‘The Crucible’: Character Development

‘The Crucible’: Character Development

| |Act One |Act 2 |Act 3 |Act 4 |

| |Reverend Parris’s house |Proctor’s house |Courtroom |Jail |

|John Proctor |Proctor quarrels with |Proctor defends himself |Proctor defends |Proctor confesses, to |

| |Parris. He rejects |to Elizabeth and to |Elizabeth and |live and loo after his |

| |Abigail’s advances. |Hale. He struggles |neighbours’ wives, |children, but tears up |

| | |against Elizabeth’s |confesses to adultery, |the confession and goes |

| | |arrest. John gets Mary |encourages Mary to |to die rather than |

| | |to recant. |recant and is arrested. |besmirch his good name. |

|Elizabeth |Elizabeth is spoken of as |Elizabeth is cool |We hear Elizabeth is |Elizabeth allows Proctor|

| |‘cold’ by Abigail. |towards Proctor, |pregnant and will not |to make up his own mind |

| | |satisfies Hale as to her|hang immediately. She |about confessing. She |

| | |character but is |is brought in to support|supports him and refuses|

| | |arrested on Abigail’s |Proctor’s confession of |to try to influence him |

| | |word. |adultery but she will |when he chooses death. |

| | | |not shame him publicly. | |

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|Reverend Hale |Reverend Hale arrives full|Hale has his doubts |Hale tries to intercede |Hale is a broken man, |

| |of pride in his knowledge.|about the witch-hunt and|for the accused, finally|encouraging people to |

| |He soon extracts |makes his own enquiries,|denounces the court and |deny their faith to save|

| |‘confessions’. |visits the Proctors and |leaves. |their lives. |

| | |is shocked by | | |

| | |Elizabeth’s arrest. | | |

|Abigail |Abigail is in trouble |We hear Abigail is the |Abigail leads the girls |We hear that Abigail has|

| |through dancing in the |star witness in the |in court. She defies |absconded with Reverend |

| |woods and begins to |witch trials. She has |Proctor and even |Parris’s money. |

| |denounce people. She |denounced Elizabeth. |Danforth. She defeats | |

| |shows desire for John | |Mary Warren. | |

| |Proctor and hatred for | | | |

| |Elizabeth. | | | |


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