Goals and Objectives Statement for General Operating Rotation (GOR)

The general goals for pediatric fellowship training at Stanford University, Department of Anesthesia include:

1. To provide education and training such that the trainee can function as a pediatric anesthesia consultant for pre-anesthesia evaluation and preparation, intra-operative management and post operative care of both routine and complex pediatric patients.

2. To make the trainee aware of the developmental and social issues that impact care of pediatric patients

3. To provide the trainee with skills and resources that allows them to continue their professional development and advancement now and in the future.

The following are those areas covered in the general anesthesia rotations and call responsibilities.


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|Knowledge: To acquire well rounded and |To understand: |OR rotations |Monthly evaluations |

|thorough knowledge of basic and applied |the transitional physiology of the neonatal period |Simulation |Case logs |

|medical sciences that pertain to pediatric |special physical, developmental, and psychological considerations for |Lectures |Lecture presentation evaluations |

|anesthesia and to be able to apply this |critically ill children |Faculty interaction |Simulation |

|knowledge when making an anesthetic plan. |special considerations for |Emergency OR call including: solid organ transplants, neonatal|Board certification exam |

| |Pediatric solid organ transplant |emergencies, pediatric airway emergencies and surgeries for | |

| |OR anesthesia |critically ill children (ASA PS3 or greater). | |

| |Neuroanesthesia |Guided and independent reading | |

| |The difficult pediatric airway |Learning modules (in development) | |

|Patient Care: To achieve the level of |To acquire skills in : |OR teaching and rotations |Monthly evaluations |

|independent consultant in gathering |Pediatric airway management of routine and pathologic conditions, |Sim center activities (in development ) |Case logs |

|diagnostic information making anesthetic |including special techniques such as FOI, light wand, single lung |Preanesthesia consultation |Portfolio evaluations (including |

|plans, providing anesthetic services and |ventilation and jet ventilation, among others. |Post anesthesia evaluation |patient and coworker evaluation) |

|performing procedures for the management of |Pediatric regional anesthesia | |Simulation |

|common and unique pediatric surgical |Invasive monitoring in children (including arterial and central line | | |

|procedures, their pre-anesthesia preparation|placement and TEE) | | |

|and the prevention of complications. |Neonatal emergencies | | |

| |Preparation of children and families for major surgical procedures | | |

|Practice based Learning: To analyze one's |To be able to identify and analyze areas of one's practice that need |Problem based learning discussions |Monthly fellow evaluations by |

|own practice systematically and to be able |improvement or can serve as examples for others. |Case log review |elective course director |

|to retrieve, understand and apply scientific|To be able to critically analyze one's practice in light of current |M and M/interesting case presentation |M&M discussion |

|evidence related to the practice of |scientific and biomedical knowledge related to anesthesia |Childhood syndromes and anesthetic management conferences |Monthly and end of year fellowship |

|anesthesia. To participate in the learning | |Communication with library resources |program evaluation |

|of fellow anesthesiologists and other heath | |Journal Club and statistical review sessions |Case log vs. rational average |

|care professions. | |Scholarly project |Conference evaluation forms |

| | |FCC |Submission acceptance |

| | |Debates in anesthesia (in development) |Sim. debrief |

|Professionalism |To offer fellows opportunities in : |Bioethics and Risk Management lecture |Portfolios including patient and co |

|To understand and apply basic principles of |instruction in biomedical ethics |Problem-based learning discussions |worker evaluations |

|biomedical ethics |analysis of their own practice in relation to ethical issues |Teaching days in OR rotations |Faculty evaluations |

|To introduce areas of academic pediatric |Teaching other trainees |Participation in fellow and resident lecture series | |

|anesthesia practice including teaching, |Mentoring in research activities |Working with faculty on research projects | |

|research and participation in professional |Learning the basics of study design and the critique of scientific |Journal club and statistics lectures | |

|organizations |literature |Modeling of faculty | |

| |Introduction to writing scientific papers | | |

|Effective Communication |To be able to discuss issues of informed consent and anesthetic risks and|Modeling by faculty | 360 degree evaluations by OR |

|To understand and demonstrate cultural |benefits to patients and/or parents |Work with interpreters |personnel, patients and their |

|differences in age , gender , and authority |To communicate with surgical colleagues anesthetic related risks and |Independent study including suggested reading materials |families |

|roles |benefits |Simulation |Sim. debriefing |

|To work as an effective and efficient member|To communicate and work cooperatively with other health care professionals| | |

|of the surgical team |in the operating/surgical team including nurses, surgical and technical | | |

| |assistants, and other personnel. | | |

|Systems based learning |To introduce fellows to : |Practice and principles of billing in anesthesia (William |Monthly fellow evaluations by |

|To understand the practice of pediatric |Different types of anesthesia delivery systems |Feaster) |elective course director |

|anesthesia in the larger context of health |Methods of cost analysis and cost containment |Preoperative consultation |Monthly and end of year fellowship |

|care organization and delivery. |Quality assurance and continuous quality improvement techniques in the | |program evaluation |

| |practice of anesthesia | |Portfolio evaluations |


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