The British Institute of Graphologists

PROJECT:B.I.G. websiteDATE:10.2.12REF:MediaAPPROVED10.2.12 Grant - pull down menu is as follows:Media and Resources Featured Articles “The Graphologist”Published ArticlesLibraryWho will be able to read what:Landing page (Media and Resources) ALL CAN READFeatured articles [renamed, was analyses] ALL CAN READThe Graphologist journal MEMBERS ONLY [This is latest edition of the journal. Ideally we need Contents page to be readable to everyone as a ‘tempter’ but rest of pages requiring membership login] Published articles MEMBERS ONLYALL to read list of articles, but only members to be able to click and read full article. Library ALL can read list of books, note to say only members can borrow books.[MEDIA SECTION – LANDING PAGE][Gallery of Illustrations – Handwriting Samples WHAT IS THIS – WILL CHECK]Media and ResourcesThe Institute prides itself in offering a wide range of resources to those with an interest in graphology. It’s suitable to general members of the public, as well as professional graphologists, students and also journalists and writers researching the subject.Featured articles have been selected to give readers a snapshot or flavour of various aspects of graphology and are particularly suited for general interest reading. Here you will find an amalgam of handwriting analyses, as well as other keynote articles.The Graphologist (latest issue) is B.I.G.’s quarterly publication. The journal caters for all types of graphological interest and includes news items, notices of forthcoming B.I.G. lectures and events. Back issues are also available on request.Published articles comprises a wealth of material extracted from previous issues of The Graphologist and other sources. A fascinating selection of specially-chosen published articles, from handwriting analyses of the famous (and infamous) to highly technical case studies. These are free to view by B.I.G. members only.The Library is an archive of books about or relating to graphology, which will be of interest to anyone from B.I.G. Diploma students to the general reader. Members are entitled to borrow books for a small fee.Members can also access online videos of talks and other events and the B.I.G. Facebook page.Media contact: for a spokesperson on graphology news, please contact the B.I.G. Secretary, Elaine Quigley, elaine.quigley@ Tel 01753 891241 [MEDIA SECTION – FEATURED ARTICLES PAGE]Featured Articles The following articles have been selected to give readers a snapshot or flavour of various aspects of graphology and are particularly suitable for general interest reading. [all these docs are as per titles below and are in folder – could be attached as PDFs or made into links to ‘background’ pages – whatever you think is best. Titles of docs are as stated below unless noted otherwise]“A Very Quiet Achievement for Graphology” by John Beck *William and Kate” by Elaine Quigley“Showing our Colours” by Ruth Rostron“Robert” (Chapter 2)“Dennis’s Brother” (Chapter 4)A selection of anecdotal stories extracted from The Revealing Hand [this is what the doc is called] by Eric Rees. Further chapters can be read in the Published Articles section.Forensic Examination – A first-hand report on Susan Ord’s experiences of gaining a Master in Science degree in Document Analysis in 2011“Unpicking the mind of a lady with dementia” by Tracey Yuille [doc is called DEMENTIA]“Doodles. An Introduction.” By Ruth Rostron“Michon and the Birth of Scientific Graphology” by Shaike Landau“Analysing on the spot” by Ruth Rostron“Graphology’s Greatest Tools” by Erik Rees [doc is called Tool and Rule] “Van Gogh’s True Colours” An abridged version by Tracey Yuille (A copy of the full article, which was inspired by the Royal Academy’s exhibition in London in 2010, is currently held in the Library of the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam at the request of Hans Luijten – Researcher at the Letters Project. It can also be read in our Published Articles section.)Views expressed by contributors of any articles or individual analyses are not necessarily those of the British Institute of Graphologists.Submitting articles and analyses: Contributions for this section are welcomed and submissions should be sent to the Website & Marketing Co-ordinator, Tracey Yuille, Tzyuille@ Tel 01923 818413B.I.G Media Contact [link to contact on Landing page of this section]The Graphologist - current issue and back issues Published ArticlesLibraryOnline videos and Facebook page [these are all in this section][MEDIA SECTION – THE GRAPHOLOGIST PAGE]The GraphologistWelcome to the Institute’s own journal, “The Graphologist”, a quarterly publication containing articles of a graphological nature, news of B.I.G. lectures and forthcoming events, reviews of the latest books on handwriting analysis and more. Online access to this material is available to all members. Back issues can be made available on request. Contributions for the journal are welcomed and submission of papers should be forwarded to the Editor, Mrs Elaine Quigley, elaine.quigley@ or telephone +44 (0) 01753 891 241.Read the current issue now [latest issue tbc depending on when site goes live – client will forward March issue when ready. Contents page to be readable by all but clicking on other pages automatically bringing up following options] Members’ loginBecome a member [for non-members who have clicked and find they are required to login – link to landing page of Membership section]See the contents of back issues[link to new page listing contents of all back issues – see end of this section] Becoming a member of the B.I.G. [link to Application page of Joining section] B.I.G. Media ContactFeatured ArticlesPublished ArticlesLibraryOnline videos and Facebook page[MEDIA SECTION – PUBLISHED ARTICLES PAGE]Published articlesA fascinating selection of specially-chosen published articles, from handwriting analyses of the famous (and infamous) to highly technical case studies. These are free to view by B.I.G. members only.Submitting articles and analyses: contributions for this section are welcomed and submissions should be sent to the Website & Marketing Co-ordinator, Tracey Yuille, Tzyuille@ Tel 01923 818413[list the articles/intros as below – list to be available to everyone but click thrus to the full articles for members only]When visitor clicks to open list and/or article, member’s message to appear as previous page with following options:]Members’ loginNot a member? The B.I.G. welcomes new members whether they are students of graphology, professional graphologists or have an interest in the subject. About B.I.G. membership benefits and membership application [link to Application page of Joining section] “Motivation” by Mary Black“We assume that everyone’s motivation and values are the same as ours and so when people behave differently from the way we expect, it causes confusion, disappointment and sometimes anger and resentment.” Click here to read more > [doc is called Motivation Tracey] “I’ve got Rhythm?” by Ruth Rostron‘Does good rhythm in writing suggest that the writer is a natural musician with an innate sense of rhythm, or is it possible to be a good musician and at the same time have writing which is disturbed or inharmonious?’ Click here to read more >“An Emotional Journey” by Anne Cummings‘Life consists of many journeys, although ultimately, all relating to the one.This is not about my life or even my own journey, this is about movement in general from one place to another, a progression if you like.’ Click here to read more >“Women Who Kill” by Kimon Iannetta and Reed Hayes ‘Both men and women murderers share a certain level of psychopathic detachment which allows them to pursue the ultimate release of their anger, rage and unfulfilled needs - the killing act itself.’ Click here to read more > [same title but this is a Word doc]Interpersonal Conflict - A workshop run by Mary Black at the B.I.G. Symposium in October 2011.‘Interpersonal conflict exists when two or more people disagree. It occurs in all relationships, be they working relationships, friendships, family or intimate relationships and whilst in some cases conflict can be caused by a simple misunderstanding, quite often it is the product of incompatible goals, values, attitudes and beliefs.’ Click here to read more > “Changing Times” by Elaine Quigley “What was the motivation behind the wartime broadcasts of P.G. Wodehouse?” Click here to read more > [this is called Wodehouse Article]“Edgar Allan Poe : A New Slant” Synopsis presented by Arlyn Imberman “Best known for his psychologically thrilling tales of mystery and suspense, Edgar Allan Poe is remembered today by millions around the world….” Click here to read more > [called Poe BIG Synopsis] “Motivating Needs in Doodles” by Ruth Rostron“Doodles give expression to our underlying preoccupations and conflicts, and to aspects of our nature that we may not be aware of, or may not want to acknowledge.” Click here to read more > “Van Gogh’s True Colours” by Tracey Yuille “Was Vincent van Gogh as mad as a box of frogs or a genius and misunderstood? To what degree was he influenced by society and the world around him? And does it matter?”Click here to read > “The Two Accountants” “Broadmoor” Extracted Chapters from “The Revealing Hand” By Eric ReesClick here to read > [2 docs called The Revealing Hand] “What Qualities should a Child minder have?” a sample answer to a 3B exam question by Tracey Yuille‘More and more women have to go out to work, owing to the rising cost of living. To meet the demand for child-minders, a local agency wants to increase the number it has on its books. What qualities do you think they should be looking for in the staff they take on? How might you recognize these characteristics in handwriting?’ Click here to read more > “Enid” by Mary Black ‘Enid Blyton was born in 1897 into a tense household. Her childhood was troubled.’Click here to read more > Click here to view sample > “Forgotten Ghosts” by Elaine Quigley‘The chance to have a very special experience came my way, when I was asked to go to France to look at the carvings/ writings of Canadian soldiers who had been billeted in the caves outside Arras in Northern France, before their attack on Vimy Ridge, a famous First World War battle….’Click here to read more > “Tales from the Stave - Elgar & Purcell” by Ruth Rostron‘Tales from the Stave’ is the title of a BBC Radio 4 series in which an autograph manuscript has provided the focus for a discussion about a composer’s life and work. For each programme a performer, conductor, musicologist or writer associated with the composer were assembled with the librarian in the presence of the actual manuscript. This generated much excitement, and I was invited as a graphologist to provide a different perspective on the man who wrote it.’Click here to read more > “Tales from the Stave – Handel” by Ruth Rostron‘As there are 97 volumes of Handel manuscripts from the royal collection in the British Library, you may wonder, as I did, why this particular work had been selected. In the quiet of a private room there, I was to find out. Alone with the producer and the librarian, I felt the presence of Handel as I contemplated his manuscript spread before me.’Click here to read more > “Harley Street Dr.” by Tracey YuilleRosemary’s original letter dating back to 1937 gives us an invaluable glimpse into the individual. This is my interpretation of his personality, and having sourced the writer on the internet, I found it particularly interesting to see how many of his handwriting movements corroborate the extracts above.Click here to read more > Views expressed in published articles are not necessarily those of the British Institute of Graphologists.B.I.G. Media ContactFeatured ArticlesThe Graphologist - current issue and back issuesLibraryOnline videos and Facebook page[MEDIA SECTION – LIBRARY PAGE]The B.I.G. LibraryThe B.I.G. library is extensive and a valued resource to Diploma students and general readers alike. While all can view the lists of books available - many of them valuable and even rare pieces - please note that books can only be borrowed by members of the B.I.G. The B.I.G. Library List[for lists of books see end]Graphology booksArticles and papersPsychologyMiscellaneousForeign language publications[Clicking thru from each of these headings takes them to member login (if a member) or to same message about joining as previously:]Members’ loginNot a member? The B.I.G. welcomes new members whether they are students of graphology, professional graphologists or have an interest in the subject. About B.I.G. membership benefits and membership application [link to Application page of Joining section] Above each of the above lists please include this:Ordering: please select title and request book. Send NO MONEY in case book is out on loan.Loan fees: ?3.00 per book/article (inc postage to UK addresses only) for a loan of two months. (Please note books from the library are not sent outside the UK.) Cheques should be made payable to ‘Pat Moody’. [TBC once Librarian issue resolved]Some out of print books are marked on the list with a *. These books will be sent by REGISTERED POST and should be returned the same way, adequately packed. Alternatively, they may be returned by hand at any B.I.G. meeting.Please order books direct from Pat Moody, 3 Garfield Rd, Margate, KENT, CT9 5AR, email [TBC once Librarian issue resolved] B.I.G. media contactFeatured articlesThe Graphologist journal current issue and back issuesPublished articlesOnline videos and Facebook pageAbout B.I.G. Membership Benefits and Membership Application [MEDIA SECTION – THE GRAPHOLOGIST PAGE]Back Issues of The GraphologistBack issues and reprints of specific articles can be obtained by contacting the B.I.G. Editor, Elaine Quigley, elaine.quigley@ Please email a list of articles/issues required and we will let you know the cost and postage.[list below is available as a spreadsheet – see ‘Graphology spreadsheet Feb 12 V2’ and this is in date order Tracey wants, ie most recent ones first BUT has an issue field for every article, which might be a problem from your point of view. If it is, I will try some other method!]Vol. 1, No. 1 - Winter 1983John French "Psychology - signposting the path"Simon Wintle "The figure-of-8 g"Gloria Hargreaves "Graphology on the ocean waves"Vol. 2, No. 1 - Spring 1984Gwen Cuthbert & Rowland Berry "Handwriting changes after group therapy"Renna Nezos-Iatrou "Graphology in practice: part 1 - Technique of a portrait"John Hackforth "The range of practical application of handwriting analysis"Vol. 2, No. 2 - Summer 1984Miranda Rothschild "Some implications of the symbolism of space in handwriting"Renna Nezos-Iatrou "Graphology in practice: part 2 - The classification of C.G. Jung"Vol. 2, No. 3 - Autumn 1984Peter Tosoni "Graphology and the historian"John Beck "Stress or anxiety indicated by handwriting rhythm"Renna Nezos-Iatrou "Graphology in practice: part 3 - The characterology of Heymans & La Senne"Jacqueline E. Franks "The direction of ballpoint penstrokes in left- and right-handed writers as indicated by the orientation of burr striations"Vol. 2, No. 4 - Winter 1984Pamela Sussams "Graphology & psychological tests: part 1 - Some pitfalls in personality assessment"Paul Ferguson "Some thoughts upon the interpretability of left-handed scripts"Gwen Cuthbert "Symbolism in the written word - from hieroglyphs to graphology"Renna Nezos-Iatrou "Graphology in practice: part 4 - Building up the portrait"Vol. 3, No. 1 - Spring 1985"On the understanding of self as a graphologist"Paul Ferguson "Establishing an identification system for left-handed writing"Pamela Sussams "Graphology & psychological tests: part 2 - The correlation experiment"Seminar report - Graphology: a tool for employmentVol. 3, No. 2 - Summer 1985Gunter Haas "Ludwig Klages"Robert Coates "Graphology - a different psychology"Rudi Danor "The personal syndrome"Nigel Bradley "How hypothesis testing can help graphology"Vol. 3, No. 3 - Autumn 1985Axel H. Sjoberg Analytical teaser"Simon Wintle "Vere Foster, the philanthropic school master"Rudi Danor "The computer as an aid in handwriting analysis - yes or no?"Vol. 3, No. 4 - Winter 1985John Beck "Outer appearance and inner reality"Maureen Ward "Graphology enhances education - part 1"Paul Ferguson "Left and right handed writing of the same writer"Vol. 4, No. 1 - Spring 1986Prof Oskar Lockowandt "On the development of academic graphology in the Federal Republic of Germany after 1945"Maureen Ward "Graphology enhances education - part 2"Dr Rex Smith "Anecdotes of a graphologist"Vol. 4, No. 2 - Summer 1986May Turner "Homage . . . 'accorded' to Cocker & Pepys"Rudi Danor "The trait that is not one, or the validity of lack of honesty indicators - a question mark"Maureen Ward "Graphology enhances education - part 3"Axel Sjoberg & Sam Rosenfeld "A not unremarkable man - a learning experience in evaluation"Marie Bernard "Graphological vignette - Franz Schubert"Vol. 4, No. 3 - Autumn 1986Dr Christian Dettweiler "Restriction, restraint in the stabilisation or blocking during development of the ego"Maureen Ward "Graphology enhances education - part 4 (conclusion)"Simon Wintle "Spanish graphology"Vol. 4, No. 4 - Winter 1986Mauricio Xandró "The memory in handwriting"Mark Kras "Stress & dishonesty - a link"Vol. 5, No. 1 - Spring 1987Thea Stein Lewinson "Alcoholism & handwriting"Simon Wintle "Student section - for beginners, like ourselves"Vol. 5, No. 2 - Summer 1987Dr Rex Smith "Matter-binding, space-binding, time-binding"Simon Wintle "Student section - for beginners, the degree of pressure"Vol. 5, No. 3 - Autumn 1987Karl Aschaffenburg "Invisible evidence"Simon Wintle "Student section - for beginners, 'pasty' or 'sharp' ... How is the pen applied to the paper?"Marie Bernard "Graphological vignettes - Anton Bruckner & Frederic Chopin"Nigel Bradley "Museums of graphological interest"Vol. 5, No. 4 - Winter 1987Sheila Lowe "Schizoid characteristics seen in handwriting & the obsessive personality"Simon Wintle "Student section - analysing the pen-strokes: a new classification"Nigel Bradley "Places of graphological interest - Grantham Museum, Lincolnshire"Vol. 6, No. 1 - Spring 1988Dr Patricia Wellingham -Jones "Survey of current American graphological research"Simon Wintle "A summary of the primary schools handwriting survey"Marie Bernard "Graphological vignette - Ludwig van Beethoven"Simon Wintle "Student section - overall considerations: what is form standard?"Vol. 6, No. 2 - Summer 1988Prof Oskar Lockowandt "The problem of the validation of graphological judgments"Rudi Danor "The three column figure test - a grapho-diagnostic aid"Dr Christian Dettweiler "Dynamic & clinical handwriting analysis - an introduction"Simon Wintle "Career prospects in graphology"Vol. 6, No. 3 - Autumn 1988Maureen Ward "Victoria: Queen of the United Kingdom & the British Empire & Empress of India (1819-1901)"Margaret Gullan-Whur "The status of graphology as a study"Nigel Bradley "Places of graphological interest - St Bride Printing Library"Simon Wintle "Respectability as an objective in graphology, & arcades & garlands"Vol. 6, No. 4 - Winter 1988Prof Peter Kutter "How the mind solves its problems - rudiments of psycho-analytical theory on defense"Erik Rees, Margaret Wilson & John Blomfield "The teaching of handwriting in schools"Nigel Bradley "Places of graphological interest - Birmingham Museum of Science & Industry"Vol. 7, No. 1 - Spring 1989May Turner "A second look at the Gestalt"Maureen Ward "Adjust writing - improve behaviour"Vol. 7, No. 2 - Summer 1989John Beck "The inferiority complex"Maureen Ward "The teaching of handwriting in schools"Jeremy Stedman "Wassily Kandinsky: a case of 'Art Meets Graphology'"Axel H. Sjoberg, DeMart C. Besly "Of sex & morals"Nigel Bradley "Places of graphological interest - Cambridge"Vol. 7, No. 3 - Autumn 1989Prof Hans-Werner Scherz "Handwriting behaviour & criminal investigation"Dr Ellen Bowers "Q.E.D.: a critical look at the test design"Nigel Bradley "The Blueprint for British research symposia"Vol. 7, No. 4 - Winter 1989Dr Helmut Ploog "Handwriting psychology as a diagnostic tool in depth psychology"Dr P. Wellingham-Jones "Two psychogram studies"Eldene Whiting "An idea whose time has come"Jacqui Tew "Graphology - a career"Vol. 8, No. 1 - Spring 1990Felix Klein "The unconscious & the dynamics of energy distribution as seen in handwriting"Rosemary Wilson "Report writing for recruitment purposes"Nigel Bradley "Places of graphological interest - National Portrait Gallery, London"Vol. 8, No. 2 - Summer 1990Jacques Salce "The graphometric test - part 1: the basic research, the relationships between personality & expression"Dr Patricia Wellingham-Jones "The state of graphology in America"Marie Bernard "Graphological vignette - Achille Claude Debussy"Vol. 8, No. 3 - Autumn 1990Jacques Salce "The graphometric test - part 2"Hans-Peter Maier "The positive & negative experiences of a personnel manager of a larger hospital"Nigel Bradley "Places of graphological interest - the Wimbledon Lawn Tennis Museum"Vol. 8, No. 4 - Winter 1990Jacques Salce "The graphometric test - part 3: towards a graphology based on science"Jeremy Stedman "The history of A, B, C, ... - a primer for graphologists"Dr. Patricia Wellingham-Jones "Mind-body connection & handwriting - part 1"Vol. 9, No. 1 - Spring 1991Jacques Salce "The graphometric test - part 4 (concluded): the test as an introduction to experimental graphology"Dr. P. Wellingham-Jones "Mind-body connection & handwriting - part 2 (concluded):symbols of health"Vol. 9, No. 2 - Summer 1991Jeremy Stedman "Graphology meets a master of movement - the case of Rudolf Laban"Jonathon Wyatt "Legal angles on graphology"Kenneth Willetts "Graphology - the impact of computers - part 1"Mel Chandler "Is handwriting analysis a pseudo psychology?"Vol. 9, No. 3 - Autumn 1991Dr Christopher Molander "The predictive power of personality assessment"Kenneth Willetts "Graphology - the impact of computers – part 2:the automation of graphology"?John Beck "Dominants, sub-dominants & counter-dominants"Simon Wintle "Interpretation of modern handwriting - part 1: the psychology of modern writing implements"Mel Jay Chandler "In the eye of the storm - the debate over the APA's DSM III-R & beyond"Vol. 9, No. 4 - Winter 1991Hubert Desenclos "Pophal's tensions & the post Freudians"Simon Wintle "Interpretation of modern handwriting - part 2: changes in the national handwriting style as a reflection of social changes"Kenneth Willetts "Graphology - the impact of computers - part 3 (concluded)"?Dr P. Wellingham-Jones "Standard terms introduced"Vol. 10, No. 1 - Spring 1992Jeremy Stedman "In custody - the care & conservation of handwriting samples"Jacqui Tew "Pressure"Simon Wintle "Interpretation of modern handwriting - part 3: script copy-book is here to stay"Vol. 10, No. 2 - Summer 1992Marianne Jacoby "Memories of Hans Jacoby"Marie-Josée Menasse-Cremers & Xu Jianping "The precursors of Chinese Graphology"Monique Deguy "Centenary of the death of Arthur Rimbaud"Elisabeth Weber "Case history of a young offender"Nigel Bradley "The British graphology bookshelf in 1991-2"Vol. 10, No. 3 - Autumn 1992Emilio Canu "The present state of graphology in Italy"Maureen Ward Gandy "The Lord High Admiral, Christopher Columbus"Barbara Sinclair "Neuroses in handwriting - an exploration of the theories of Karen Horney"Christopher Molander & Diane Simpson "Coping with the media"Ken Willetts "The computing graphologist"Vol. 10, No. 4 - Winter 1992Judy Greenwood "Some observations on compatibility at home & in the workplace"Jacqui Tew "Advisers advise & ministers decide"Nigel Bradley "British survey of left-handedness, 1992"Vol. 11, No. 1 - Spring 1993Margaret White "The presentation of graphology"Nigel Bradley "Places of graphological interest - Carlyle's House"Alice Coleman "The graphology of graffiti""Where does the brain store writing skill?"Jacqui Tew "Contradictory writing movements 1 - right slant"In memoriam - Patricia MarneVol. 11, No. 2 - Summer 1993Alice Coleman "Introversion & extraversion"Edgar Berillon (1908) "Graphic psychotherapy:its importance in the treatment of neuroses"Thomas Byerly (1823) "On characteristic signatures"Jacqui Tew "Contradictory writing movements 2 - left slant"In memoriam - Maria HepnerVol. 11, No. 3 - Autumn 1993Marion Rayner "Hilliger's forms of connection"Elaine Quigley "The fascination of graphology"Patricia Wellingham-Jones "Handwriting & the health professions"Jacqui Tew "Contradictory writing movements 3 - large absolute size"Vol. 11, No. 4 - Winter 1993Adam Brand "Graphology & Tony Lake's theory of psycho-economics"Hubert Desenclos "Spranger's value orientations & their graphological expression"In memoriam - John BlomfieldVol. 12, No. 1 - Spring 1994Beatriz Gonzalez Baelo "Graphological analysis of suicide notes"John Beck "Rhythm"Alice Coleman "Stroke analysis"Jacqui Tew "Contradictory writing movements 4 - small size"Vol. 12, No. 2 - Summer 1994Elaine Quigley "Places of graphological interest - the Dickens House Museum"Simon Wintle "Corporate logo & graphic design""The S.G. Warburg Bank & graphology"Alice Coleman "Limits to graphology"Marion Rayner "Grapho-logic"Jacqui Tew "Now you have your diploma"Jacqui Tew "Contradictory writing movements 5 - broadness of letters"Marion Rayner "Hilliger's alphabet - A"In memoriam - Mary MetzlerVol. 12, No. 3 - Autumn 1994John Beck "Persona & ego"Hubert Desenclos "The Heymans-Le Senne personality theory & handwriting"Marion Rayner "Hilliger's alphabet - B"Vol. 12, No. 4 - Winter 1994Christian Dettweiler "Anxiety affects clear thinking"Alice Coleman "Admiral Sir John Balchin"Jacqui Tew "Contradictory writing movements 6 - narrowness of letters"Marion Rayner "Hilliger's alphabet - C, part 1"Vol. 13, No. 1 - Spring 1995Robert Harris "Confidence, motivation, career fulfilment - two celebrities"Alice Coleman & Ness Shirley "Middle-zone thinking letters"Marion Rayner "Hilliger's alphabet - C, part 2""Deafness & writing"Ness Shirley "Car drivers' handwriting"Vol. 13, No. 2 - Summer 1995Barbara Sinclair "Assessment of Form Level"Elaine Quigley "Introduction to Transactional Analysis"Jacqueline Peugeot "Graphology in France"Marion Rayner "Hilliger's alphabet - D"Vol. 13, No. 3 - Autumn 1995Hubert Desenclos "Szondi's theory & graphology"Robert Harris "H.G. Wells - dynamics of his thinking function"Juan Luis Allende "Graphology in Spain - introduction of graphology to University status"Marion Rayner "Hilliger's alphabet - E"Vol. 13, No. 4 - Winter 1995Marion Rayner "Hilliger's alphabet - F"Nigel Bradley "Places of graphological interest 11 - The Freud Museum""Setting the record straight"Corinne Bible "There's a write way to get a job"Ness Shirley "Nick Leeson's writing"Vol. 1 - Vol. 13 are in A5 format, Vol. 14 onwards in A4 format.Vol. 14, No. 1 - Spring 1996Karin van Duvendijk-Telders "Graphology in Holland"?Robert Harris "Research into 320 signatures"Margaret White "Writing tests deal fair hand to candidates"Corinne Bible "Improving illegible handwriting"Marion Rayner "Hilliger's alphabet - G & H"Vol. 14, No. 2 - Summer 1996B.I.G. Reliability Research Project - part 1Barbara Sinclair "Profile of a mass murderer - Thomas Watt Hamilton"Hubert Desenclos "Desenclos' syndrome system"Vol. 14, No. 3 - Autumn 1996John Beck "Ambivalence in writing"B.I.G. Reliability Research Project - part 2: a case of ambivalenceMarion Rayner "Hilliger's alphabet - IVol. 14, No. 4 - Winter 1996Roma Avishai "Comparison of Hebrew & mother-tongue writing in bilingual people"Nigel Bradley "The Internet & graphology"Elaine Quigley "Your signature is the door & graphology is the key"Adam Brand "John Holland's research into vocations"Marion Rayner "Hilliger's alphabet - J & K"Vol. 15, No. 1 - Spring 1997Patrick James "A new IQ test"Marion Rayner "Hilliger's alphabet - L""The best way to write" (as recommended by Humphrey Littleton)B.I.G. Reliability Research Project - part 3: trait indicatorsGraphology's present statusVol. 15, No. 2 - Summer 1997?Erika Karohs "Air strokes"Nigel Bradley "Internet sites"Alice Coleman "How fast does your brain work?"Elaine Quigley "Tony Blair's handwriting"Bridget Hickey "Grapho-diary"Patrick James "Type A personality in handwriting"Marion Rayner "Hilliger's alphabet - M (part 1)"Vol. 15, No. 3 - Autumn 1997Erika Karohs "Word spacing & line spacing"Jim Rindone "A Hollywood star"Ruth Feiner "Graphology in Israel"Yoshiko Inagaki "Writing a report for personnel selection"Frits Cohen "Tony Blair - a Dutch profile"John Beck "The Jungian fourth function & inferiority"Vol. 15, No. 4 - Winter 1997Alice Coleman "Tony Blair"Erika Karohs "Leadership ability as seen in handwriting"Jim Rindone "Co-dependency in handwriting"Nigel Bradley "Internet sites - additions & corrections"Elaine Quigley "Sir Arthur Conan Doyle"Marion Rayner "Hilliger's alphabet - M (part 2)"Vol. 16, No. 1 - Spring 1998"Princess Diana's Signature"Marion Rayner "Hilliger's alphabet - N (part 1)"Vol. 16, No. 2 - Summer 1998"In Memorium: Raymond Cattell"Erika Karohs "The Ductus: Sharp, Pastose or Muddy?"Kimon Ianetta "Timothy McVeigh; the Oklahoma Bomber"Sheila Lowe "Graphology and Computers: Strange Bedfellows"Charlotte Alergant "Children's Handwriting"Marion Rayner "Frank Hilliger's Alphabet - N (part 2)"Elaine Quigley "Graphological Quiz"Vol. 16, No.3 - Autumn 1998Erik Rees, Robert Harris, Alice Coleman, Elaine Quigley, Frank Hilliger "Form Level: A Mini SymposiumAlice Coleman "A Titanic Victim"David Shaw "Parkinson's Disease: A Handwriting Sample"John Beck "A Graphologist's Life"Marion Rayner "Frank Hilliger's Alphabet - O"Vol. 16, No.4 - Winter 1998John Beck "The Use of Capitals as a Dominant in Handwriting"Milton Moore "The Ice Woman"Elaine Quigley "The Enneagram as a Valuable Diagnostic Tool"Marion Rayner "Frank Hilliger's Alphabet - P (Part 1)"Vol. 17, No. 1 - Spring 1999Adam Brand "The 6th British Symposium on Graphology"Ricky Dudley "Emotion: the PACE Method"Frits Cohen & Nigel Bradley "Graphology Books"Marion Rayner "Frank Hilliger's Alphabet - P (Part 2)"Erika Karohs "Garlanded Letter Forms"Vol. 17, No. 2 - Summer 1999Margaret Gullan-Whur "Spinoza - a Life Within Reason?"Pat Church "A Counselling Study Using Graphology and Dreams"Louise Puttick "What Are The Indicators of Emotions in Handwriting?"Alice Coleman "William Hague: Leader of the Opposition"Marion Rayner "Frank Hilliger's Alphabet - Q"Robert S. Harris "Cardinal Basil Hume"Jacqui Tew "The Learning Curve"?Vol. 17, No. 3 - Autumn 1999?Robert S. Harris, Adam Brand, Patricia Leeson & Elaine Quigley "B.I.G. Reproducibility Test: Handwriting of a Nobel Laureate"David Membrey "Who Was Camillo Baldi?""Writing Showed all the Traits of a Murder"Alice Coleman "Terminology Report"Jacqui Tew "The Learning Curve: Spacing (1)"Marion Rayner "Frank Hilliger's Alphabet - R (Part 1)"Vol. 17, No. 4 - Winter 1999Christopher Pamplin "Expert Evidence: Do You Have All the Facts/"Ann Nimmo "Dyslexia"David Membrey "Camillo Baldi and the Origins of Graphology in the Seventeenth Century"Jacqui Tew "The Learning Curve: Spacing (2)"Marion Rayner "Frank Hilliger's Alphabet - R (Part 2)"Vol. 18, No. 1 - Spring 2000Margaret Webb & Patricia Leeson "Dr Harold Shipman: Two Analyses"Christopher Pamplin "A Marketing Tool for Expert Witnesses"Robert S. Harris "Looking Beyond Our Horizons: A Challenge to Graphologists"Erik Rees "Selling Graphology"Elaine Quigley "How I Got Started in Graphology"Marion Rayner "Frank Hilliger's Alphabet - S (Part 1)"Robert S. Harris "Identifying Guilt in Handwriting: When Can Graphologists Be Guilty?Jacqui Tew "The Learning Curve: Spacing (3)"Vol. 18, No.2 – Summer 2000John Beck “The Mythological Types of St Morand”Roma Avishai “What Children Tell in the Family Drawing”Elaine Quigley & Jack Deller “Applying Two Methods in our Profiling of a Person”Jacqui Tew “The Learning Curve: Rhythm”Vol. 18, No.3 – Autumn 2000Arlyn J. Imberman “Spiritual, Romantic and Star-Crossed Love”Roma Avishai “Case Studies: Virginia Woolf and Oscar Wilde”Jacqui Tew “The Learning Curve: Regularity”“Frank Hilliger’s Alphabet: S”Vol. 18, No.4 – Winter 2000Dr Erika Karohs “Ambivalence as seen in Handwriting”Mary Black “Enid Blyton”Dr Margaret Gullan-Whur “Research Studies of Graphological Interest”“Frank Hilliger’s Alphabet: T”Sheila Lowe “The G-8 Summit Leaders”Jacqui Tew “The Learning Curve: Zones”Vol. 19, No.1 – Spring 2001John Beck “The Mythological Types Continued”Esther M. Dosch “The Interpretation of Printed Handwriting (Part One)”Jacqui Tew “The Learning Curve: Absolute Size”Nigel Bradley “An Internet Tour for Graphology”Frits Cohen “Scientific Handwriting Analysis: Aspects of Modern Graphology”Vol. 19, No.2 – Summer 2001Esther M. Dosch “The Interpretation of Printed Handwriting (Part Two)”Robert S. Harris “A Study of English Architects’ Handwritings”Jacqui Tew “The Learning Curve: Slant”?Vol. 19, No.3 - Autumn 2001Diane Simpson, interviewed by Robert S. Harris "The Police, Graphology and the Yorkshire Ripper"Olivia Graham "A Critique of The Write Stuff"Sheila Lowe, Erik Rees, Elaine Quigley, Roma Avishai, Alice Coleman "Timothy McVeigh: Five Reports"Robert S. Harris "The Handwriting Culture Vs. TechnologyAlice Coleman "Handwriting - Has it a Future?"Jacqui Tew "The Learning Curve: BaselinesVol. 19, No.4 - Winter 2001Christopher Molander "The Vertical Writing Slant"Hilliger's Alphabet: UErik Rees "Integrity"Jacqui Tew "The Learning Curve: Connectedness"Alice Coleman "Another Step Towards Rapprochement"Adam Brand "Review"Vol. 20, No.1 - Spring 2002Symposium ProgrammeJohn Beck "Dishonesty and Deceit"Jacqui Tew "The Learning Curve: Width"Alice Coleman "Line Spacing"Elaine Quigley "Albinia de la Mare"Frank Hilliger's Alphabet: V, W, ZAdam Brand, Alice Coleman "Reviews"Vol. 20, No. 2 - Summer 2002Institute NewsErik Rees "Graphology's Greatest Hurdle - Fear!"Alice Coleman "A Note on Emotional Intelligence"Jacqui Tew "The Learning Curve: Forms of Connection"Elaine Quigley "The Priorities of the Age"John Beck "Freudian Principles"Vol. 20, No.3 - Autumn 2002Betty Turk, Penny Graves, Barbara Sinclair, Elaine Quigley, Alice Coleman "Iris Murdoch's Handwriting"John Beck "Hysteric and Phallo-Narcissistic Types in Writing"Sheila Lowe "The Lecture/Seminar - An Important Stream of Income"Robert S Harris "Graphology Under Threat in Finland"John Beck "International Graphological Colloquium"Vol. 20, No.4 - Winter 2002Elaine Quigley "Doodles and their Meaning"Robert S Harris "In conversation with John Beck"Tony Soar "Graphological Methods: The British Academy of Graphology"Nigel Bradley "Sheila Lowe's Handwriting Analyzer"Alice Coleman "A Plea for Help"Robert S Harris "Your Questions"Adam Brand "Book Review"Vol. 21, No.1 - Spring 2003Robert S. Harris "In Conversation with Chris Loeffler"Archbishop of Canterbury - The Times CoverageElaine Quigley "Dynamics of a Fatal Relationship : Myra Hindley and Ian Brady"Nigel Bradley (Translator) "On Crepieux-Jamin"Sue FitzHugh "Your Questions"Vol. 21, No.2 - Summer 2003Ruth Rostron "I've Got Rhythm?"John Beck "The Four Psychic Types of Jung and Their Representation in Handwriting: (Part 1)"Robert S Harris "In Conversation with Nigel Bradley"Vol. 21, No.3 - Autumn 2003Janet Bultitude "Write for the Job"Lawrence Warner "Graphological Methods: The International Graphology Association (IGA) - An Overview"John Beck "The Four Psychic Types of Jung and Their Representation in Handwriting: (Part 2)Tony Soar "Book Review"Vol. 21, No.4 - Winter 2003Alice Coleman "The PACE System of Graphology"Robert S. Harris "In Conversation with Dafna Yalon"Elaine Quigley and Teresa Dane " Notes on the Shadow Element in Our Personalities"Erik Rees "Your Questions"Graphology WorldwideVol. 22, No.1 - Spring 2004Monique Stirling, Barbara Sinclair, Tony Soar "Handwritings of Three Explorers: Sir Vivian Fuchs, Lord Hunt and Pen Hadow"Robert S. Harris "In Conversation with Maresi de Monchy"Maresi de Monchy (compiler) "Tables of Obsessive-Compulsive Indicators in Handwriting and Graphological Signs of Anxiety"Signatures of Contemporary PeopleElaine Quigley "Graphological Analyses of Ian Huntley and Maxine Carr"Alice Coleman "Reflections ont he Shadow Workshop"Vol. 22, No.2 - Summer 2004Ruth Rostron "Signatures Concealing and Revealing"Patricia Leeson "Graphological Analyses of Ian Huntley and Maxine Carr"Signatures of Contemporary PeopleAlice Coleman "The Association of Qualified Graphologists"Vol. 22, No.3 - Autumn 2004Robert S. Harris "Curiosity and Logic: Categories and Their Relationships"Bernaette Keefe "The Handwriting of Simon Murray"Signatures of Contemporary PeopleRobert S. Harris "In Conversation with Roma Avishai"Elaine Quigley "Condoleezza Rice and President Bush"Vol. 22, No.4 - Winter 2004Meryl Bolin "A Letter from Australia"Dafna Yalon and Ruti Abarbanel "Israel Odem's Theory of Potencies"Robert S. Harris "Curiosity & Logic (Part Two)"2004 Exam ResultsHandwriting by E-mail?Vol. 23, No.1 - Spring 2005Nigel Bradley "Robert Saudek's Contribution to Graphology"Dor Gauthier "Edmond Solange Pellat"Elaine Quigley "Changing Times (P.G. Wodehouse)"News from Around the World "Letter from Australia - Meryl Bolin"Robert S. Harris "Automated Signatures"Margaret Webb "The Alpha Male Signs into Formula 1"Vol. 23, No.2 - Summer 2005Milton Moore "Abstract Charactistics: Creativity"Linda Hencher "Buddhist Character Analysis"Alice Coleman "Introversion/Extraversion Research (Part 1)"Meryl Bolin "Letter from Australia"Dor Gauthier "Does this Sound Interesting..?Dor Gauthier "Back to the Future"8th British Symposium on GraphologyVol. 23, No.3 - Autumn 2005Adam Brand "Graphology is not Scientific, So Why Should I Use It?"Francesco Matozza "Handwriting Analysis and Cancer"Pat Church "How Graphology Can Provide Extra Insight in Counselling"Dor Gauthier "Dr Werner Wolff"Ruth Rostron "Analysing On The Spot"News from Around the WorldObituary "Hubert Desenclos"Meryl Bolin "Letter from Australia"Vol. 23, No.4 - Winter 2005Ines Emmaus "A Systematic Apprach to Klages's Form Level"Meryl Bolin "Letter from Australia"Elaine Quigley "David Blunkett"Dor Gauthier "New Paradigm Shifts in Graphology"Sue FitzHugh supplied "An Example of a Successful Exam Paper"?Elaine Quigley "Aural Acuity in Handwriting"Vol. 24, No.1 - Spring 2006Daniele Dumont "Writing Re-Education"Obituaries "Valentine (Poo) Borthwick, Margaret Mays"Naomi Stalden "Marianne Jacoby - A daughter's Memories"Meryl Bolin "Letter from Australia"Adam Brand - review "The Star-Wave Test by Dafna Yalon"Dor Gauthier "Snippets of Graphological History"Nigel Bradley "UK Graphology History"Vincenca de Petrillo "Penna & Pennello"Elaine Quigley "Piano Tuners through the agesVol. 24, No.2 - Summer 2006Meryl Bolin "Letter from AustraliaAnne Cummings "Healing the Emotions"Margaret White "21st Century Graphology"Jean Elliott "Anonymous Letter Writing"Ines Emmaus "Graphology in Mexico"Dor Gauthier "Lavater RevisitedErik Rees "The Revealing Hand"Vol.24, No.3 - Autumn 2006Ruth Rostron "Showing our colours"Graziella Pettinati "How to Work with Teachers"Meryl Bolin "Letter from AustraliaDor Gauthier "Contemporary and Historical News"Jean Elliott "The Art of a good Presentation"Vol.24, No.4 - Winter 2006Kimon Ianetta/Reed Hayes "Women who Kill"Meryl Bolin "Letter from Australia"Hickey/Dennis/Quigley "Interesting People"Teresa Dane Marcel "Greek Goddesses"Vol.25, No.1 - Spring 2007Matozza and Ortiz "Handwriting Analysis in Cancer Patients"Dor Gauthier "Some interesting research"Dondero and Redaelli "Graffiti and Graphology"Sue FitzHugh "A Year int he Life of an Education Officer"Meryl Bolin " Letter from Australia"Pat Church and Elaine Quigley "Counselling and Graphology Study"John Beck "Incidental Indications of the Shadow Archetype in Writing"Joyce Parkinson "A Challenging Project"Vol.25, No.2 - Summer 2007Obituary - Eric SmithAdam Brand "Graphology Builds a Positive Image"Barbara Weaver "Handwriting of Identical TwinsElaine Quigley "New Books"Karin Walde "Spacing"Dor Gauthier "Graphological History"Elaine Quigley "A Personality Study through drawings"Meryl Bolin "Letter from Australia"Vol.25, No.3 - Autumn 2007Obituary - Alan BishopJoyce Parkinson "Personality Types Within the Workplace"Stephen Borisoff "Integration of a Variety of Graphological Methods"Fiona Douglas "Shapes"Eddie Prescott "Presentation Skills and their Application"Meryl Bolin "Letter from Australia"Vol.25, No.4 - Winter 2007Meryl Bolin "Letter from Australia"Obituary - Rudi DanorSilver Jubilee Symposium - August 30/31 2008Kim Iannetta and Reed Hayes "Behavioral Profiling/Risk Assessment"Margaret White "Twenty Five Years On"Claire Charlwood "Comment"Dor Gauthier "Historical GraphologyLydia Polgreen "Ancient Writings bring new interest to TimbuktuMemory - Eric SmithVol.26, No.1 - Spring 2008Meryl Bolin "Letter from Australia"John Beck "The Small Middle Zone in Handwriting"Sue FitzHugh "Children’s Writing and Drawing"Silver Jubilee Symposium in WindsorBook Review - Poison Pen, Author: Sheila LoweElaine Quigley "Forgotten Ghosts"Obituary - Carrie MoultonVol.26, No.2 - Summer 2008Meryl Bolin "Letter from Australia"Mary Black "Motivation"Timea Csizmadia "The History of Graphology in Hungary"Brian Warrington "White Collar CrimeBook Review - Handwriting of the Twentieth Century Author: Rosemary SassoonObituary - Father Nazzareno PalaferriVol.26, No.3 - Autumn 2008Visitor from Australia - Meryl BolinRichard Kokochak "The Elements: Symbols of Thought"Timea Csizmadia "Hungarian Graphology Today"Silver Jubilee Symposium 2008 in Windsor - ReportDor Gauthier’s "Travels through the world and Graphological history."Vol.26, No4 - Winter 2008Meryl Bolin "Letter from AustraliaStan Crouch "The Heiss ApproachAlice Coleman "Introversion/Extraversion Part 2"Tracey Yuille, new Graduate, Specimen Exam answerDor Gauthier’s Graphological ResearchVol.27, No.1 - Spring 2009Ruth Rostron "Tales from the Stave"Arlyn Imberman "Edgar Allan PoeMeryl Bolin "Letter from AustraliaMilton Moore "Jessica Cox: A Foot-writing Pilot"Dor Gauthier’s Graphological ResearchLinda Hencher "Introversion/ExtraversionBook Review - Emotional Healing for the Inner Child - Author: Anne CummingsVol.27, No.2 - Summer 2009Meryl Bolin "Letter from AustraliaRosemary Sassoon "Relationship between, Pen, Pen-hold and the Individual"Book Review - The Definitive Book of Handwriting analysis - Author Mark SeiferRuth Rostron "Tales from the Stave - Handel"Obituary - Bob BackmanVol.27, No.3 - Autumn 2009Erik Rees - Integrity in HandwritingStephen Borisoff - Introduction to Muller-Enscat's Graophological MethodSheila Lowe's new book, Dead Write - ReviewObituary - Barbara SinclairVol.27, No.4 - Winter 2009Alexandra Nagel - The Friendship Between Hans Jacoby and Julius SpierObituaries - Louise Erpelding - Claude Levi-StraussTracey Yuille - Van Gogh's True ColoursRichard Leggett - The Enneagram: The Nine Types in their Core Identity (1)?Meryl Bolin - Letter from AustraliaTracey Yuille - Jungian Four Function HierarchyVol.28, No.1 - Spring 2010Anne Cummings - An Emotional JourneyMeryl Bolin - Letter from AustraliaObuituary - Henry O. TeltscherMilton Moore and JoNeal Scully - The Handwriting of Amanda KnoxErik Rees - Threaded ScriptPat Jackson - My Father's WartimeVol.28, No.2 - Summer 2010Prof.Leivens, Kiyo Fujiki, Prof.Crevits - Ambition in HandwritingJohn Beck - A very Quiet Achievement for GraphologyElaine Quigley - Intelligence in HandwritingMeryl Bolin - Letter from AustraliaPresentation to Prof. Alice ColemanVol.28, No.3 - Autumn 2010Alexandra Nagel - Ania Teillard-Mendelssohn and Ludwig Aub?Meryl Bolin - Letter from AustraliaElaine Quigley - Book Review - Last Writes by Sheila LoweJohn Beck - The Significance of Handwriting Pressure?Jacqui Tew - Obituary of Maureen ButterfieldTracey Yuille - Bernice Rogers aged 80 - a study of Dementia in handwritingVol.28, No.4 -?Winter 2010Roma Avishai - Picture Completion TestRuth Rostron - Problems in Analysis - a difficult sampleAlexandra Nagel - Ludwig AubSue Garfield - Remembering Alan Conway - ObituaryElaine Quigley - William and KateDor Gauthier - Dr Pierquin de BemblouxMeryl Bolin - Letter from Australia ?Vol.29, No.1 -?Spring 2011A. Schoemaker and D. Schermer - Why writing can't be replaced by typingRuth Rostron - Comparative Analysis ~ Hans Jacoby and Jan MalounAdva Wienerman - Adolescent student's handwritingSymposium speakers - summariesMeryl Bolin - Letter from Australia10th Symposium of the B.I.G.~ October 2011 ?Vol. 29, No. 2 - Summer 2011Richard Kokochak - Archetypal patterns in HandwritingRichard Kokachak - The Olympian Mythological TypesMeryl Bolin - Letter from AustraliaA.Schoemaker and D Schermer - The Power of HandwritingSymposium - Venue - Bookings – ProgrammeVol. 29, No. 3 – Autumn 2011Vedic Graphology – Namita JoshiJungian Graphology – John BeckDealing with Negatives in Handwriting – Brigitte ApplegarthUnderstanding Punctuation – Dirk Schermer and Karin WaldeVol. 29, No. 4 – Winter 2011Forensic Examination – Susan Ord Interpersonal Conflict – Mary BlackWho coined the name Graphologie? – Dor Gauthier[MEDIA SECTION – LIBRARY LISTS (ACCESSIBLE TO MEMBERS ONLY)] Ordering: please select title and request book. 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