Your Pension and Savings at a Glance - Benefits Online

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Your Pension and Savings Plans

At a Glance

Your Pension and Savings Plans

Retirement is a shared responsibility. Imperial and the Exxon Mobil companies in Canada ("the Company") believe it is important to help you plan and save for your future.

This is why we offer competitive retirement benefits that: ? Support and reward your long-term employment ? E ncourage and assist you to save for retirement ? P rovide flexible and tax effective retirement savings opportunities to meet your needs ? A ssist you and your family in the event of disability and death This document provides a simple overview of the benefits and how they work.

Two key components You will receive a retirement benefit from two separate sources: ? A lifetime Defined Benefit (or "DB") Pension that is paid to you when you retire ? A Savings Plan that lets you invest contributions and grow your account balances

over time See the sections on the following pages to learn more about each component.

This is a summary of general provisions applicable to most New Hires who are eligible to receive benefits provided under these plans and is not intended to address all aspects of the plans. If there is any discrepancy between the information provided and the formal plan documents, the plan documents prevail. The Company (Imperial and the ExxonMobil companies in Canada) reserves the right to amend, suspend or terminate any or all of its benefit plans and programs at any time.


The DB Pension

You join the DB Pension beginning on your first day of employment.

If you are employed in New Brunswick, Newfoundland & Labrador, or Saskatchewan, you must work two years before your registered pension is vested; otherwise, your registered pension is vested immediately. This means you own the benefits you have earned to date, whether or not you remain employed with the Company.

Contributions The Company pays the full cost of your DB Pension. You do not make any contributions.

The Company is responsible for contributing the amount required to the pension plan to make sure you receive your DB Pension when you retire. Pension plan investment returns do not affect the pension you receive. Your benefit is determined by the pension formula.

When you retire When you retire, your DB Pension will be paid as a monthly lifetime pension.

Your DB Pension is based on a formula that takes into account your final average earnings and your years of credited service:

1.5% u credited service u final average earnings

Your DB Pension includes a 5-year guarantee period, and you can elect to pay your spouse a 60%, 75%, or 100 % spouse pension in the event of your death.

The normal age for retirement is age 65. You can retire later than age 65; however, your pension will begin at age 71 and you will stop accruing benefits if you continue working past that age. You can retire as early as age 55 with ten years of service but your monthly pension will be reduced as it is expected to be paid to you over a longer period of time.

Here's an example of how your pension is calculated at age 65:

Rob joined the plan in 2015 at age 30. The assumptions used to calculate his pension at age 65 are: ? Age at retirement: 65 Years ? Final average earnings at retirement: $100,000 ? Credited service at retirement: 35 years ? DB benefit rate: 1.5%

> 1.5% u credited service u final average earnings > 1.5% u 35 u $100,000

Rob's annual pension will be $52,500, and his monthly pension payment will be $4,375.*

*Assumes Rob elects the normal form of pension.

Credited service is the years of service for which you are in paid employment with the Company as a member of the plan. It also includes periods of disability or certain authorized leaves such as parental or compassionate leave.

Final average earnings are your highest average annual earnings during 36 consecutive months. These 36 months must be within your last 10 years of employment with the Company.

Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) limits the amount of benefit that can be paid out from a registered pension plan. If your amount of pension is greater than the CRA maximum, the excess will be paid to you by the Company outside the registered plan, provided you do not resign from the Company prior to reaching early retirement eligibility.


The Savings Plan

You are eligible to participate in the Savings Plan after one year of service with the Company.

Sun Life Financial handles the Savings Plan administration and provides access to investment information, resources, and tools. Before you complete your first year of service, you will receive information from Sun Life Financial on how to enroll and get started in the Savings Plan! For now, please review the helpful information below.


After one year of service, both you and the Company make contributions to the Savings Plan. You can contribute from 1% up to 30% of your normal earnings. If you contribute at least 3%, the Company will match your contribution and contribute 6% of your normal earnings to the Savings Plan.

Your accounts

You can contribute to one or more of the following Savings Plan accounts:

? Group registered retirement savings plan (RRSP) You do not pay tax on any contributions or investment earnings within this account until you withdraw the money. Contributions are subject to Canada Revenue Agency contribution limits.

? Tax-paid account Income tax is deducted from your contribution before it goes into this account. Contributions are not tax deductible and investment earnings within this account are taxable each year.

Contributions can be made to your RRSP account or tax-paid account through payroll deductions in 1% increments.

Normal earnings, for the Defined Benefit Pension and Savings Plans, are your base rate of pay for your regular job on the basis of your normal work schedule, plus overtime, shift differential and temporary disability payments associated with your normal work schedule.

You can also open a tax-free savings account (TFSA) in the Savings Plan through Sun Life Financial. This is an account you can use to accumulate tax-free investment earnings, subject to Canada Revenue Agency contribution limits. You can transfer funds associated with your contributions from your tax-paid account into your TFSA.


The Savings Plan (cont'd)

Choosing investments

You are responsible for choosing how to invest your contributions and the Company's contributions. You can choose to invest in any one or more of the following investment options:

? Cash Savings -- Daily interest


The index funds in the Savings

? Money Market Fund

Plan have lower fees than what

? Canadian Bond Index Fund

you would typically pay in the

? Canadian Equity Index Fund

market as an individual, and they

? U.S. Equity Index Fund

are well-aligned with a long-term

? International Equity

orientation for retirement savings.

Index Fund

? Company Shares -- For Imperial employees, Imperial shares are

an investment option. For ExxonMobil companies in Canada

employees, ExxonMobil shares are an investment option.

You can select (and update) your investment options on the Sun Life Financial website -- If you do not provide investment instructions, your contributions will be invested in Cash Savings.


The Savings Plan is intended to encourage long-term savings for retirement. This long-term focus is reflected in withdrawal restrictions, which limit access to some portions of the money in your accounts during active employment.

Can I withdraw money before retirement?

For the most part, no. Company contributions and investment earnings cannot be withdrawn until you retire or leave the Company, whether the money is in the group RRSP account or the tax-paid account. Your contributions and investment earnings in the group RRSP account cannot be withdrawn until you leave the Company, with two exceptions. You are able to take tax-free loans from your contributions to your RRSP account to: ? Build or buy your first home ? Finance and continue education for you and your spouse You are allowed a maximum of three withdrawals per year from your contributions and investment earnings within your tax-paid account. Transfers to your TFSA are included in the three per year withdrawal maximum. You can make unlimited withdrawals from your TFSA account. You will receive additional information on withdrawal procedures from Sun Life Financial. You can also access this information on HR&YOU through the Company intranet.

Remember: before you reach one year of service, you will receive additional information from Sun Life Financial on how to enroll and get started in the Savings Plan!



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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