The Crucible Act 1 Character Assignment

Name: _____________________________

The Crucible Act 1 Character Assignment

Write a diary entry from the perspective of one of the characters in Act I.  You may choose from Abigail Williams, Betty, Tituba, Reverend Paris, Thomas Putnam, John Proctor, or Reverend John Hale.  You should include their early impressions about the accusations of witchcraft.  Does your character believe that witches are real?  What does your character think about events so far?  You will be graded on your understanding of the plot so far as well as of your character. 

5 points- Characterization is correct based on evidence from the play.

5 points- Journal shows an understanding of the events of Act I.

5 points- Writing uses correct spelling and conventions.  Mistakes do not distract from content.






































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