Great Depression And The New Deal Study Guide

[Pages:2]Great Depression And The New Deal Study Guide:

Instructions: This study guide is designed to help you (the students) to understand what we are learning about the Great Depression and the

New Deal. It tells you what you need to know, and when things are due. You do not need to print this out and turn it in, but you are responsible for completing everything on the study guide by the dates they are due. Any late work will earn 50% credit.

Important Dates: 1. Chapter 12 Test: 04/08/16 2. Chapter Review Due: 04/08/16

Overview: The Great Depression and the New Deal. While many people in the 1920's were deeply upset about many of the social changes

that were occurring, the economy was fairly strong and people were at least optimistic about the future. When the housing and stock markets collapsed in 1929, however, the United States entered its worst economic period in history. By 1933, the unemployment rate in America had risen to more than 25% and many people not only lost their jobs, but also everything they owned. President Herbert Hoover tried to fix the economy with little success. His successor, Franklin Roosevelt had some small successes in repairing the economy with his "New Deal", but it took a second world war to truly bring the American economy back to life.

Chapter 14: Section 1: Vocab: 1. Price support 2. Credit 3. Alfred E Smith 4. Dow Jones Industrial

Average 5. Speculation 6. Buying on Margin 7. Black Tuesday 8. Great Depression 9. Hawley-Smoot Tarrif


Chapter 14: Section 2: Vocab: 1. Shantytown 2. Soup Kitchen 3. Bread Line 4. Dust Bowl 5. Direct Relief

Chapter 14: Section 3: Vocab: 1. Herbert Hoover 2. Boulder Dam 3. Federal Home Loan

Bank Act 4. Reconstruction Finance


Big Questions: 3-5 sentences each 1. How did economic issues in certain industries lead to the Great

Depression? 2. How did a change in supply and demand lead farming to

stumble right before the Great Depression 3. How did people buying on credit in the 1920's lead many

people to have economic problems in the 1930's? 4. How did uneven income distribution lead to the Great

Depression? 5. How did speculation and buying on margin lead many people

into economic problems? 6. Why is "Black Tuesday" considered to be the official start of the

Great Depression? 7. How did fear in the Great Depression cause many banks and

businesses to go out of business? 8. How did the Great Depression impact other countries within the


Note Taking: In Class Notes: -No SHHEWS

Big Questions: 3-5 sentences each 1. Why were many people in the Great Depression forced to live in

Shantytowns? 2. Why were soup kitchens and bread lines an important part of the

Great Depression? 3. Why did the Dust Bowl have a crippling effect not only on rural

areas, but the country as a whole? 4. Why did many men become part time laborers or "hoboes"

during the Great Depression? 5. How did the Great Depression impact the roles of women? 6. How did the Great Depression impact the roles of children? 7. Why did the Great Depression take a tremendous psychological

and emotional toll on many people?

Note Taking: In Class Notes: -No SHHEWS

Big Questions: 3-5 sentences each 1. How did Hoover's philosophy on government make it difficult

for him to take action during the Great Depression? 2. Why was the Boulder Dam a step in progressing the economies

of the western states? 3. How did Congress turning mostly Democrat in 1930 make it

difficult for Hoover to get many things done within the

Note Taking: In Class Notes: -No SHHEWS

5. Bonus Army


6. Hoovervilles

4. Why did the Cooperatives fail to solve the problems of the early

Great Depression?

5. What were the issues that got in the way of the Patman Bill

being passed?

6. Why did Hoover disband the Bonus Army and how did that

effect his presidency?

Chapter 15: Section 1:


Big Questions: 3-5 sentences each

1. Franklin Delano

1. What were the 100 days and why were they important?


2. How did Roosevelt use the Fireside Chats to reach out to the

2. New Deal

people of America during the Depression?

3. Glass-Steagall Act

3. How did Roosevelt take steps to regulate banking and finance?

4. Federal Securities Act 4. What were the main purposes for the work projects created in

5. Agricultural Adjustment

the New Deal?

Act (AAA)

5. How did the Supreme Court try to deal with the New Deal?

6. Civilian Conservation 6. Why did Huey Long and others deeply criticize Roosevelt and

Corps (CCC)

the New Deal?

7. National Industrial

Recovery Act (NIRA)

8. Deficit Spending

9. Huey Long

Chapter 15: Section 2:


Big Questions: 3-5 sentences each

1. Eleanor Roosevelt

1. What were the main goals of the Second 100 Days?

2. Works Progress

2. How did Roosevelt try to improve working conditions during

Administration (WPA)

his administration?

3. National Youth

3. What were the main purposes of the Social Security Act?


4. Wagner Act

5. Social Security Act

Chapter 15: Section 3:


Big Questions: 3-5 sentences each

1. Frances Perkins

1. How did women begin to gain important responsibilities during

2. Mary McLeod Bethune

the New Deal?

3. John Collier

2. How did the rights of African Americans change because of the

4. New Deal Coalition

New Deal?

5. Congress of Industrial 3. Why did many Mexican Americans support the New Deal?

Organizations (CIO)

4. Why did Labor Unions become more powerful and grow during

Roosevelt's presidency?

Chapter 15: Section 4:


Big Questions: 3-5 sentences each

1. Gone With the Wind

1. How did movies become an important part of American culture

2. Orson Welles

during the Great Depression?

3. Grant Wood

2. How did the Great Depression change the arts?

4. Richard Wright

5. The Grapes of Wrath

Chapter 15: Section 5:


Big Questions: 3-5 sentences each

1. Federal Deposit

1. How did Roosevelt increase the government's role in the

Insurance Corporation



2. How did the reforms of the New Deal attempt to protect

2. Securities and Exchange

worker's rights?

Commission (SEC)

3. How were steps taken to protect the environment during

3. National Labor Relations

Roosevelt's time in office as president?

Board (NLRB)

4. Parity

5. Tennessee Valley

Administration (TVA)

Note Taking: In Class Notes: -No SHHEWS

Note Taking: In Class Notes: -No SHHEWS

Note Taking: In Class Notes: -No SHHEWS

Note Taking: In Class Notes: -No SHHEWS

Note Taking: In Class Notes: -No SHHEWS


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