THE Devil's Trap Kenneth D. McBride-Thomas

[Pages:30]THE Devil's Trap

By Kenneth D. McBride-Thomas


This man in his early thirties, praying with his firearm and bible on his side.

He's about to engage in a battle with this demon chasing him.

HAYDEN is loading up ammo to his G-18 machine pistol. Some hand grip-attachment.

He's got enough ammunition to fight them off. Survival. He's setting a lot of salt in a perimeter of the entire place.

Hayden even build a Devil's Trap in the house, his girlfriend gets ready as well.

Hayden gets prepare for battle as his girlfriend finish doing what she has to do for what has to be done.


He goes in the room looking under the bed and pulls out another weapon that can defeat the demons. A KNIFE.

His girlfriend Lena comes to the door, Hayden is already aware of her presence as she stands by the door.

HAYDEN Are you ready?

LENA Of course.

Lena takes her pistol and cocks the gun back, reload ammo.

Lock and Load.

HAYDEN Ok. Let's do this.


Hayden and his girlfriend for hours waiting for the demon's arrival. Moments before the demon wreaks

HAVOC upon them. And then out of nowhere the Demon appears posing as human being.

RICHELLE is the demon's name, a woman.


HAYDEN Hold it. Don't move.

RICHELLE What are you to do with that weapon?

HAYDEN You want to see and find out.

Hayden aims his gun directly at her head. CLICK! CLICK! He's not alone.

His crew Lena and Bishop come from behind aiming their guns at the demon, surrounding her.


They're standing in the middle of the room, aiming their weapons at the demon.

RICHELLE So how are we going to settle?

HAYDEN I'll tell how this thing's gonna go down.

RICHELLE I'm listening.

HAYDEN I'm delivering you a message. You're gonna turn around and walk out that door and never come back again. If you do come back and we all know what's going to happen next. We're going to have problems.

RICHELLE You're in no position to give me orders.

HAYDEN Hey! I'm the one with the orders. Not to mention you're trapped in a Devil's Trap.

She stares at the hunter with such fear and evil in her eyes. Her facial expression says it all, "I'm gonna kill you".

His threats and demands don't phrase her at all. So Hayden tries another approach to get information from her.


RICHELLE You don't scare me little human.

HAYDEN Of course you don't.

He pulls out his holy water and throws it at the demon. It works on demons. It's enable to induce pain when you launch holy water to them.

It's almost like throwing acid on them but worst. He pulls out his combat knife. A DEMON KNIFE. The Devil's trap seems to be working.

HAYDEN (CONT'D) You know why we are here and what we are capable of doing.

RICHELLE You're here to find a ANGEL BLADE to eradicate the first soldier of the lord.

HAYDEN Then you understand where we going with this.


Hayden got his trusty demon knife out, inching to slay-off more creatures during his monster hunt.

RICHELLE What makes you think I would tell you anything.

He look over to Lena given her the signal to beat the crap out of Richelle for answers.

Lena throws more holy water on the demon, torturing the hell out of her. They have a passion for hunting

monsters. Those hunters have been on the road for months hunting monsters.

HAYDEN The pain it hurts don't it.

RICHELLE It won't matter. It will be too late by the time you get there. Your people are going to die.


HAYDEN I'll be the judge of that demon. Hayden takes his holy water and

HAYDEN (CONT'D) throws it on Richelle and again. Screams in agony pain.



A few people of unknown, hunters break and entry in this abandoned warehouse to retrieve the relic they're seeking.

Hayden's men proceed inside the building, looking for information on the Angel blade.



Richelle still being tortured and used for feeding information. Hayden waits for them to go do what they had to.

The Devil's Trap seems to still maintain overpowering the demon trapped inside of it. Demons torture and explicate humans for greed and power, sins and souls. Corruption.

HAYDEN How do I know I'm not sending my men into ambush?

RICHELLE That's the point. You don't.


The demon must have kind of sense and smell ability, knowing her kind is near and about to engage an attack. The demon begins to talk more smack to Hayden's troops.


RICHELLE You think your safe, you're wrong. Lena pulls out his machete as well, wondering what the demon creature is implying.



RICHELLE (CONT'D) She reads her facial expression and immediately figures it out. Before she quickly reacts.


BOOM! Their hideout explodes creating a powerful impact that knocks them on their butt.

The blast was so massive it destroyed the devil's trap.

Allowing her to be free and escape. Her demon troops came to rescue her and murdered the rest of the hunters.

Lena is the only hunter who survived that attack. The others didn't make it. She manage to escape the attack that took place right in front of her eyes.


Hayden and his men are walking right into a trap. His headquarters have been compromise and the rest of his unit has been neutralized.

The hunters venture into the next hall, coming to a room.

One of them uses a crowbar and opens up the door.

HAYDEN Stay sharp, keep your eyes open.

He stumbles on this treasure chest like box. He manage to pick the lock and pile it open. After opening the chest it is completely empty. Nothing is in the chest.

HAYDEN (CONT'D) What is this? Where is the artifact? Without that weapon we're useless to defeating the next demon. Hayden starts to cop out and freaking out. He lost his mind. His unit tries to calm him down.

KC Calm down.

Hayden quickly notice a presence of a demon. The demon is about to attack from behind. DEMON ATTACK commerce. Hayden and his hunters fight back and lose the battle badly.


Outnumbered and outrun. Hayden has no chance in hell to win this fight. It's over. It's Striker. He's the commander of the Demon army. Hayden quickly engage the demon.

Another attack goes into play. His first attempt is striking his blade in the chest. The demon is so strong and powerful it was able to block the shot. The demon head butt hims in the face and disarmed his weapon.

STRIKER What is it? Where is the blade? The demon's demands and

STRIKER (CONT'D) interrogations are very direct and malice sounding. The powerful demon continues to torture the human for answers.

The demon engages another attack with Hayden but more brutal.

STRIKER (CONT'D) I asked you a question.

48 hours earlier.


As Cooper and Harris continue their next monster hunt, they begin doing research on how to kill this monster.

Numerous books stacked everywhere through out the room. A tablet computer connected a touch-pad and keyboard is rigged with wires in the slot plugs.

Their demon blades lay right next to them. For their own protection, never know what ventures in the dark. Harris reads about how the Devil's Trap works. We

cooper figures out which weapon to use and kill that thing.

Hayden's demon blade has a certain way to attack with. The blade is a very tactical weapon.

COOPER So that was Hayden on the phone.

HARRIS What did he say?


COOPER He's got a lead on this ANGEL BLADE and tracking this demon in Virginia as we speak.

HARRIS This is it. We're at war with the demons.

COOPER I'm afraid so my friend but we have to be ready to fight back.

HARRIS Sounds like a plan.

COOPER What do you have about this Devil's trap story?

HARRIS Well according to this book I'm reading, "Key of Solomon". It's a Sigil trap for a demon. Like salt or iron they can't escape once trap inside.

COOPER Like a mouse trap.

HARRIS Right except we're not using cheese. This is far more dangerous then a rodent.

COOPER So other words once we capture a demon by using a Devil's Trap, they're powerless and immobilize. Easy to torture and eliminate.

HARRIS Correct.



HARRIS But what.

COOPER Come on. There is gotta be a catch here.



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