

Hernan Cortes led a successful military campaign against the Aztecs during the years 1519-1521. He landed at Tabasco north of the Yucatan Peninsula and proceeded to Vera Cruz to launch an attack at Tenochtitlan.

His expedition sailed on the 15th February,1519 with eleven ships, 608 men including sailors, swordsmen, crossbowmen and musketeers. They also carried with them ten brass cannons, four small cannons, sixteen horses and dogs. Reasons for his victory included:

1. THE MYTH OF QUETZALCOATL(the Aztec Legend)- The religious men in the Aztec temples foretold, that the great god Quetzalcoatl would return one day to reclaim his kingdom. No one could stop him. It was useless to try, since he was all powerful.

They knew when he would come, how he would arrive and everything that would happen. The priests knew that he would have white skin, a full black beard and would be dressed in black.

The reed year predicted for his return was 1519. There were many bad omens that took place which convinced the Aztecs that the Spaniards and Hernan Cortes their leader were gods.

A comet appeared in the sky, a volcano erupted, the water of Lake Texcoco flooded the streets of the city of Mexico-Tenochtitlan and a temple was burnt.

When Cortes and his men arrived, the Aztecs and their leader Montezuma did not resist or put up a fight. Instead they welcomed the Spaniards with gifts of gold and silver believing they were gods. This made Cortes and his men more interested.

Cortes was allowed to enter Tenochtitlan which gave him the opportunity to study the layout of the city and plan an attack.

2. SUPERIOR WEAPONRY- The Aztecs fought with bows and arrows, spears, clubs but the Spaniards fought with guns, gunpowder, cannons and superior tactics. Horses were new to the Americas and the Spaniards used them with great effect.

The leadership and military skills of Hernan Cortes even though he was greatly outnumbered showed his brilliance.

3. DIVISIONS WITHIN THE EMPIRE- Hernan Cortes received help from many of the conquered people. These tribes were disenchanted or unhappy with having to pay tribute to the Aztec and were quite willing to join forces with Cortes.

The Tlaxcalans and the Totonacs were enemies of the Aztecs and they happily joined Cortes which strengthened his forces.

Malinche christened by the Spanish ‘Dona Marina’ became the mistress of Cortes. She was extremely helpful to the Spaniards, since she translated the languages of the tribes of Mexico. She understood the ways of the Aztecs and guided the Spanish soldiers in defeating the mighty Aztec Empire.


Cortes was welcomed into the heart of the Aztec Empire. Montezuma was captured. Montezuma did not resist. He was a brave leader when his soldiers fought other tribes and brought them under the control of the Aztec Empire.

Montezuma had the time to order his men to kill Cortes, his men and their allies in Tenochtitlan, but he just allowed them to enter. At that time he appeared to give up his military leadership. He seemed afraid of the Spaniards and hesitated because he felt they were gods.


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