Name: _____________________________List the four eras of Native American history in chronological order.Paleo-Indian, Archaic, Woodlands, MississippianDescribe the Paleo-Indian Period.Native Americans were nomadic and hunted for food. They usually hunted large animals such as mastodons or mammoths. They used stone tools such as knives and spearheads. Describe the Archaic Period.Native Americans were still primarily nomadic, but now were hunter-gatherers since the large animals of the Paleo period had died out. They domesticated the dog, and developed new tools such as the mortar and pestle. They also used more than just stone, bone, wood, and hide, adding shell, ivory, copper, and plant fibers. They also began using baskets and pottery.Describe the Woodlands Period.This period saw the introduction of the bow and arrow, as well as agriculture. Communities began to form as Native Americans settled down in permanent homes. Food storage made the use of pottery and baskets even more important. People started decorating their pottery as well as themselves.Describe the Mississippian Period.This period includes the building of mounds, palisades, and sturdy wooden structures. The culture also developed into a highly developed tribal organization with class divisions. This is the culture that Europeans encountered. When did agriculture become a part of Native American life? What did they grow?The Woodlands period. They grew squash, corn, and beans, as well as sunflowers, peas, and pumpkins.Define anthropologist and archaeologist.Anthropologist – studies the development of mankind.Archeologist – studies the past.How did the Native Americans help the European settlers survive?They taught the Europeans how to survive, and traded food and other items with them. Why were European diseases so devastating to Native Americans?The Native Americans had never been exposed to these microbes before, while Europeans had developed resistance to them.What is the difference between a tribe and a clan?The tribe was the over all social organization, with clans making it up. Clans were basically extended family units.Describe Columbus’ first voyage. Where did he land, and who paid for it?Columbus sailed from Spain, who paid for his expedition, in order to find a shorter route to China. He landed in the Caribbean, specifically the island of San Salvador. What was Native American slavery like?Native Americans were typically enslaved and then sent off somewhere else rather than staying in their homelands. They were often purchased by Europeans from other Indians.Slaves were traded for things like rum, English cloth, and tools. Europeans enslaved Natives for life.Describe how Native Americans traded with the Europeans.Native Americans would trade things like deerskins for iron tools, guns, copper cookware, cloth, and rum. They also began to abandon their traditional ways of life in order to meet demand for these goods. Define the following words: prehistoric, nomadic, autonomy, daub, exploit, maize, matrilineal, midden, mythology, nomadic, palisade, and technology.Prehistoric – before written recordsNomadic – wandering from place to placeAutonomy – independenceDaub – mud or clay used to patch holesExploit – take advantage ofMaize – cornMatrilineal – family traced through the motherMidden – trash heapMythology – stories told to explain the mysteries of lifePalisade – fence of sharp wooden stakesTechnology – another name for tools ................

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