Jacob F. Funk Stratton to Urge Community Ambassador Dies ...





Jacob F. Funk Stratton to Urge

Community Ambassador DAILY CROSSWORD

Dies; Retired Move Against GE Machinist IGas Rate Hike

J a c o b F . F u n k , 70. of 1607 Van L e g i s l a t i o n w h i c h w o u l d p u t

Vranken avenue, died Saturday city council on record as op-

afternoon en route to Ellis Hos- posed tq congressional enactment


of the "natural gas" bill will be

** *

introduced by Mayor Samuel

A NATIVE and lifelong resi- Stratton at a council meeting

dent of Schenectady, Mr. F u n k next M o n d a y n i g h t

w a s employed a b o u t 48 y e a r s a s a S t r a t t o n said last n i g h t h e

machinist "and gear cutter a t the was requested to introduce the

General Electric Co. He retired legislation by Harry Williams,

five y e a r s ago. He was a m e m - p r e s i d e n t of Local 301, I U E --

b e r of t h e G E Q u a r t e r - C e n t u r y C I O -- A F L .

and Pensioners clubs and or St. The natural gas act, already

Anthony's Church. His wife was approved by the interstate and

the late" Mrs. Rose Shelby F u n k . foreign commerce committee of

Surviving are two sons, J o h n H. t h e house of r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s ,

and Donald Funk, both of Sche- would "result in a substantial

nectady; a daugher, Mrs. Herbert Schneidewind, Rochester; a brother. Harry J. Funk, Schenectady; four sisters. Mrs. Catherine Derra and Mrs,-F. D. Ruhl, both of Schenectady, M T S . W a l t e r Baron, Oneonta, and Mrs. George Koenlg, SL Petersburg, Fla., and several nieces and nephews.

** *

T H E L I G H T funeral home will be open tomorrow from 7 to 9 p.m. Funeral services will be held there Wednesday at 9 a.m. A ?olemn high requiem mass will be celebrated at 9:30 in St. Anthony's Church. Burial will be In St.

increase in rates for m a n y thous a n d s of families u s i n g g a s for heating and other home use," Williams said - in a letter to Stratton.

W i l l i a m s said passage of t h e bill would mean an estimated $40 to $55 per year rate increase per family.

Stratton said he had "personally been opposed to this bill for several years and was in fact a m e m b e r of a c o m m i t t e e of m a y o r s of m a j o r cities a c r o s s the country which had fought the bill."

Week h Proclaimed Here ACROSS 1. Raised

3/Mountaln (Asia

%0. Walked to



and fro

Mayor Samuel S. Stratton has SINCE THE project was or- 5. A tax

A. Steamship 22. Jean

proclaimed the week of Feb. 3-8 ganized here in 1948, IT local 9. Caisson

" (abbr.)


as Community Ambassador week in Schenectady.

DURING THIS week, the Ambassador project will conduct a fund raising campaign. Donations will be used to send two young Schenectadians to live with a family abroad for six weeks next summer.

In his proclamation M a y o r Stratton urged the people of Schenectady "to contribute as generously as they are able to continuing and enlarging the Community Ambassador work."

young people have spent summers with faraillss abroad. They have been to Sweden, Germany, Spain, England, Mexico, Yugoslavia, France,. Finland, Italy, Turkey, Denmark, Holland, Austria and Scotland.

Upon their return to Schenectady, the ambassadors are available to speak before local groups and organizations.

->r :X- -K-

LAST YEARS amb a s s a d o r s were Miss Mary Ellen Anderson,


disease (colloq.) 10. Cantered 12. Italian volcano,..

13. Grumble . 14. Behold! 15. Feds 15. Mother IT. Furnishes 20. Wooden pin 21. Circlet of

flowers 22. Crazes

S. Hits (slang)

I. Light


bedsteads 25. Ex-

T. Make choic* hlbl?

S. Abounded


9. Beneath 128. Sever*

11. Pull*



13. Damaged by 28. God of


p. an insect

the wind* 36. Parson btfd

15. Morsels

3*. Transmit* 37. Arch

18. Rips

31. Eye

38. MatWNt

19. Tilled land

affliction* 40. Exist

This year the project hopes to ambasador to Scotland, and Lee 23."

and _

send ambassadors to Poland and Frltschler, ambassador to France.

Old Lace"

Switzerland, or if enough contribu- Mrs. Wesley J. Meng Is project 25. Fashion

tions ar^e received, to Japan.


2T. Defender

of Troy


30. Land measure!

31. Extra

theater '



33. Let it stand


}J4. Forward

35. Keep

37. Without


39. Fried


Joseph's cemetery-

. ..


Arthur Cole

Dies at 34;

GE Specialist

H. K. Ryan, 82, Dies; 33-Year GE Employe

H u g h K. R y a n , 82, of 514 H a m -

A r t h u r W . Cole, 34 of Leroy, U t o n s t r e e t # d i e d S a t u r d a y in t h e

HI., died yesterday in St. Clare's Steadwell nursing h o m e after a

Hospital where he had been a long illness.

patient four days. A former

#* *

Schenectady resident, he had been BORN IN TROY, Mr. Ryan had

Visiting his p a r e n t s h e r e for t h e ; ) i v e d l n S c h e n e c t a d y for 59 y e a r s

past two weeks.

| HP was employed 3 3 ^ years at

* * *

the General Electric Co.," retiring

M R . C O L E w a s born in E p h - in 1932 as a n inspector. H e w a s a

r a t a h a n d graduated from the m e m b e r of the G E Q u a r t e r r C e n -

General Electric apprentice course tury club.

here. He had been a senior Surviving ara his wife, Mrs-

methods and equipment specialist Mary Reid Ryan; a son, J o h n C.

at the GE plant in Bloomington, Ryan, Schenectady; four daugh-

111., s i n c e S e p t e m b e r 1955. He w a s ters, Mrs. T h o m a s D i c k s o n ,

a veteran of World war II.

Brooklyn, Mrs. Roy Tyman, Dur-

Surviving are his wife, Mrs. ham, NC, and Mrs. William Mes-


Kozaks Wed 50 Years

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph, Kozak | the former Frances Aniolek,

of 610 S u n s e t s t r e e t m a r k e d their 50th wedding anniversary Saturday. The couple were marr i e d F e b . 1, 1908, a t St. M a r y ' s

68, w a s born in this city. An employe in the A and O

department at the G e n e r a l Electric for 28 years Mr. Kozak r e t i r e d in 1952. He is a m e m b e r

Church in this city with Rev. of the G E Quarter Century

J o s e p h Dere-szewski, pastor, Club.

officiating. Both are members

T h e couple have 10 children

of St. Adalbert's Church.

a n d 15 g r a n d c h i l d r e n . T h e chil-

The anniversary was marked dren are Mrs. Wilbur Whelan,

with a family dinner at the Miss Sophie Kozak, Mrs. Theo-

Canterbury House on Amster- dore Korkosz, Mrs. John Ral-

dam road followed by open bovsky, Edward, Frank, Stephen

house a t the h o m e yesterday and George Kozak, all of this


city; M r s . W a l t e r E l i n s k i of

Mr, Kozak, who is 70, w a s Sayre, P a . ; a n d Casimir Kozak

born in P o l a n d ; a n d his wife. of Cincinnati, Ohio.


40. Sham 41. Fibs 42. Female

sheep DOWN

1. Traveler's headache

S. Hiss Sothern

DAILY CUYPTOQUOTE --Hewf? how to work itt

AXTDLBAAXR Is L O N G F E L L O W One letter simply stands for another. In this sample A is used for the three L's, X for ths two O's, etc. Single letters, apoo trophea, the length and formation of ths words are all hinto. Each day the code letters are different

A Cryptogr&m Quotation



BZEI YSJfcXL F Z J - I f O R L S J .


Dahlia Sturzl Cole; two sons, serle and Mrs. Ambler Rowland,

Women of St. George's Timothy and David Cole; a both of Schenectady; a sister, Miss

daughter, Deborah Cole; his par- Isabella Ryan, Troy, nine grandents. Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Cole children and' three great-grand-

To Hear NY Clergyman of Schenectady; two brothers. Al- children.

bert J. Cole, Schenectady, and

** *

Richard D. Cole. Engiewood, P R I V A T E F U N E R A L services


Distributed by Ktnff Fe&rarta Byndtcato PI A M I S

Calif., and a grandfather, Amos will be conducted at Baxter's

Wait, Schenectady.

funeral parlors by Rev. Charles

** *

W a g n e r of T r i n i t y R e f o r m e d

T H E C O U R T L A N D V. Andrew Church. T h e r e will be no viewing

and Son funeral home will be hoursK Burial will be in Memory's

open Wednesday from 7 to 9 p.m. Garden.

Funeral services will be con-


Rev. Edward Nason West, canon-sacrist at the Cathedral of S t J o h n the Divine in New York c i t y for t h e p a s t 15 y e a r s , will speak at a mass meeting for all w o m e n of St. G e o r g e ' s E p i s c o p a l

Miss Ramerez ducted there Thursday at 1 p.m.

u n d e r the direction of the Mere-

Church Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. ** *

ness funeral home of Cobleskfll.

A B U S I N E S S meeting will be j


held in the parish house and' Canon West will present his ad-

dress in the church.


O r d a i n e d to t h e p r i e s t h o o d of t h e Episcopal C h u r c h in 1935,

IN THE MATTER of an ordinance

Canon West began his ministry

entitled "An Ordinance providing for the abandonment and discontinu- Miss Elvia Ramerez. 41, a native

at Trinity Church, Ossining. re-

ance of between Avenue,

that portion of Brier Road, Starr Avenue and Lorraine in the Fourteenth Ward of

of Bogota, Colombia, South America, died early yesterday morning

the City of Schenectady. New York, of a h e a r t a t t a c k suffered a t t h e

maining there for several years before beginning his work at the. cathedral.

under and pursuant to Section 101 of h o m e of h e r e m p l o y e r , I s a a c Blb-

In 1931 he received t h e degree

the Second Class Cities "Law. NOTICE is hereliy given that the

Council of the City of Schenectady contemplates the closing and discon-

lidwicz, THE

80-Glen terrace, Glenville.

\f, \r .y.


of bachelor of science from Boston University.

?*? # #

tinuance of that portion of Brier c o m p a n y , d i s t r i c t 3, r e s p o n d e d t o

AN AUTHORITY on church

Road, between Starr Avenue and Lorraine Avenue, in the Fourteenth Ward of the City of Schenectady. New

an emergency call to the residence and. attempted revival by




architecture, he served as chairW E S T m a n of t h e diocesan c o m m i s s i o n

York, in the manner provided by Law m e a n s of a n o x y g e n i n h a l a t o r .

and that the Council will meet ln *he Council Chambers, in the City Hall. City of Schenectadv, New York, on

However, nounced

Miss dead

Ramerez was proupon arrival at

To Speak Here Wednesday

on church building and as a m e m b e r of the j o i n t c o m m i s s i o n on church architecture and allied

C. V. Stathes the 24th dav of Fehruarv. 1958. at Ellis Hospital where she wasi

" :30 o'clock T\M . Eastern Standard Time, and that at such time and place so appointed, the Council

t a k e n by service.


ambulance i

arts. He designed and painted the ikonistas for the Serbian cathed r a l of N e w Y o r k city a n d de-

Dies; Rites will consider and determine upon Miss R a m e r e z had been em-j

th" question of the rlosinjj end the discontinuance of said street and all persons interested in such matter or

ployed at for the

the Blbliowicz residence! past three years, the |

signed chapels for the Royal Navy

and the American Merchant Mar-



Tomorrow claiming to he~ damaecd by ................

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