How did Caesar’s rule lead to the end of the republic

1. h How did Caesar’s rule lead to the end of the republic?


2. How were the people of the empire employed?

Answer: Many former soldiers were small farmers who found it difficult to compete with large estates run by slave labor. Many had to sell their land and work as seasonal migrant laborers.

3. Who were the slaves, and what work did they do?

Answer: Enslaved persons made up 1/3 of the population and many worked on large estates farming.

4. Who was Tiberius and what were his views?


A tribune who spoke out in favor of reforms for the poor. He was denied a second term as a tribune after he made favorable changes for the poor. He was killed in a riot after a rumor spread that he was trying to become a dictator.

5. What is the Triumvirate?


A group of three rulers. Served as rulers of the Republic for 10 years

6. Who made up the Triumvirate?


Caesar, Crassus and Pompey made the triumvirate

7. This leader was named Dictator for life?

Answer: Caesar was named dictator for life by the senate in 44 BC

8. How does being named dictator for life dissolve the republic?


A republic should not have a dictator. In a republic power rests with the citizens who vote for their leaders.

9. What is the second Triumvirate?


After Caesars death his supporters banded together to crush the assassins. Octavian, Mark Antony, and Lepidus joined together to be the second Triumvirate. They ruled for 10 years.

10. What happens to this second Triumvirate?


Alliance ended in jealousy and violence. Lepidus retires. Antony and Octavian become enemies.

11. Who is called Augustus?


Octavian takes the name Augustus when he restores some aspects of the Republic and becomes the unchallenged ruler. Rome was now becoming an empire ruled by one man

12. When was the peak of power from Rome?


From the beginning of Augustus’ rule in 27 BC until 180 AD. For 207 years peace reigned throughout the empire.

13. What is Pax Romana?


“Roman Peace” the time of peace and prosperity in the Roman Empire

14. What were some of Augustus’ accomplishments?


Stabilized the frontier, glorified Rome with splendid public buildings, Created a civil service that paid workers to manage the affairs of the government (manage grain supply, taxes and postal service)

15. The majority of people in the empire worked as this.


90% of people engaged in farming.

16. True or False the empire was very well connected to other far away lands. And explain why?


True Rome had an excellent trading network by sea and large network of road originally built for the military.

17. How might one become as slave in the Roman empire?


They were conquered people, and children born to slaves,

18. Describe the life of a slave in the empire.


Worked in both the city and on farms. Treated cruelly, worked hard, some men became gladiators. Occasionally slaves would rebel but they never succeeded.

19. Describe the life of the poor in the empire?


Relied on daily rations of grain, lived in rickety sprawling tenements, fire was a constant danger. To distract and control the masses there were free games, races, battles, and gladiator contests.


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