Resolutions – Democratic Party of Washington County

Resolutions – Democratic Party of Washington County – 2017

Please note that you must be a member of the Washington County Democratic Party in order to propose and vote on resolutions. Please contact Lynn Carey at lynnkcarey@ or (262) 251-1014 if you’d like to become a member.

First, here is an example resolution from a previous State Convention:


(2)WHEREAS, the freedom to read is essential to democracy;

(3)WHEREAS, Senator Feingold has introduced legislation to place reasonable

safeguards on the use of surveillance under the Section 215 of the Patriot Act; and,

(4)WHEREAS, the ACLU and the American Library Association have called for

exempting libraries and booksellers from Section 215 of the Patriot Act and National

Security Letters;

(5)THEREFORE, RESOLVED, the DPW urges support of legislation and joins

the American Library Association and the ACLU in calling for exempting libraries and

booksellers from Section 215 of the USA Patriot Act and National Security Letters.

According to the by-laws of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin, all resolutions must be

1. no more than 100 words

2. in a standardized format, which means that every resolution must begin with a “Whereas” clause, have a “Therefore: clause, with each line being numbered.

Our county party can select up to 10 resolutions to submit to our 5th Congressional District Convention. The other counties in the 5th CD will do the same. Our Congressional District Convention will vote on and select up to 10 resolutions to submit to the State Party Convention, where they will be voted on by the state delegates.

We will be voting on our 10 resolutions at the next County Party meeting, on Wednesday, March 15th.

If you have a resolution for the county party to vote on, please bring 15 copies of your resolution to the meeting or come 30 minutes early to make copies on our machine (we don’t want to be running copies during the actual meeting).

If you have questions or would like help putting together a resolution, please contact Waring Fincke at wrfincke@ or 262-334-1030. Thank you!

Tanya Lohr, Chair – Democratic Party of Washington County

telohr@; 414-467-8469


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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