennis Knowlton stated that over the holiday period he had attended light shows in two other townships. He said they enjoyed them and asked if Kochville had ever considered having something like this. New Supervisor Malesky spoke up and said this was a great idea and that Parks and Recreation was going to be one of his pet projects and he would pass this along to them . He also stated that if anyone else had any suggestions he would appreciate them too. Bruce Palmer said he would have a Planning Commission annual report ready in February. He said home 2 suites hotel is near completion. The animal shelter and Texas Roadhouse restaurant should begin construction in the spring and we could possibly see a site plan for the storage facility on Kochville Road in February because they are planning on an expansion. Joel Kiss asked if Love’s furniture was going out of business completely or just closing the facility on Titabawasee Road. Tyson McKinley told him just certain ones. Joel then asked if there was supposed to be a planning commission member on the DDA. Ed Thon answered yes. Joel said we would discuss this further at our February meeting. Tyson McKinley said that there would be a survey going out soon asking people for suggestions on what they would like to see the newly acquired property next to Crossroads Park used for, and if anyone had any ideas get a survey and turn it in.The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m. and the next meeting is scheduled for February 8th, 2021. ................

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