Spirit Keeper's Tarot, Marseille, RWS, and Thoth ...

SKT, TdM, RWS, and Thoth Tarot Key Correspondences(By Standardized Order)Major Arcana22 KeysSpirit Keeper’s Tarot(SKT)Tarot de Marseilles(TdM)Rider-Waite-Smith(RWS)Thoth0: The Initiate0: The Fool0: The Fool0: The Fool0: The Seeker0: The Keeper1: The MagusI: The Magician(or The Juggler)I: The MagicianI: The Magus(or The Juggler)2: The PriestessII: The PopessII: The High PriestessII: The Priestess(or The High Priestess)3: The EmpressIII: The EmpressIII: The EmpressIII: The Empress4: The EmperorIV: The EmperorIV: The EmperorIV: The Emperor5: The Holy SeeV: The PopeV: The HierophantV: The Hierophant6: The LoversVI: The LoversVI: The LoversVI: The Lovers(or The Brothers)7: The ChariotVII: The ChariotVII: The ChariotVII: The Chariot8: The ForceVIII: Justice[XI: Strength]VIII: StrengthVIII: Adjustment[XI: Lust]9: The EruditeIX: The HermitIX: The HermitIX: The Hermit10: Wheel of LifeX: The Wheel of FortuneX: Wheel of FortuneX: Fortune11: The ChancellorXI: Strength[VIII: Justice]XI: JusticeXI: Lust[VIII: Adjustment]Spirit Keeper’s Tarot(SKT)Tarot de Marseilles(TdM)Rider-Waite-Smith(RWS)Thoth12: The OutlawXII: The Hanged ManXII: The Hanged ManXII: The Hanged Man13: The ReaperXIII: Death(Untitled)XIII: DeathXIII: Death14: The AngelXIV: TemperanceXIV: TemperanceXIV: Art15: The DemonXV: The DevilXV: The DevilXV: The Devil16: The TowerXVI: The Tower(or The House of God)XVI: The TowerXVI: The Tower(or War)17: The HealerXVII: The StarXVII: The StarXVII: The Star18: The NecromancerXVIII: The MoonXVIII: The MoonKey XVIII: The Moon19: The WarriorXIX: The SunXIX: The SunKey XIX: The Sun20: ApocalypseXX: The JudgmentXX: JudgmentKey XX: The Aeon21: New World OrderXXI: The WorldXXI: The WorldKey XXI: The UniverseMinor ArcanaScepters, Batons, WandsSpirit Keeper’s Tarot(SKT)Tarot de Marseilles(TdM)Rider-Waite-Smith(RWS)ThothSacred FireAce of SceptersAce of BatonsAce of WandsRoot of the Powers of FireThe Discerning OneTwo of SceptersTwo of BatonsTwo of WandsTwo of Wands: DominionThe PoliticThree of SceptersThree of BatonsThree of WandsThree of Wands: VirtueThe DemiurgeFour of SceptersFour of BatonsFour of WandsFour of Wands: CompletionThe ContenderFive of SceptersFive of BatonsFive of WandsFive of Wands: StrifeSpirit Keeper’s Tarot(SKT)Tarot de Marseilles(TdM)Rider-Waite-Smith(RWS)ThothThe ChampionSix of SceptersSix of BatonsSix of WandsSix of Wands: VictoryThe Dark HorseSeven of SceptersSeven of BatonsSeven of WandsSeven of Wands: ValourThe SharpshooterEight of SceptersEight of BatonsEight of WandsEight of Wands: SwiftnessThe MalaiseNine of SceptersNine of BatonsNine of WandsNine of Wands: StrengthThe Burdened OneTen of SceptersTen of BatonsTen of WandsTen of Wands: OppressionStronghold of the FlamePage of SceptersPage of BatonsPage of WandsPrincess of WandsThe Shining FlameKnight of SceptersKnight of BatonsKnight of WandsPrince of WandsThe Golden ShieldQueen of SceptersQueen of BatonsQueen of WandsQueen of WandsArchangel of GloryKing of SceptersKing of BatonsKing of WandsKnight of WandsMinor ArcanaChalices, CupsSpirit Keeper’s Tarot(SKT)Tarot de Marseilles(TdM)Rider-Waite-Smith(RWS)ThothHoly WaterAce of ChalicesAce of CupsAce of CupsRoot of the Powers of WaterThe Joined OneTwo of ChalicesTwo of CupsTwo of CupsTwo of Cups: LoveThe KindredThree of ChalicesThree of CupsThree of CupsThree of Cups: AbundanceSpirit Keeper’s Tarot(SKT)Tarot de Marseilles(TdM)Rider-Waite-Smith(RWS)ThothThe Hollow VoidFour of ChalicesFour of CupsFour of CupsFour of Cups: LuxuryThe GrotesqueFive of ChalicesFive of CupsFive of CupsFive of Cups: DisappointmentThe Memory KeeperSix of ChalicesSix of CupsSix of CupsSix of Cups: PleasureThe CorrupterSeven of ChalicesSeven of CupsSeven of CupsSeven of Cups: DebauchThe DefectorEight of ChalicesEight of CupsEight of CupsEight of Cups: IndolenceThe Wish GrantedNine of ChalicesNine of CupsNine of CupsNine of Cups: HappinessThe Joyous OneTen of ChalicesTen of CupsTen of CupsTen of Cups: SatietyStronghold of the GrailPage of ChalicesPage of CupsPage of CupsPrincess of CupsThe Shining DewKnight of ChalicesKnight of CupsKnight of CupsPrince of CupsThe Ivory ShieldQueen of ChalicesQueen of CupsQueen of CupsQueen of CupsArchangel of HealingKing of ChalicesKing of CupsKing of CupsKnight of CupsMinor ArcanaSwordsSpirit Keeper’s Tarot(SKT)Tarot de Marseilles(TdM)Rider-Waite-Smith(RWS)ThothSacred CinnabarAce of SwordsAce of SwordsAce of SwordsRoot of the Powers of AirSpirit Keeper’s Tarot(SKT)Tarot de Marseilles(TdM)Rider-Waite-Smith(RWS)ThothThe Blind SeerTwo of SwordsTwo of SwordsTwo of SwordsTwo of Swords: PeaceThe BereavedThree of SwordsThree of SwordsThree of SwordsThree of Swords: SorrowThe ConvalescentFour of SwordsFour of SwordsFour of SwordsFour of Swords: TruceThe HectorFive of SwordsFive of SwordsFive of SwordsFive of Swords: DefeatThe FerrymanSix of SwordsSix of SwordsSix of SwordsSix of Swords: ScienceThe RogueSeven of SwordsSeven of SwordsSeven of SwordsSeven of Swords: FutilityThe CaptorEight of SwordsEight of SwordsEight of SwordsEight of Swords: InterferenceThe HauntNine of SwordsNine of SwordsNine of SwordsNine of Swords: CrueltyThe DestroyerTen of SwordsTen of SwordsTen of SwordsTen of Swords: RuinStronghold of the ZephyrsPage of SwordsPage of SwordsPage of SwordsPrincess of SwordsThe Shining WindsKnight of SwordsKnight of SwordsKnight of SwordsPrince of SwordsThe Scarlet ShieldQueen of SwordsQueen of SwordsQueen of SwordsQueen of SwordsArchangel CommanderKing of SwordsKing of SwordsKing of SwordsKnight of SwordsMinor ArcanaOrbs, Coins, Pentacles, DisksSpirit Keeper’s Tarot(SKT)Tarot de Marseilles(TdM)Rider-Waite-Smith(RWS)ThothBread of LifeAce of OrbsAce of CoinsAce of Pentacles Root of the Powers of EarthThe NocturneTwo of OrbsTwo of CoinsTwo of PentaclesTwo of Disks: ChangeThe MasonThree of OrbsThree of CoinsThree of PentaclesThree of Disks: WorksThe ConservatorFour of OrbsFour of CoinsFour of PentaclesFour of Disks: PowerThe VagabondFive of OrbsFive of CoinsFive of PentaclesFive of Disks: WorryThe GiverSix of OrbsSix of CoinsSix of PentaclesSix of Disks: SuccessThe GardenerSeven of OrbsSeven of CoinsSeven of PentaclesSeven of Disks: FailureThe JourneymanEight of OrbsEight of CoinsEight of PentaclesEight of Disks: PrudenceThe EminenceNine of OrbsNine of CoinsNine of PentaclesNine of Disks: GainThe DynastyTen of OrbsTen of CoinsTen of PentaclesTen of Disks: WealthStronghold of the ValePage of OrbsPage of CoinsPage of PentaclesPrincess of DisksThe Shining QuarryKnight of OrbsKnight of CoinsKnight of PentaclesPrince of DisksThe Ebony ShieldQueen of OrbsQueen of CoinsQueen of PentaclesQueen of DisksArchangel of MysteriesKing of OrbsKing of CoinsKing of PentaclesKnight of DisksFOR BEGINNERSSKT, TdM, RWS, and Thoth Tarot Key Correspondences(By Alphabetical Order in the SKT)Major Arcana22 KeysSpirit Keeper’s Tarot(SKT)Tarot de Marseilles(TdM)Rider-Waite-Smith(RWS)Thoth0: The InitiateKey 0: The FoolKey 0: The FoolKey 0: The Fool0: The Seeker0: The Keeper1: The MagusKey 1: The Magician(or The Juggler)Key I: The MagicianKey I: The Magus(or The Juggler)2: The PriestessKey 2: The PopessKey II: The High PriestessKey II: The Priestess(or The High Priestess)3: The EmpressKey 3: The EmpressKey III: The EmpressKey III: The Empress4: The EmperorKey 4: The EmperorKey IV: The EmperorKey IV: The Emperor5: The Holy SeeKey 5: The PopeKey V: The HierophantKey V: The Hierophant6: The LoversKey 6: The LoversKey VI: The LoversKey VI: The Lovers(or The Brothers)7: The ChariotKey 7: The ChariotKey VII: The ChariotKey VII: The Chariot8: The ForceKey 8: Justice(Key 11: Strength)Key VIII: StrengthKey VIII: Adjustment(Key XI: Lust)9: The EruditeKey 9: The HermitKey IX: The HermitKey IX: The Hermit10: Wheel of LifeKey 10: The Wheel of FortuneKey X: Wheel of FortuneKey X: FortuneSpirit Keeper’s Tarot(SKT)Tarot de Marseilles(TdM)Rider-Waite-Smith(RWS)Thoth11: The ChancellorKey 11: Strength(Key 8: Justice)Key XI: JusticeKey XI: Lust(Key VIII: Adjustment)12: The OutlawKey 12: The Hanged ManKey XII: The Hanged ManKey XII: The Hanged Man13: The ReaperKey 13: Death(Untitled)Key XIII: DeathKey XIII: Death14: The AngelKey 14: TemperanceKey XIV: TemperanceKey XIV: Art15: The DemonKey 15: The DevilKey XV: The DevilKey XV: The Devil16: The TowerKey 16: The Tower(or The House of God)Key XVI: The TowerKey XVI: The Tower(or War)17: The HealerKey 17: The StarKey XVII: The StarKey XVII: The Star18: The NecromancerKey 18: The MoonKey XVIII: The MoonKey XVIII: The Moon19: The WarriorKey 19: The SunKey XIX: The SunKey XIX: The Sun20: ApocalypseKey 20: The JudgmentKey XX: JudgmentKey XX: The Aeon21: New World OrderKey 21: The WorldKey XXI: The WorldKey XXI: The UniverseMinor ArcanaAlphabetical Order per SKT Key TitlesSpirit Keeper’s Tarot(SKT)Tarot de Marseilles(TdM)Rider-Waite-Smith(RWS)ThothArchangel CommanderKing of SwordsKing of SwordsKing of SwordsKnight of SwordsArchangel of GloryKing of SceptersKing of BatonsKing of WandsKnight of WandsArchangel of HealingKing of ChalicesKing of CupsKing of CupsKnight of CupsArchangel of MysteriesKing of OrbsKing of CoinsKing of PentaclesKnight of DisksBereaved, TheThree of SwordsThree of SwordsThree of SwordsThree of Swords: SorrowBlind Seer, TheTwo of SwordsTwo of SwordsTwo of SwordsTwo of Swords: PeaceBread of LifeAce of OrbsAce of CoinsAce of Pentacles Root of the Powers of EarthBurdened One, TheTen of SceptersTen of BatonsTen of WandsTen of Wands: OppressionCaptor, TheEight of SwordsEight of SwordsEight of SwordsEight of Swords: InterferenceChampion, TheSix of SceptersSix of BatonsSix of WandsSix of Wands: VictoryConservator, TheFour of OrbsFour of CoinsFour of PentaclesFour of Disks: PowerContender, TheFive of SceptersFive of BatonsFive of WandsFive of Wands: StrifeConvalescent, TheFour of SwordsFour of SwordsFour of SwordsFour of Swords: TruceSpirit Keeper’s Tarot(SKT)Tarot de Marseilles(TdM)Rider-Waite-Smith(RWS)ThothCorrupter, TheSeven of ChalicesSeven of CupsSeven of CupsSeven of Cups: DebauchDark Horse, TheSeven of SceptersSeven of BatonsSeven of WandsSeven of Wands: ValourDefector, TheEight of ChalicesEight of CupsEight of CupsEight of Cups: IndolenceDemiurge, TheFour of SceptersFour of BatonsFour of WandsFour of Wands: CompletionDestroyer, TheTen of SwordsTen of SwordsTen of SwordsTen of Swords: RuinDiscerning One, TheTwo of SceptersTwo of BatonsTwo of WandsTwo of Wands: DominionDynasty, TheTen of OrbsTen of CoinsTen of PentaclesTen of Disks: WealthEbony Shield, TheQueen of OrbsQueen of CoinsQueen of PentaclesQueen of DisksEminence, TheNine of OrbsNine of CoinsNine of PentaclesNine of Disks: GainFerryman, TheSix of SwordsSix of SwordsSix of SwordsSix of Swords: ScienceGardener, TheSeven of OrbsSeven of CoinsSeven of PentaclesSeven of Disks: FailureGiver, TheSix of OrbsSix of CoinsSix of PentaclesSix of Disks: SuccessGolden Shield, TheQueen of SceptersQueen of BatonsQueen of WandsQueen of WandsGrotesque, TheFive of ChalicesFive of CupsFive of CupsFive of Cups: DisappointmentHaunt, TheNine of SwordsNine of SwordsNine of SwordsNine of Swords: CrueltySpirit Keeper’s Tarot(SKT)Tarot de Marseilles(TdM)Rider-Waite-Smith(RWS)ThothHector, TheFive of SwordsFive of SwordsFive of SwordsFive of Swords: DefeatHollow Void, TheFour of ChalicesFour of CupsFour of CupsFour of Cups: LuxuryHoly WaterAce of ChalicesAce of CupsAce of CupsRoot of the Powers of WaterIvory Shield, TheQueen of ChalicesQueen of CupsQueen of CupsQueen of CupsJoined OneTwo of ChalicesTwo of CupsTwo of CupsTwo of Cups: LoveJourneyman, TheEight of OrbsEight of CoinsEight of PentaclesEight of Disks: PrudenceJoyous One, TheTen of ChalicesTen of CupsTen of CupsTen of Cups: SatietyKindred, TheThree of ChalicesThree of CupsThree of CupsThree of Cups: AbundanceMalaise, TheNine of SceptersNine of BatonsNine of WandsNine of Wands: StrengthMason, TheThree of OrbsThree of CoinsThree of PentaclesThree of Disks: WorksMemory Keeper, TheSix of ChalicesSix of CupsSix of CupsSix of Cups: PleasureNocturne, TheTwo of OrbsTwo of CoinsTwo of PentaclesTwo of Disks: ChangePolitic, TheThree of SceptersThree of BatonsThree of WandsThree of Wands: VirtueRogue, TheSeven of SwordsSeven of SwordsSeven of SwordsSeven of Swords: FutilitySacred CinnabarAce of SwordsAce of SwordsAce of SwordsRoot of the Powers of AirSpirit Keeper’s Tarot(SKT)Tarot de Marseilles(TdM)Rider-Waite-Smith(RWS)ThothSacred FireAce of SceptersAce of BatonsAce of WandsRoot of the Powers of FireScarlet Shield, TheQueen of SwordsQueen of SwordsQueen of SwordsQueen of SwordsSharpshooter, TheEight of SceptersEight of BatonsEight of WandsEight of Wands: SwiftnessShining Dew, TheKnight of ChalicesKnight of CupsKnight of CupsPrince of CupsShining Flame, TheKnight of SceptersKnight of BatonsKnight of WandsPrince of WandsShining Quarry, TheKnight of OrbsKnight of CoinsKnight of PentaclesPrince of DisksShining Winds, TheKnight of SwordsKnight of SwordsKnight of SwordsPrince of SwordsStronghold of the FlamePage of SceptersPage of BatonsPage of WandsPrincess of WandsStronghold of the GrailPage of ChalicesPage of CupsPage of CupsPrincess of CupsStronghold of the ValePage of OrbsPage of CoinsPage of PentaclesPrincess of DisksStronghold of the ZephyrsPage of SwordsPage of SwordsPage of SwordsPrincess of SwordsVagabond, TheFive of OrbsFive of CoinsFive of PentaclesFive of Disks: WorryWish Granted, TheNine of ChalicesNine of CupsNine of CupsNine of Cups: Happiness ................

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