Founding Fathers of Sociology

Founding Fathers of Sociology Name __________________

1. Auguste Comte

a. Background/Nationality

b. Education/Job history

c. Beliefs/Attitudes

d. Type of Theorist (Functionalist, Conflict Theorist, or Interactionist)

2. Herbert Spencer

a. Background/Nationality

b. Education/Job history

c. Beliefs/Attitudes

d. Type of Theorist (Functionalist, Conflict Theorist, or Interactionist)

3. Karl Marx

a. Background/Nationality

b. Education/Job history

c. Beliefs/Attitudes

d. Type of Theorist (Functionalist, Conflict Theorist, or Interactionist)

4. Emile Durkheim

a. Background/Nationality

b. Education/Job history

c. Beliefs/Attitudes

d. Type of Theorist (Functionalist, Conflict Theorist, or Interactionist)

5. Max Weber

a. Background/Nationality

b. Education/Job history

c. Beliefs/Attitudes

d. Type of Theorist (Functionalist, Conflict Theorist, or Interactionist)


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