The Twenties Growth and ChangeCanada and the WorldOn New Year’s Eve, 1919, many Canadians must have felt _______________ that a new decade was about to begin. The previous one had been filled with troubles: the _______________ War, the _______________ Explosion, the _______________ Flu, and a wave of _______________ that started in Winnipeg. People hoped the 1920s would bring a fresh _______________.The dawning of a new decade saw a _______________ _______________ in Canadian history. Many of the old political leaders from the _______________ of Canada left politics, which gave way to a _______________ crop of leaders and ideas. Because of the war, societal norms began to _______________, and Canada took up a dominant role on the _______________ stage.Timeline: Canada Forges a New Attitude_______________ - Canada becomes one of the original members of the League of Nations, formed as part of the Treaty of Versailles to prevent further wars and encourage international cooperation. _______________ - Canada’s new prime minister, William Lyon Mackenzie King, refuses to support Britain in a conflict with Turkey. He makes it clear that he wants a more _______________ foreign policy, and that Canada will no longer _______________ stand alongside Britain. _______________ - Canadian officials negotiate and sign the Halibut Treaty with the United States on their own. King _______________ to allow British officials to participate. 373026726435_______________ - Parliament approves the use of a new flag. The Canadian _______________ _______________ replaces Britain’s Union Jack on government buildings outside Canada._______________ - Lord Byng, the Governor General appointed by Britain, refuses to allow Prime Minister Mackenzie King to call an election when the government begins to fall. Instead, he appoints Conservative leader _______________ _______________ as prime minister. Some see this move as British _______________ in Canadian affairs. Meighen’s government lasts only _______________, and Canadians vote King and the Liberals back in. The incident becomes known as the _______________ -_______________ crisis. _______________ - King attends a conference in London, England, to discuss a report submitted by Lord Balfour, a former British prime minister. The Balfour Report recommends that Britain _______________ the _______________ of former British colonies such as Canada, Australia, and New Zealand._______________ - The statements of the Balfour Report become law in Britain in the Statute of Westminster. The law establishes complete legal _______________ between the parliaments of Britain and Canada. This is the closest that Canada has ever come to _______________ its _______________.What do you think?Choose one event from the timeline that you think was the most important in moving Canada toward independence. Justify your choice.23798623348The Group of SevenThe Group of Seven were a group of Canadian _______________ who attempted to show how Canada’s unique _______________ makes them _______________Initially their work was rejected as _______________But eventually it became recognized as the first _______________ Canadian style of artMembers of the Group of Seven include: Frank Carmichael, Lawren _______________, A.Y. Jackson, Arthur Lismer, J.E.H. MacDonald, Frederick VarleyTom _______________ was the artist that inspired the GroupImmigration to CanadaWhat are Push and Pull factors with relating to immigration?The countries of Europe were still struggling to _______________ from the warMany _______________ people from Europe were _______________ to start a new life somewhere else.Canada had not been _______________ affected by the warIts economy was _______________There were lots of _______________, especially in the primary industries of Canadas northWhat are primary industries?However, once these new immigrants _______________ in Canada they often found things to be _______________ than they expected.Immigrants received _______________ wages than non-immigrants, and after expenses, often walked away with next to _______________31499879356400Canada’s Immigration PolicyThe Canadian Government actively _______________ people from Britain, Western Europe and the United States to come to CanadaHowever, other people were not _______________ to comeIn 1923 Canada passed the _______________ _______________ Act.This act _______________ all new Chinese Immigration to CanadaThis included _______________ or _______________ of Chinese Canadians _______________ in CanadaIn 1928 another law limited _______________ immigration to _______________ people per yearYearNumber of ImmigrantsYearNumber of immigrants1920192519211926192219271923192819241929An Urban Way of LifeAs steam and gasoline powered _______________ machinery slowly replaced much of _______________ labour required on farms, _______________ work was available in rural areasYoung people had to move to _______________ and _______________ to find jobsBetween _______________ and _______________, Canada’s population gradually shifted from being mostly _______________ to being mostly _______________.This process is called _______________EducationEducation changed with the _______________ in towns and citiesIn the 1800s, _______________ years of education was considered enough.Why?By the 1920s about 1/3 of students went to _______________ _______________ for two or more yearsThe amount of school varied based on _______________ to the school, social _______________ and _______________Many schools had separate _______________ for boys and girlsBoys educations was directed towards _______________ and _______________Girls education was directed towards _______________ work and _______________ careDuring the 1920s jobs were _______________ for menAfter 1918, most women either _______________ up their jobs, or were _______________ offJob opportunities for women were _______________For most urban women, a paid job was a _______________ stage in life between _______________ and _______________Most worked _______________ the home for only about 8 yearsConsumerism3905465490000In _______________ the power of Niagara Falls was first used to create _______________ in Ontario creating _______________ electricity that was available in the home.This lead to the development of many labour-saving _______________ and new _______________ productsElectric _______________, toasters, _______________ cleaners, and _______________ machines became common_______________ and phonographs provided home entertainment for the entire familyBuying on _______________ also became very popularOwning a _______________ in the 1920s was a real _______________ symbolBy 1926 new _______________ techniques brought the price of a new car down to where almost _______________ of all Canadian families could afford one. This created new jobs like _______________ attendants, mechanics, and travel and tourismSportsThe new urban lifestyle of the 1920s created more _______________ time for CanadiansThe _______________, Major League Baseball, Professional Football, and the _______________ became popular forms of entertainmentInternationally Canada’s athletes had great success, creating what is known as Canada’s _______________ _______________ of sport.457805612600Women in PoliticsHopes were high for political _______________ in 1920_____ women ran for office in the 1921 election, the _______________ election after women received the right to vote_______________ _______________ was the only woman elected to parliament in the 1920sShe worked for minimum _______________, social benefits, _______________ reform, and _______________ for womenThe Persons CaseIn the 1920s Canadas laws were based on the _______________ _______________ _______________ act of 1867The Act stated that only “fit and qualified _______________” could be appointed to public positions, such as the Canadian _______________A group of women from Alberta, nicknamed the _______________ _______________, argued that “persons” _______________ womenThe group was _______________ _______________, Emily Murphy, Henrietta Muir Edwards, Louis McKinney and Irene ParlbyThe Supreme Court of Canada ruled that historically this was _______________ the case and therefore women were not “_______________”The women then took their argument to the _______________ _______________ in EnglandIn 1929, the Privy Council ruled that women _______________ persons and could therefore hold _______________ office_______________ _______________ was appointed as Canada’s first female _______________ ................

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