The Transformation of John Macarthur's Grace Community ...
The Transformation
of John Macarthur's
Grace Community Church (GCC)
How Change Agents Are Transitioning
GCC into the New World Order
By Bob Johnson bob_johnson@watch.
March 9, 2009 "For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works." 2Cor 11:13-15
"But there were false apostles also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you; whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not."
2Pet 2:1-3
"Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ." Col 2:8
What is the Church Growth Movement?
How the Church Growth Movement
Manifests Itself at GCC
The master's academy international (tmai)
Tmai leader's transformational language
Tmai training centers:
John Macarthur said that his church was not in particular danger from infiltrating heresy. This paper will show that a dangerous heresy has infiltrated his church; a heresy known generally as the church growth movement. And this paper will show that this movement, being backed by globalists and being used to fulfill their one-world agenda, is now manipulating GCC into that same agenda.
John Macarthur said that his church is not in danger from some dominating iniquity. This paper will show that John Macarthur, being the dominant figure in his church, by disobeying the doctrine of separation, has allowed men to speak at his church and has allowed men to occupy leadership positions in his church, who, professing to be Christians, are actually dedicated to this
? Tmai brazil,
one-world agenda.
? Tmai honduras, ? Tmai south africa, ? Tmai new zealand, The tmai leadership community
The money trail--who finances tmai?
How the Church Growth Movement Infiltrated GCC John Macarthur's ecumenical roots
John Macarthur said that everything you can see on the surface of his church looks to be good. I have been to his church, and I have attended his ministries, and I didn't have to look beyond the surface to see that everything there is not good. I didn't have to look beyond the surface of his church in order to see the presence of the Purpose Driven Church (PDC) model or the dialectic sessions employed by that model. Nor did I have to look beyond the surface to see that John Macarthur's international ministry, a ministry dedicated to "training church leaders worldwide," is a church growth organization now partnering with foreign governments.
On January 2, 2005, John Macarthur gave a In his "state of the church" sermon,
sermon to his congregation in which he described the state of his church. In that sermon
John Macarthur said that GCC could be on the brink of a fall. GCC has gone
John Macarthur stated, "I feel like part of the ministry I must discharge before the Lord and
beyond that brink and has now fallen. GCC is not holy, peculiar, sanctified
you is a ministry of warning about danger. Our church is not in particular danger from some
and set apart, but rather, is a church that has now found common ground with
dominating iniquity. It is not in particular danger from some infiltrating heresy. It is not in
Satanic agents pushing the one-world agenda via the church growth
danger from some loss of resources financially or human. Everything you can see on the
surface looks to be good. And we would have every reason to think we stand, and still be on the brink of a fall."
Allow me, by way of introduction, to say how I became interested in the goings on at GCC. My interest in
? Tmai mexico,
? Tmai russia,
? Tmai-philippines
GCC began in March 2005 when a eternal consequence." This pastor also
local pastor invited me to accompany told me to never contact them again
him to the GCC Pastor's Conference regarding this matter.
being held that same month. Wanting
to get information about the
In November 2005, a member of GCC
conference, I went to the GCC website agreed to meet me for a discussion.
where I noticed that Dr. Albert Mohler His name was George. I had asked
was to be a keynote speaker. I'd never George during a phone conversation if
heard of Dr. Mohler. When curiosity he'd be willing to have a discussion
pressed and an internet search ended, I with me concerning some things at
had discovered information about Dr. GCC that I had found troubling. Two
Mohler that was not in accord with his days after agreeing to meet with me, I
Christian profession.
received an email from George
informing me that our meeting
I had discovered that Dr. Mohler was a couldn't take place. He told me that
Founding Fellow of the "think tank" of after checking with his church's
a UN-NGO. I had discovered that a authorities, those authorities had
UN-NGO is a non-governmental
decided not to allow our meeting to
organization that is listed with the UN take place. George also informed me
and that serves the UN and its one- that only one man at GCC would meet
world agenda. And therefore, I
with me. This was the same pastor
concluded that it must necessarily who had already written to tell me to
follow, that Dr. Mohler, being a
never contact them again. The email
Founding Fellow of this UN-NGO's that George sent me was cc'd or
"think tank" which serves the UN and copied to this same pastor and George
its agenda, must also serve the UN informed me that any future
agenda. (It has since been confirmed correspondence I might have with him
to me by a colleague of Dr. Mohler's would also be cc'd to this pastor. The
that all the Fellows of the "think tank" GCC authorities were exercising strict
of this UN-NGO are dedicated to the control over this situation. If Dr.
principles of the charter of the UN). Mohler's UN affiliation was "of no
eternal consequence" according to
Knowing that the UN agenda is
pastors at GCC, then why were they
satanic and knowing that this agenda taking such extraordinary measures in
includes the destruction of Biblical order to prevent the exposure of that
Christianity, I wondered why John affiliation? Why were they willing to
Macarthur would invite a man
go to such lengths in order to keep
dedicated to this agenda into his
knowledge of that affiliation hidden
church and into his pulpit. Was John from their church membership?
Macarthur aware of Dr. Mohler's UN
affiliation? (I have since learned that George was not allowed to meet me
Dr. Mohler holds leadership positions for a discussion in a local coffee shop.
in at least two organizations that serve In not allowing one Christian to meet
the UN globalist agenda as NGO's.) another, the GCC authorities had taken
authority not given them in the Word
I proceeded to write a letter to each of of God. In not allowing one Christian
the members of the GCC elder board. I to meet another, the GCC authorities
warned them all of Dr. Mohler's
were exercising a type of control that
associations. I received a reply from is cult-like.
elder, Phil Johnson, dated March 23,
2005. Regarding Dr. Mohler's
Believing the GCC authority's
associations, Mr. Johnson wrote, "We behavior to be deceitful, and knowing
may not agree with all his
they didn't want Dr. Mohler's UN
associations, but nothing in Scripture affiliation exposed, I decided to do
demands that we separate from a true just that at their March 2006 Pastor's
brother in Christ just because we may Conference. With Dr. Mohler again
disagree with him on where he draws invited to be a keynote speaker, I
the circle of his own fellowship." Is stood outside their church and handed
this a true statement? Is there nothing out flyers to the arriving pastors.
in Scripture that demands separation
from a professed Christian who is
The flyer was titled "Al Mohler and
affiliated with satanic evil (the UN)? the United Nations." The flyer
basically contained 2 facts: Al Mohler
Many verses in Scripture demand that was a Founding Fellow of the
Christians separate from evil and 2 Research Institute (think tank) of the
Thess. 3:14 demands separation from Ethics and Religious Liberty
professed Christians who are
Commission (ERLC) and that the
disobedient: "And if any man obey not ERLC was a UN-NGO.
our word by this epistle, note that
man, and have no company with him How did the GCC officials respond to
that he may be ashamed." Scripture these flyers being handed out on the
does demand separation from Dr.
public sidewalk outside their church?
A GCC pastor, Eric Bancroft, with the
head of security in tow, approached
Why didn't the GCC elders seem to be me and angrily told me that my flyer
alarmed by Dr. Mohler's affiliations? contained "all lies"; he then warned
Why were they willing to ignore
me that if I was to set foot on GCC
Biblical commands in order to
property, I'd be arrested. When I left
continue a relationship with Dr.
GCC that evening, some GCC
officials followed me and with the
head of security present, they
Being dissatisfied with the reply I'd photographed my car and wrote down
received from the GCC elder board, I my license plate number.
then decided to make phone calls to
several other GCC pastors in order to What began as an effort to warn the
inform them of Dr. Mohler's UN
saints at GCC about Dr. Mohler's UN
connection. Surely, they would all be affiliation didn't end with my
concerned. I told them all that Dr.
threatened arrest. The GCC authorities
Mohler was a Fellow of a UN-NGO. had tried to keep Dr. Mohler's UN
What was their response? The pastors affiliation hidden from their
all angrily denied this easily verifiable membership. I couldn't help but
wonder what else they may be hiding.
"Fear them not therefore: for there is
I then decided to write letters to about nothing covered, that shall not be
ten more GCC pastors. I expressed to revealed; and hid, that shall not be
them my concern that Dr. Mohler was known." So, I decided to take a closer
a Fellow of a UN-NGO. I received a look into their ministries.
reply from one pastor, Rick Mclean,
responding for all, who, putting
GCC has eight subministries listed on
himself in the position of God, told me their website. Two of these
that the information I'd given them subministries are singles ministries. In
regarding Dr. Mohler's associations looking through these two ministry's
"was of no
web pages, I began to notice the
presence of certain "buzzwords"
common to
the Purpose Driven Church (PDC) New World Order, but is even now
model. I noticed that much of the
working toward its creation.
language used to describe the
"Evangelical churches will be the
activities of these ministries was
chief instrument to bring the New
identical to the language used in the World Order to birth." 1.
PDC model. Being very familiar with
both the "buzzwords" and structure of The purpose of the church growth
the PDC, I strongly suspected that movement is to facilitate the transition
these two ministries were run on that of Christians and churches into the
model. My suspicions were confirmed New World Order. The starting point
after I attended both of these ministry's for the New World Order is a political
Friday night "Bible studies." It was ideology known as
then that I realized that the church Communitarianism.
growth movement (CGM)/PDC model
had infiltrated GCC in at least their two singles ministries.
Communitarianism, Amitai Etzioni, and the
Knowing that the PDC movement had already spread like wildfire across
America's churches and knowing that once this movement gets a foothold in a church it will spread like cancer throughout the entire church body, I knew that it was my Christian duty to warn the saints at GCC about this real danger within.
Communitarianism is a "Third Way" compromise between Capitalism and Communism. Communitarianism is not Fascism nor is it Communism, but a synthesis of these opposing ideologies which preceded it. It draws government-business partnerships
In the summer of 2006, I wrote a letter intended for the Christian remnant at GCC in which I warned them of this dangerous church growth infiltration. It was titled "A Wake Up Call to the Saints at Grace Community Church." While standing on the sidewalk across the street, I handed out copies to the congregants as they left the church. I handed out this letter of warning for three consecutive Sundays.
from Fascism and employs group decision-making from Communism. Communitarianism will resemble a corporate state (Fascism) in which the elite will work under capitalist rules to continue generating wealth while the working class will be controlled by Communist model laws. The Communitarian synthesis incorporates not only elements of Fascism and Communism, but also Globalism.
On the second Sunday, as I handed out the "Wake-up Call," the police were called. A black and white unit stopped and an officer approached me and told me that they had received a call claiming that I was harassing the congregation. I was handing out my letter to Christians as they left the church. I never harassed anyone and no one had complained to me.
The impending economic collapse of the United States along with the financial markets of the world will create the conditions necessary for a global Communitarian society. U.S. President Barack Obama is a Communitarian whose Cabinet and staff will function as a Third Way governing board. It is significant that Barack Obama's base as a "community organizer" was Chicago's churches:
Why were the police called? On that same day, in what could be construed as another act of intimidation, a GCC official approached me and told me that the GCC authorities were
"President Obama began his career on the South Side of Chicago, working with a coalition of churches to improve living conditions in poor neighborhoods. During the election, people all across the country talked
considering a lawsuit against me.
about feeling a new sense of civic
engagement and got involved in
Since handing out this letter of
politics for the first time. Now,
warning, I have continued to look into President Obama and Vice President
the activities of various ministries at Biden are counting on Americans
GCC and I have continued to find
from all walks of life to serve the
activity indicating the presence of the nation and help address the problems
church growth movement. For
we face--and they're committed to
example, I have seen that a GCC
building the infrastructure and
ministry called The Master's Academy providing the resources that will make International (TMAI), which states it possible." 2.
that its mission is to "train church
leaders worldwide," is actually a
Shortly after he took office, President
church growth organization that is Obama signed an Executive Order
now partnering with foreign
establishing the White House Office
governments. (A goal of the church for Faith-Based and Community
growth movement is to merge the
Partnerships. Churches who sign on
church into a partnership with
with this faith-based initiative will be
business and government. This is
required to compromise in many ways,
called Communitarianism.) Later, I such as refraining from sharing the
will describe both the leadership and Gospel and employing non-believers
the activities of TMAI in detail.
in their programs. It appears there will
be serious legal consequences for
Grace Community Church (GCC)
refusal to employ whomever may
[grace ], pastored by apply, even Muslims, Satanists,
John Macarthur is being subverted and homosexuals and pedophiles:
transformed by the church growth
movement (CGM). This paper will "On February 5, 2009, President
give a description of the CGM, how it Barack Obama signed an executive
manifests itself at GCC, and how it order establishing the new White
has infiltrated GCC.
House Office of Faith-Based and
Neighborhood Partnerships (`Faith-
What is the Church Growth Movement
Based office') which is intended to `work on behalf of Americans committed to improving their
communities, no matter their religious or political beliefs.' Per President
Some Christians know that Satan is forming a world government (New World Order) which he plans to rule from modern Israel through the coming false Jewish Messiah (the antiChrist). What most Christians don't know is that the apostate Church will not only be a partner in this
Obama, `the White House Office for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships will be a resource for nonprofits and community organizations, both secular and faith based: looking for ways to make a bigger impact in their communities, learn their obligations under the law, cut through red tape, and make the
most of what the fed
eral government has to offer.'
"Obama's overriding reason for establishing this office is because he believes that `our problems require an `all hands on deck' approach, and that the federal government should enlist effective faith-based and community groups to help solve them.'
Of course, Obama's strong support of faith-based and community partnership initiatives stems from his early years as a hands-on community organizer on Chicago's South Side...
spirit' is based in the Talmud, Hegel, and the theosophical ideas expressed by Madame Blavatsky and Aleister Crowley. They, along with many other gurus, introduced Americans to the worship of Lucifer as the ultimate `light being.' One Thousand Points of Light is a whole program based on Satanic `community oriented' principles." 13. The Talmud is the textbook of Jewish Rabbis and the basis of Judaism. The Kabbalah is the "blood and bone" of the Talmud.
The Talmud &
"The President's Advisory Council on Faith-Based & Neighborhood
the Noahide Laws
Partnerships...will be overseen by a
25-member advisory board of
Niki Raapana wrote in "The Role of
`religious and secular leaders and
Religion in the Communitarian
scholars from different backgrounds' Synthesis": "The theory of
appointed to one-year terms. The
Communitarianism has its own Law,
Faith-Based Advisory Council will be its own guru, its own theoretical basis,
headed by Rev. Joshua DuBois, the and another set of laws based in the
26-year-old Pentecostal pastor who Talmud, which is being taught to
served as director of religious affairs American lawyers and judges at the
for Obama's Presidential campaign. Judaic Law Institute in Washington
Included on the influential Council are D.C. Communitarian and Talmudic
[Evangelical and Baptist ministers Law supersedes all other national and
including]... Rev. Jim Wallis,
religious laws." 14.
President & Executive Director,
Sojourners..., Dr. Frank S. Page,
" a communitarianized Amerika,
President emeritus, Southern Baptist we'll all be required to bow before a
Convention..." 3.
court enforcing Talmudic,
communitarian laws." 15. "U.S.
The following description of
lawyers and judges are being retrained
Communitarianism from the
to base decisions on Talmudic Law."
Rockefeller expose, Thy Will Be
Done; The Conquest of the Amazon,
shows how central the apostate church "Israeli Jews claim to have developed
will be in the coming Communitarian `a system of courts for non-Jews
global government:
adhering to the Seven Laws of
"...communitarianism, a system of Noah...'" 17. The Noahide Laws
church-centered community
correspond with the Sephirot or path
ownership of property that vaguely of initiation taught in the Kabbalah.
would include private ownership of "...the seven Noahide commandments
homes and land." 4. Authors Gerard ...are arranged in the sefirotic
Colby and Charlotte Dennett
structure familiar to students of
documented the tragic outcome of Kabbalah. . ." 18. The sefirotic
communitarianism in Latin America structure is called the Kabbalist "Tree
-- a genocidal campaign conducted by of Life." which is meaning of Amitai
death squads that were funded by
Evangelical churches in the United
States. ("Antipas: CIA Connections") Etzioni's first name.
According to Niki Raapana, co-
The Noahide Laws will be
founder of the Anti-Communitarian administered by a restored Sanhedrin.
League, "The leader of the unheralded "[Archaeologist Dr. Vendyl Jones] is
transition to a communitarian system working with the Sanhedrin to
in the U.S. is the Israeli Zionist
establish a system of courts for non-
founder of the Communitarian
Jews adhering to the Seven Laws of
Network, Dr. Amitai Etzioni." 5.
Noah, which the Torah obligates all of
Amitai Etzioni, born a German Jew humanity to follow." 19. "One of those
named Werner Falk, is a former
laws is to establish courts of justice. A
member of the Council on Foreign high court has been established by the
Relations (CFR), the founder of
Sanhedrin for such purposes, and a
American Communitarianism, the subsidiary of that court will soon be
founder and director of the
established in the United States as
Communitarian Network, and possibly well." 20. In 1991, Chabad-Lubavitch
the most influential man in American in cooperation with President Bush
politics today.
established the observance of
Education Day, USA [Public Law
According to Amitai Etzioni,
102--14 (H..J. Res. 104]: March 20,
"Nationalism must be ended. It is a 1991), "to return the world to the
creed that has come to burden the expansion of globalism." 6. "The
moral and ethical values contained in the Seven Noahide Laws." 21.
communitarian agenda is to eliminate
all nations and establish an all-
According to the Talmud, "One
powerful, central global government." additional element of greater severity
is that violation of any one of the
seven laws subjects the Noahide to
Amitai Etzioni was a student of Martin capital punishment by decapitation.
Buber at the Hebrew University in (Sanh. 57A)" 22. One of the 7
Jerusalem. 8. Martin Buber was a
Noahide Laws prohibits idolatry. True
German Zionist Jew and a Kabbalist Christians, under these Noahide Laws,
who embraced the teachings of
will be considered idolaters for their
Hasidism. "In addition to studying faith in Jesus Christ and will be
Kabbalah with Gershom Scholem, beheaded.
Etzioni worked with Buber himself..."
9. "...he [Amitai Etzioni] studied the In the model communitarian villages
Kabbalah and the Hegelian dialectic." of Guatemala established and
supported by American Evangelicals
in the 1980s, the World Zionist
Why did Werner Falk change his
Organization conducted espionage,
name to Amitai Etzioni? Niki Raapana interrogation by torture and genocide
explains: "The Kabbalah is often
which involved beheadings. ("Antipas:
described as The Truth Tree or The CIA Connections")
Tree of Knowledge (Amitai Etzioni
means Tree of Knowledge from
"But take heed to yourselves: for they
Zion)." 11. "Communitarian legal
shall deliver you up to councils; and in
theory is based in part in the
the synagogues ye shall be beaten: and
Kabbalah." 12.
ye shall be brought before the rulers
and kings for my sake, for a testimony
"Etzioni's new communitarian idea of against them." Mark 13: 9
Peter Drucker, the
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