Bylaw 13935 - Edmonton

Bylaw 13935

A Bylaw to amend Bylaw 11786, as amended, being the South Edmonton Common

and Edmonton Research and Development Park Area Structure Plan

WHEREAS pursuant to the authority granted to it by the Municipal Government Act, on July 13, 1998, the Municipal Council of the City of Edmonton passed Bylaw 11786, being the South Edmonton Common and Edmonton Research and Development Park Area Structure Plan; and

WHEREAS Council found it desirable to amend Bylaw 11786, being the South Edmonton Common and Edmonton Research and Development Park Area Structure Plan by the passage of Bylaw 13614; and

WHEREAS an application was received by the Planning and Development Department to amend the South Edmonton Common and Edmonton Research and Development Park Area Structure Plan; and

WHEREAS Council considers it desirable to amend the South Edmonton Common and Edmonton Research and Development Park Area Structure Plan;

NOW THEREFORE after due compliance with the relevant provisions of the Municipal Government Act RSA 2000, ch. M-26, as amended, the Municipal Council of the City of Edmonton duly assembled enacts as follows:

1. Bylaw 11786, as amended, is hereby further amended by:

a) deleting the map entitled “Bylaw 13614 – the South Edmonton Common and Edmonton Research and Development Park Area Structure Plan” and substituting therefor the Map entitled “Bylaw 13935 – Amendment to the South Edmonton Common and Edmonton Research and Development Park Area Structure Plan”, attached hereto as Schedule “A”;

b) deleting the land use statistics entitled “South Edmonton Common and Edmonton Research and Development Park Area Structure Plan - Land Use Statistics - Bylaw 13614”


and substituting therefor new statistics entitled “South Edmonton Common and Edmonton Research and Development Park Area Structure Plan - Land Use Statistics - Bylaw 13935", attached hereto as Schedule “B” and forming part of this Bylaw;

c) deleting the paragraph two, Section 1.4 Land Ownership.

d) deleting the fourth paragraph of Section 5.2.3 Core Area and substituting therefor the following:

“Lands within the Core Area on the eastern half of the plan were zoned (AP) Public Parks Zone and were leased for use as rugby fields. Future development options for the remaining portion of the Core Area include maintaining it as open space or redeveloping all or a portion of the parcels as part of the Research Park.

In 2005, continuing commercial development in South Edmonton Common resulted in the elimination of the balance of the Core Area and the site being incorporated in the Research Park. The site was rezoned to facilitate development of research/industrial land uses.”

e) deleting paragraph two, Section 5.2.5 Open Space.

f) deleting the first bullet of Section 6.2 Roadway Improvements and substituting therefor the following:

“Widening of 23 Avenue from 4 lanes to 6 lanes from Gateway Boulevard to Parsons Road, including restricting traffic movements at the 23 Avenue/98 Street intersection to left-in and right-in/right-out movements.”.

g) deleting from the second paragraph of Section 8.1 ERDP Development Staging, “with the exception of the remaining Core Area”.

h) amending the following: “area” calculations in Appendix A.1. South Edmonton Common and Edmonton Research Park Area Structure Plan – Land Use Statistics:

Area (ha)

Research and Industrial Business 125.50

i) deleting the following “area” calculation in Appendix A.1 South Edmonton Common and Edmonton Research Park Area Structure Plan – Land Use Statistics:

Area (ha)

Core Area Open Space 5.07


j) deleting Figure 1 – Location Plan and substituting therefor the following: Figure 1.0 Location Plan, attached hereto as Schedule “C”.

k) deleting Figure 2 – Site Concept and Land Ownership and substituting therefor the following: Figure 2 – Site Concept and Land Ownership, attached hereto as Schedule “D”.

l) deleting Figure 3 - Existing Site Features and substituting therefor the following: Figure 3 – Existing Site Features, attached hereto as Schedule “E”.

m) deleting Figure 4 - Development Concept and substituting therefor the following: Figure 4 – Development Concept, attached hereto as Schedule “F”.

n) deleting Figure 5 – Access and Circulation and substituting therefor the following: Figure 5 – Access and Circulation, attached hereto as Schedule “G”.

o) deleting Figure 6 – Storm Servicing and substituting therefor the following: Figure 6 – Storm Servicing, attached hereto as Schedule “H”.

p) deleting Figure 7 – Sanitary Servicing and substituting therefor the following: Figure 7 – Sanitary Servicing, attached hereto as Schedule “I”.

q) deleting Figure 8 – Water Distribution and substituting therefor the following: Figure 8 – Water Distribution, attached hereto as Schedule “J”.

r) deleting Figure 9 – Development Staging and substituting therefor the following: Figure 9 – Development Staging, attached hereto as Schedule “K”.

READ a first time this day of , A. D. 2005;

READ a second time this day of , A. D. 2005;

READ a third time this day of , A. D. 2005;

SIGNED and PASSED this day of , A. D. 2005.




_______________________________________ CITY CLERK








BYLAW 13935

| |Area (ha) | |% of GDA |

| | | | |

|Gross Area |262.25 | | |

| | | | |

|Circulation | | | |

|23 Avenue |7.80 | | |

|Parson’s Road |4.70 | | |

|C.P.R. |5.60 | | |

|Pipelines |10.20 | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Total |28.30 | | |

| | | | |

|Net Developable Area |233.95 | |100% |

| | | | |

|Research & Industrial Business |125.50 | |53.6 |

|Commercial and Services | | | |

|Commercial |87.09 | |37.2 |

|Entertainment Services |14.20 | |6.1 |

|Stormwater Management Facility |5.26 | |2.3 |

|Landscaped Pond |1.90 | |0.8 |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Total |233.95 | | |





















LOCATION: South of 23 Avenue and east of Gateway Boulevard, South Edmonton Common


DESCRIPTION: Lots 1PUL, 2 and 3, Block 4, Plan 812 0859

APPLICANT: Land and Buildings Branch

Asset Management and Public Works Department

City of Edmonton

20th Floor, Century Place

9803 - 102A Avenue

Edmonton AB T5J 3A3

OWNER: City of Edmonton


APPLICATION: December 1, 2004


DEVELOPMENT: Norwester’s Rugby Clubhouse and playing fields




RECOMMENDATION: That Bylaw 13935 to amend the South Edmonton Common and Edmonton Research and Development Park Area Structure Plan be APPROVED.

That Bylaw 13936 to amend the Zoning Bylaw from (AP) Public Parks Zone to (IB) Industrial Business Zone be APPROVED.


1. The Application

This report concerns two applications for land located within the central portion of the South Edmonton Common and Edmonton Research and Development Park Area Structure Plan (ASP).

The first application (ASP/04-0014) is to amend the South Edmonton Common and Edmonton Research and Development Park (ASP). This amendment will result in the redesignation of the 5.07 ha Core Area from “Open Space and Recreational” to “Research/Industrial Business” to accommodate the development of this site for a research and industrial technology use.

As a result of development proceeding in the plan area, a number of minor adjustments to the roadway/pedestrian network have been identified by the Transportation and Streets Department. These changes have been reflected in this proposed amendment.

The second application (ZB/04-0115) is to rezone the Core Area from (AP) Public Parks Zone to (IB) Industrial Business Zone to apply the required zoning.

The applicant has submitted these applications on behalf of Edmonton Economic Development Corporation who have leased these lands to Dell Canada Inc. to facilitate the development of a Technical Service Call Centre for corporate clients. The site will be developed as a high quality development that embraces the highest standard of industrial park design which is suited to the knowledge based industries and the businesses of the Edmonton Research and Development Park.

2. Site and Surrounding Area

The area affected by these applications is within the South Edmonton Common and Edmonton Research and Development Park ASP. The ASP area is bounded by Gateway Boulevard on the west, 23 Avenue on the north, 91 Street on the east and the Transportation and Utility Corridor on the south. The application area is located in the interior of the ASP area, on the western edge of the Research Park lands. The site is bounded by Parsons Road and a pipeline utility corridor on the west. Karl Clark Road curves around the site and forms the northern, eastern and southern boundaries.

View of site looking west on Karl Clark Rod at 17 Avenue.


1. Compliance with Approved Plans and Land Use Compatibility

a) Plan Edmonton

These applications conform to the City of Edmonton’s Municipal Development Plan, Plan Edmonton, which designates this area as “Business and Employment Area.” The proposal reflects Plan Edmonton’s land development philosophy and strategies for cost-effective use of infrastructure, the utilization of existing infrastructure and development of economic activity centres. The proposal also supports Plan Edmonton’s strategies for the promotion and support of existing economic activity centres within the City.

These applications also conform to Plan Edmonton’s priorities of expanding the business base by attracting and supporting new developments and creating a positive City profile. Locating the Dell facility in the Research Park adjacent to other high technology, industrial companies, uses the existing City owned asset to facilitate growth. Dell’s partnership with NAIT, who is providing the training for the future Dell employees, capitalizes on Edmonton’s knowledge base and increases Edmonton’s profile.

b) South Edmonton Common and Edmonton Research and Development Park Area Structure Plan

The proposed applications support the general development objectives of the Research and Development Park which encourage:

• A high quality, high amenity development which embraces the highest standards of industrial park planning and design suited to knowledge based industries and businesses.

The ASP identified the Core Area to remain as either Open Space or to be developed as part of the Research Park. The development of this site as an information technology use will further strengthen and enhance this portion of the Research Park as a major research and economic activity centre.

2. History

The original Edmonton Research and Development Park ASP designated the site of these applications as the centrally located Core Area straddling the north/south pipeline corridor and intended that it provide for common services and facilities to serve the Research Park. The original alignment of Parson’s Road bent around the Core Area, however the Transportation and Streets Department ultimately decided that a more efficient alignment for Parsons Road was to straighten it and bisect the Core Area. The western portion of the Core Area was eliminated from the ASP area in 1996.

With the introduction of commercial uses to South Edmonton Common in the western part of the plan area and the realignment of Parsons Road, the Core Area did not achieve its original intent. The direction within the ASP was that if the Core Area did not develop as originally intended then it could be either left as open space or redeveloped as a parcel within the Research Park.

3. Land Use Compatiblity and Land Use Implications

The plan amendment and the rezoning are an extension of the existing land uses within the Research Park half of the ASP area. The proposed business industrial use for the Core Area lands is compatible with the adjacent research and industrial uses currently approved within the Research Park. The Edmonton Research and Development Park half of the ASP area is separated from the commercial uses of the South Edmonton Common half of the ASP by a north/south pipeline corridor. This corridor provides amenity space

for the ASP area and is landscaped to act as a suitable buffer/transition zone between the commercial and industrial uses. The proposals will not alter the functioning of the landscaped buffer.

In order to meet the objectives of the ASP, the amendment area will be subject to a set of regulations and guidelines entitled “Edmonton Research Park Core Area Design Guidelines”, which will be registered on title as a Restrictive Covenant. These guidelines are based on the “Edmonton Research Park Design Guidelines” which apply to all of the research and development lands in the Research Park and complement the (IB) Industrial Business zone standards. These guidelines will ensure the development of the application area as a high quality, research and industrial site.

3. Transportation and Utilities

No civic departments or private utility agencies have any objections regarding these applications.

The Transportation and Streets Department advises that the main access to this site will be from Parsons Road and will require that the developer of the site be responsible for a portion of the cost of the signalization of the 19 Avenue/Parsons Road intersection and the construction of the required turn bays. The roadway improvements required as a condition of development of this site will be carried out in conjunction with the planned roadway upgrades to Parsons Road that are being jointly funded by Cameron Development Corporation and the City. Costs for the traffic signal will be shared 50/50 by the developer of the site and Cameron Corporation.

The Department has also requested that the 23 Avenue/98 Street intersection be designated a “limited access” intersection. This minor change to the plan is a result of the logical progression of development in the ASP area and this modification being identified as required.

4. Open Space

The Community Services Department advised that they have no objection to these applications.

5. Surrounding Property Owners’ Concerns

The Planning Department distributed notice of the applications to surrounding property owners on January 17, 2005. As a result of the notice, one person contacted the Planning and Development Department requesting information on the proposed applications.

The Planning and Development Department held a public meeting on February 1, 2005, at the Alberta Research Council. The meeting was attend by City staff, representatives from Economic Development Edmonton, outside consultants and two individuals who attended the meeting to gather more information on the proposed applications. At the meeting the attendees reviewed the proposed applications and were provided an overview of the proposed development and the surrounding land use implications.


The Planning and Development Department recommends that Bylaw 13935 and Bylaw 13936 be APPROVED on the basis that the applications conform to Plan Edmonton’s land development philosophy and strategies for cost-effective use of infrastructure, utilization of existing infrastructure and development of economic activity centres. The Plan also supports initiatives to encourage industrial/research uses within the Edmonton Development and Research Park. Furthermore the proposed Plan will maintain the required separation between the commercial and industrial uses of the ASP area and meets all the technical requirements of affected Utility agencies and City Departments.


2a Approved South Edmonton Common and Edmonton Research and Development Park Land Use Statistics– Bylaw 13614

2b Proposed South Edmonton Common and Edmonton Research and Development Park Land Use Statistics – Bylaw 13935

2c Approved South Edmonton Common and Edmonton Research and Development Park Area Structure Plan – Bylaw 13614

2d Proposed South Edmonton Common and Edmonton Research and Development Park Area Structure Plan – Bylaw 13935

2e Surrounding Land Use Map

2f Proposed Rezoning – Bylaw 13936

2g Consultant’s report - South Edmonton Common and Edmonton Research and Development Park Area Structure Plan Amendment

Written by: Nancy MacDonald

Approved by: Phillip Arendt

Planning and Development Department

February 14, 2005




BYLAW 13614

| |Area (ha) | | |

| | | | |

|Gross Area |262.25 | | |

| | | | |

|Circulation | | | |

|23 Avenue |7.80 | | |

|Parson’s Road |4.70 | | |

|C.P.R. |5.60 | | |

|Pipelines |10.20 | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Total |28.30 | | |

| | | | |

|Net Developable Area |233.95 | | |

| | | | |

|Research & Industrial Business |120.43 | | |

|Commercial and Services | | | |

|Commercial |87.09 | | |

|Entertainment Services |14.20 | | |

|Core Area |5.07 | | |

|Stormwater Management Facility |5.26 | | |

|Landscaped Pond |1.90 | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Total |233.95 | | |




BYLAW 13935

| |Area (ha) | |% of GDA |

| | | | |

|Gross Area |262.25 | | |

| | | | |

|Circulation | | | |

|23 Avenue |7.80 | | |

|Parson’s Road |4.70 | | |

|C.P.R. |5.60 | | |

|Pipelines |10.20 | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Total |28.30 | | |

| | | | |

|Net Developable Area |233.95 | |100% |

| | | | |

|Research & Industrial Business |125.50 | |53.6 |

|Commercial and Services | | | |

|Commercial |87.09 | |37.2 |

|Entertainment Services |14.20 | |6.1 |

|Stormwater Management Facility |5.26 | |2.3 |

|Landscaped Pond |1.90 | |0.8 |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Total |233.95 | | |










South Edmonton Common and Edmonton

Research and Development Park Area

Structure Plan Amendment

December, 2004

Prepared by:

The Asset Management and Public Works Department

City of Edmonton

Table of Contents

Section 1 Introduction & Background

Section 2 Purpose

2.1 Rationale for Amendment

Section 3 Statutory Plan & Policy Context

Section 4 Site Context & Development Considerations

4.1 Existing Development & Surrounding Land Uses

4.2 Topography and Natural Drainage

4.3 Vegetation & Soils

4.4 Pipeline Corridor

4.5 Environmental

Section 5 Development Objectives

Section 6 Development Concept

Section 7 Transportation

Section 8 Engineering

Section 9 Implementation

Section 10 Appendix - Statistics

1. Introduction

This amendment to the South Edmonton Common and Edmonton Research and Development Park Area Structure Plan (ASP) has been prepared by the Asset Management and Public Works Department of the City of Edmonton on behalf of Edmonton Economic Development Corporation (EEDC). The amendment area encompasses approximately 5.90 hectares of land within the central part of the ASP area. The land is owned by the City of Edmonton. The applications have been filed on behalf EEDC, who manages the Edmonton Research and Development Park.

The original Area Structure Plan for the Edmonton Research and Development Park was approved by City Council on August 17, 1982, under Bylaw 6981. The Area Structure Plan was subsequently amended on June 17, 1996, under Bylaw 11278 which substantially revised the plan to accommodate the development of the first phase of South Edmonton Common (SEC). This amendment converted 83 hectares of the western portion of the plan area to commercial uses. On July 13, 1998, Bylaw 6981 was repealed and a new Bylaw 11786 was approved by City Council to adopt the South Edmonton Common and Edmonton Research and Development Park Area Structure Plan. A recent amendment to Bylaw 11786 was approved by City Council on March 25, 2004 under Bylaw 13614. The land use concept for the approved plan is shown on Figure 1.0 – Bylaw 13614.

The western half of the ASP area is owned by Cameron Corporation and is designated for commercial development. Parcels of land within the northeastern part of the plan area, north of 23 Avenue, are part of the Research Park. These lots are owned by individual research oriented businesses and form the northern boundary of the ASP area. The southeast part of the ASP area is owned by Alberta Public Works, Supply and Services and is home to the Alberta Research Council.

As shown on Figure 1, the amendment area is bounded by Karl Clark Road and the north-south Pipeline Corridor. It is legally described as; Lots 2 & 3, Block 4, Plan 8120859. The gross area of the parcels is 5.90 hectares. The land use concept for the proposed amendment is shown on Figure 2 – Land Use Concept.

Figure 1


Figure 2


2. Purpose

The purpose of this amendment is to facilitate a change of land use designation within the central portion of the plan area from “Open Space and Recreational” to “Research/Industrial Business” designation in order to accommodate the development of the site for a research and industrial use.

1. Rationale for Amendment

EEDC has assessed the development of the land within the Research Park and determined that a change of designation is necessary for the Core Area lands. The original goal of the Core Area to serve as a service center for the plan area has not been attained and is not viable as the plan area develops. The original Edmonton Research and Development Park Area Structure Plan designated a centrally located Core Area straddling the north-south pipeline corridor to provide a site for common services and facilities and to serve as a focal point for the Research Park.

Based on the original design, Parsons Road would have bent around the Core Area before continuing further south. A decision by the Transportation and Streets Department to have Parsons Road in a straighter, north-south alignment effectively bisected the Core Area and impacted it’s viability to function as a central node. With the introduction of commercial uses in South Edmonton Common coupled with the alignment of Parsons Road, the western half of the original Core Area was eliminated altogether.

The eastern portion of the Core Area has been left undeveloped. The area is currently zoned as Public Parks (AP) and the land had been leased by the Norwesters Athletic Association for a clubhouse and rugby playing fields. This lease has been terminated and the intention is to rezone the site to IB to accommodate a Research and Industrial Use. The site will be integrated into the Research Park and developed as a compatible use with the other research and industrial uses. EEDC has signed a lease with Dell Canada Inc. for the development of a Technical Service Call Centre for corporate clients on this site.

The ASP proposed that the remainder of the Core Area serve either as part of an open space network and be combined with the adjacent pipeline corridor or be developed as to accommodate research and industrial uses. The pipeline corridor and the campus-like atmosphere of the Research Park will now provide amenity space for the plan area. Continuing commercial development in the western portion of the plan area has eliminated the viability of the Core Area as a commercial and service focal point.

3. Statutory Plan and Policy Context

1. Edmonton Municipal Development Plan

The land within the South Edmonton Common and Edmonton Research and Development Park Area Structure Plan is designated in Plan Edmonton, Edmonton’s Municipal Plan as an economic activity centre in a Business and Employment Area. The proposed plan amendment is consistent with Plan Edmonton’s land development philosophy and strategies for cost-effective use of infrastructure and the development of economic activity centers.

The following strategies from Plan Edmonton are of particular relevance to this amendment:

Planned Growth - Priority : Land Development Philosophy – Develop and utilize a land development philosophy that meets the City’s long-term development needs and achieves the optimal balance between residential, industrial, commercial institutional and recreational land uses.

Strategy 1.1.1 – Provide for choices regarding the types of development in which people want to live and do business.

Strategy 1.1.5 - Ensure an adequate supply of industrial land

Priority: Utilization of Existing Infrastructure – Encourage maximum development around existing City infrastructure.

Strategy 1.3.4 - Promote intensification of development around transportation corridors and employment areas.

Strategy 1.3.6 - Manage the City-owned land and facility inventory to optimize existing Infrastructure.

Priority: Economic Activity Centres within the City – Recognize the existence and the potential of economic activity centres within the City and encourage these vibrant growth areas by fostering the mix of services and businesses which support and link them.

Strategy 1.4.1 - Promote Edmonton’s existing and potential economic activity centres, while continuing to support existing commercial and industrial uses.

Strategy 1.4.3 - Support public and private sector efforts dedicated to development and enhancement of economic activity centres.

Economic Development - Priority: Expanded Business Base – Nurture existing businesses and attract and support the development of new businesses to provide opportunities and prosperity for our citizens.

Strategy 2.1.10 – Leverage economic growth by using key City-owned assets.

2. South Edmonton Common and Edmonton Research and Development Park ASP

These applications support the general development objectives of the Research and Development Park which encourage:

• A high quality, high amenity development which embraces the highest standards of industrial park planning and design suited to knowledge based industries and businesses.

• Attract a specific tenant group engaged primarily in scientific research and development so as to augment and broaden the industrial base of The City of Edmonton.

4. Site Context and Development Considerations

1. Existing Development & Surrounding Land uses

Existing development on the site consists of a club house and storage shed which was constructed by the former tenants, Norwester’s Athletic Association. These buildings will be removed and the site cleared to accommodate the new Technical Service Call Centre for corporate clients for Dell Canada Inc.

West of the amendment area is South Edmonton Common a large commercial development comprised of retail businesses and entertainment facilities. South of the amendment area is the Provincial Government land, a portion of which is occupied by the Alberta Research Council facilities. North and east of the amendment area is the Research Park land which to date has been partially developed.

2. Topography and Natural Drainage

The topography of the amendment area is generally flat, sloping gently from the northeast to the south and west. Overall, the topography and drainage pattern within the amendment area poses no serious constraints to development.

3. Vegetation and Soils

The amendment area is devoid of tree cover as the land was cleared for recreational activities (soccer, rugby). The soils are well drained and pose no hindrance to development.

4. Pipeline Corridor

A pipeline corridor runs north-south adjacent to the amendment area to the west. This pipeline corridor bisects the plan area, separating the commercial uses of South Edmonton Common from the Research Park. A portion of the eastern part of the pipeline corridor will be used for surface parking. The pipeline corridor will be maintained as a buffer and to provide separation between the two parts of the plan area. Permission has been granted by the pipeline operator to use a portion of the pipeline for parking. Crossing agreements will be obtained from the pipeline operators for the proposed site access at 19th Avenue and Parsons Road and any area that is used for parking.

5. Environmental

A Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) was prepared in August, 2004, by the Asset Management and Public Works Department. The report concluded that there were no activities that would have impacted the site environmentally and consequently, no further site assessment is required. The study has been submitted to the Environmental Planning Group of the Planning and Development Department and reviewed by the appropriate civic departments and agencies. There are no outstanding concerns or development constraints that require further investigation.

5. Development Objectives

The plan amendment complies with the Development Objectives for the Edmonton Research and Development Park as outlined in the South Edmonton Common and Edmonton Research and Development Park Area Structure Plan. This application proposes development of this site as a high quality, high amenity development which is compatible with the adjacent research and industrial uses.

6. Development Concept

As shown on Figure 2.0, all the land in the eastern portion of the plan area is designated for Research/Industrial Uses. In order to achieve the high quality image that the Research Park is intended to convey, visual interest and area identity shall be promoted in this site with the design of distinctive signature entrances, provision of views of open space and encouragement of uniformity in streetscape.

The amendment area will be zoned (IB) Industrial Business, which alone will not ensure that the objectives and development concept of the ASP are met. Therefore an additional set of regulations and guidelines entitled “Edmonton Research Park Core Area Design Guidelines” shall be employed on these lands and will be filed on title as a Restrictive Covenant. These regulations are unique to the Core Area lands, although they are based on the “Edmonton Research Park Design Guidelines” which apply to the all the research and development park lands in the Research Park. These guidelines do not supercede the IB Zone standards in the Land Use Bylaw, but are intended to complement them.

The pipeline corridor will continue to serve as a buffer and transition zone between the commercial uses of South Edmonton Common and the Research Park. This physical separation is enhanced with landscaping.

7.0 Transportation

Access to the amendment area will be taken from Karl Clark Road and Parsons Road. Primary access will be from Parsons Road at the 19 Avenue intersection, which will be signalized. Additional access points will be constructed from Karl Clark Road.

A Transportation Impact Assessment (TIA) has been prepared and submitted under separate cover to address the amendment and development proposal.

8.0 Engineering

The proposed amendment can be accommodated within the approved storm, sanitary and water servicing network for the area.

9.0 Implementation

The proposed amendment will be implemented through the Zoning Bylaw under the IB Zone which is consistent with the zoning on the remaining land within the Research Park. This will be supplemented by the “Edmonton Research Park Core Area Design Guidelines”.

10.0 Appendix – Land Use Statistics



BYLAW 13614

| |Area (ha) | | |

| | | | |

|Gross Area |262.25 | | |

| | | | |

|Circulation | | | |

|23 Avenue |7.80 | | |

|Parson’s Road |4.70 | | |

|C.P.R. |5.60 | | |

|Pipelines |10.20 | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Total |28.30 | | |

| | | | |

|Net Developable Area |233.95 | | |

| | | | |

|Research & Industrial Business |120.43 | | |

|Commercial and Services | | | |

|Commercial |87.09 | | |

|Entertainment Services |14.20 | | |

|Core Area |5.07 | | |

|Stormwater Management Facility |5.26 | | |

|Landscaped Pond |1.90 | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Total |233.95 | | |



| |Area (ha) | |% of GDA |

| | | | |

|Gross Area |262.25 | | |

| | | | |

|Circulation | | | |

|23 Avenue |7.80 | | |

|Parson’s Road |4.70 | | |

|C.P.R. |5.60 | | |

|Pipelines |10.20 | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Total |28.30 | | |

| | | | |

|Net Developable Area |233.95 | |100% |

| | | | |

|Research & Industrial Business |125.50 | |53.6 |

|Commercial and Services | | | |

|Commercial |87.09 | |37.2 |

|Entertainment Services |14.20 | |6.1 |

|Stormwater Management Facility |5.26 | |2.3 |

|Landscaped Pond |1.90 | |0.8 |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Total |233.95 | | |




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