PURPOSE: Your focus for this assignment is to learn how your camera works. Your goal should be to understand how the shutter speed and aperture work together to create a properly exposed negative. You will know your image is properly exposed by “reading” your light meter, which will tell you if your camera needs more or less light.

THEME: Your subject matter is up to you for this film assignment, but you must take pictures indoors and outdoors, close and far away. YOU MAY ONLY USE NATURAL LIGHT! No flash, no spotlights, no indoor lights. You should have a total of 8 different subjects, shot at 3 different angles and/or distances for a total of 24 picture frames (more if you have a roll of 36).

REQUIRMENTS: You must record your camera settings for each photo that you take on the attached record sheet. If you do not record what aperture and shutter speed you used for each frame you will not understand the relationship between the aperture and shutter speed, which will negatively impact your future film assignments and your grade. This record sheet will slow you down during the exposure process but will save you time during the developing and printing process.


Follow these guidelines while taking your first roll of film.

1. Check Camera

a. Set ISO to 400.

b. Put camera in “M” = MANUAL MODE (some cameras are always on M mode). Also make sure to put in MF for Manual Focus on lens.

2. Look through the view finder and find a strong focal point and consider your composition.

- Decide which orientation (horizontal / vertical) works best.

- Simplify the frame.

- Use leading lines to direct your eye to your subject.

- Frame your subject and crop out unnecessary objects.

- “Rule of Thirds” or make your composition asymmetrical.

- Use Elements & Principles to create a dynamic composition.

3. Focus lens so everything is clear in the view finder and check focus again.

4. Press shutter release halfway down to “read” light meter. Adjust aperture and shutter to appropriate settings for proper exposure (center of light meter).

5. Release your shutter button and pull film advance lever (if you have one).

6. STOP! On log record the following:






7. Repeat for all exposures

Name ___________ Block ______________

Film Assignment ___1ST Roll “Getting to Know Your Camera”____

Film ISO/ASA ___400____


|EXAMPLE |Firewood stack- far away |f/11 |1/125 |Sunny, light behind me |

|EXAMPLE |Firewood stack- close up |f/8 |1/250 |Sunny, light behind me |

|EXAMPLE |Firewood stack- below |f/5.6 |1/500 |Sunny, light behind me |

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