The Crucible and Puritanism Unit Test (100 points)

The Crucible and Puritanism Unit Test (100 points)

Study Guide

Be sure to prepare for each section of the test by completing all tasks underlined below on a separate sheet of paper. Note that Part III, as listed below, will appear exactly as is. No deception planned here. Prepare answers and come ready to review on Friday and Monday. You and your classmates will be expected to lead the discussion. The test will cover Of Plymouth Plantation, “Why I Wrote The Crucible” (handout) and The Crucible. On the test, you can use handouts, answers to questions, quizzes and any notes you prepare for Parts II-III of the Unit Study Guide below—not the text.

PART I: CHARACTER MATCHING. (20 points; 10 questions)

In order to prepare for the test, study the second section of the Act I Quiz, review your Character sheet. Also, don’t forget the minor characters such as Goody Good and Goody Osborn!

PART II: MULTIPLE CHOICE (40 points; 20 questions)

Review your questions and answers for all text questions (Acts I-IV), Overture Quiz, questions and reading for Miller’s “Why I Wrote the Crucible,” notes on the “Who were the Puritans…” handout Also, scan through the selection from Of Plymouth Plantation. Write out brief answers to the following topics below in preparation for the Unit Test:

• The critics’ commentary of The Crucible when it opened in 1953.

• Type of governance in Salem in 1692

• Understand the 6 key Puritan beliefs and explain how they apply to The Crucible.

• How Hale views his work and the church at first and ultimately how the trials change his perspective at the end of Act III and IV. Find three quotes (one each in Act II, III, and IV) that support his evolution in thought.

• All the causes (3) of Parris’ fragile state of mind in Act IV

• The reason why Proctor rips up his signed confession in Act IV: “Because it is my ___.”

PART III: SHORT ANSWERS (40 points; 8 points each).

Answer each of the following multi-point questions in several separate, well-defined paragraphs (about 3-5 sentences). Be sure to read each question carefully so that you understand what is required. Be certain that you provide relevant quotes/examples for support for each question. Expect all the following questions to be on the test, so prepare answers ahead of time!

1. Both works—Of Plymouth Plantation and The Crucible—offer views on Puritan attitudes toward nature (i.e., the forest). How did the Puritans view nature? Use a quote from each work that demonstrates a connection between the two works.

2. Choose two of the six Puritan beliefs from the “Who were the Puritans…” handout and explain how each creates conflict or ironically leads to the “downfall” of Salem in The Crucible. Give two examples for each of the two beliefs from the play.

3. What is McCarthyism? First, define it, and then give three examples that explain how the events in the McCarthy era (as in Good Night and Good Luck) parallel the events depicted in Miller’s The Crucible.

4. Define the term “crucible.” Give three specific examples of how this applies to the trials faced by characters in the play.

5. Explain two human (not supernatural!) “evil forces” that are presented in the play. Give a specific example for each force that explains how those forces become part of the play.


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