Perth High School English Department

Which quality would you say you have most? Cunning/ambitiousB) Intelligent/creativeC) Humble/friendlyD) Brave/daring2. What do you most look forward to about starting a new high school? Learning new thingsB) Playing new sportsC) Making new friendsD) Living up to your parents’ expectations3. What’s your favourite subject?A) BiologyB) MathsC) EnglishD) PE4. Where is your favourite place to be?A) On a sports fieldB) With my friends and familyC) In a libraryD) In my house, surrounded by my possessions5. What job would you like to do? Policeman/policewoman/lawyerB) Some kind of charity workC) Doctor/teacher/scientistD) Something which will make you a lot of money6. If you were called one of the following, which would most insult you?A) Mean/cruelB) Cowardly/lazyC) StupidD) A nobody7. During the end-of-year exams, you notice that one of your classmates was cheating. You come top of the class anyway, but they are second. What do you do? Tell the teacher immediately – cheating is wrong, no matter what.B) Nothing, but if I hadn't come top of the class, I'd definitely tell the teacher.C) Encourage the other student to admit what they'd done to the teacher.D) Give them a high five for managing to cheat without getting caught.8. Which of these most accurately describes your relationship with your closest friends?A) I love surrounding myself with people – the more friends I have, the better!B) I have a few very close friends that I would trust with my life.C) I tend to be wary around new people, so don't make new friends often.D) I find myself becoming friends with people who can help me to succeed.9. Which of your skills are you most proud of?A) My ability to absorb new information.B) My ability to make new friends.C) My ability to get what I want.D) My ability to keep secrets.10. What do you hope for in your future?A) To be rich.B) To be surrounded by loving family and friends.C) To be smarter than others and successful.D) To experience a great adventure.11. What frightens you the most? FailureB) Being aloneC) The darkD) Poisonous animals12. You’re in a completely empty, white room and there is a bit of red paper on the floor. What do you do with it?A) Eat it.B) Tear it to pieces.C) Make it into origami.D) Do nothing at all.13. Which would you rather be?A) LikedB) EnviedC) TrustedD) Praised14. Which kind of instrument do you most like to hear?A) DrumB) TrumpetC) PianoD) Violin15. What stresses you out the most?Other peopleB) Sitting a testC) LonelinessD) Boredom16. If you could have a superpower what would it be? Superhuman strengthAbility to speak to animalsReading mindsChanging the past17. How would you like to be known in history?The WiseThe GoodThe BoldThe Great18. If you were a wizard, which potion would you make? Love potion - to make people fall in love with youPolyjuice potion - to make you look like someone elseLucky potion - to give you good luck for a dayPoison - to hurt someone you don’t like19. You are in a burning building and you have 10 seconds to get out. What do you do?A)?Save myself, of course!B) Run and grab my friend that is still in the building.C)?It depends, if I have a way to save my friend, than yes, but if there's no way then I am more important.D)?I'll try to save others, but I am not sure if I’ll manage.20. There’s a huge party, that only the most popular people can go to, but your parents won't let you go due to safety reasons. What do you do?A.?Stay home. I don't want to deal with them. I have better things to do anyway. I will give them the silent treatment though.B) Sneak out! They will never know!C) Convince them and whine. If I do it long enough, they'll let me.D)?Obey without question. They know what's best! ................

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