1. Define precedentCh.15Les.1 (Pg. 414)2. Define habeas corpus Ch.7Les.2 (Pg. 207)3. What are enumerated/ expressed/ delegated powers? Provide 3 examples. Ch.13, Les.1, Pg. 356Definition of enumerated powers: What are “reserved powers”? Provide 3 examples.Ch.13, Les.1, Pg. 356Definition of reserved powers: What are “concurrent powers”? Provide 3 examples.Ch.13, Les.1, Pg. 356Definition of concurrent powers: Identify how each branch of government applies “checks & balances” to the other. Ch.5Les.4, Pg. 139Executive checks on Legislative:Executive checks on Judicial:Legislative checks on Executive:Legislative checks on Judicial:Judicial checks on Executive:Judicial checks on Legislative:7. List and describe the five freedoms guaranteed by the 1st amendment.Think RASPP Ch.6Les. Provide 2 examples of limits on 1st amendment rights. Ch.6Les.11. 2.9. What right is protected in the 2nd amendment? Ch.6Les.210. What does the 3rd amendment protect?11. How does the 4th amendment protect the accused? (Use the terms probable cause and search warrant in your answer)12. How does the 5th amendment protect the accused? (Use the terms Double jeopardy, eminent Domain, Due process, and self-incrimination (Don’t self-incriminate) in your answer) (4 D’s)No Double Jeopardy –Eminent Domain – Due Process – Right against self-incrimination - 13. How does the 6th amendment protect the accused? (Use the terms charges, jury, witnesses and counsel in your answer)14. What does the 7th amendment guarantee? (Use the term civil lawsuits in your answer)15. How does the 8th amendment protect the rights of the accused? (Use the terms excessive bail and cruel and unusual punishment in your answer)16. How does the 9th amendment safeguard individual liberties?17. What is stated in the 10th amendment? (Use the term reserved powers)18. How does the 10th amendment reinforce the principle of federalism?19. What was the significance of the 13th amendment? Ch.6.Les.320. Describe the 3 major protections established in the 14th amendment? Ch.6.Les.3 Citizenship:Due Process:Equal Protection:21. Describe the principle of due process of law. Ch.15Les.222. Explain the significance of the 15th amendment (Use the term suffrage) Ch.6Les.323. Explain the significance of the 19th amendment (Use the term suffrage) Ch.6Les.324. Explain the significance of the 24th amendment.Ch.6Les.325. Explain the significance of the 26th amendment.Ch.6Les.326. Explain the significance of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. (iCivics Voting Rights Notes)27. Which document is considered the “supreme law of land” in the U.S.? Ch.5Les.428. What was the significance of the Supreme Court’s decision on Marbury v. Madison?29. Explain the power of judicial review. Ch.9Les.330. Explain the connection of the 14th amendment to the case of Plessy v. Ferguson. What impact did this case have on society?Role of 14th:Impact on society:31. Explain the connection of the 14th amendment to the case of Brown v. Board of Education. What impact did this case have on society?Role of 14th:Impact on society:32. Was the practice of stare decisis evident in the decision of Brown v. Board in relation to Plessy v. Ferguson? Explain why or why not. Ch.9Les.433. Define the following types of opinions written by the Supreme Court in deciding cases. Ch.9Les.4Majority Opinion:Dissenting Opinion:Unanimous Opinion:34. Explain the connection of the 6th amendment to the case of Gideon v. Wainwright. What impact did this case have on society?Role of 6th:Impact on society:35. Explain the connection of the 5th amendment to the case of Miranda v. Arizona. What impact did this case have on society?Role of 5th: Impact on society:36. Explain the connection of the 14th amendment to the case of in re Gault? What impact did this case have on society?Role of 14th: Impact on society:37. Explain the connection of the 1st amendment to the case of Tinker v. Des Moines? What impact did this case have on society?Role of 1st:Impact on society:38. Explain the connection of “executive privilege” and “rule of law” to the case of U.S. v. Nixon. What impact did this have on society? Ch.8Les.2Role of “Executive Privilege” & “Rule of Law”:Impact on society:39. Explain the connection of the 1st amendment to the case of Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier. What impact did this have on society?Role of 1st:Impact on society:40. Explain the connection of the 14th amendment to the case of Bush v. Gore. What impact did this have on society?Role of 14th:Impact on society:41. Explain the connection of the 2nd amendment to the case of D.C. v. Heller. What impact did this have on society?Role of 2nd:Impact on society: ................

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