Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniski



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? 0 to the church building

stitutional revisions were voted

fund during the past year,


upon and plans made for a card party.

Mrs. Botkln Presides

N a m e d to Committee*

The president appointed to serve on a nomirmtinB committee, Mrs.

Mrs. Botkm welcomed Mrs. James

Corliss Handy, Mrs. George Clapp

Marro as a new member, and in-

id Mrs. Peter Mee-h-v.-0-H-h-r

troduced Mrs, Milton Scrafford,

Mrs. Raymond Joos was named

Mrs. Robert B. Taylor 'and Miss

i c h a l r m a n in charge of arrange-

Geraldine Burr as guests.

ments for the annual banquet of

The evening's program w&a an-

the class in March. Mrs. Howard

nounced by Mrs. Viola J. Holtuan,

Hardstock heads the committee

vice-president and c h a i r m a n of the

which will serve the luncheon toi

program committee. A musical

the Thursday Musical club at the

interlude was given by Miss Rose-

church on Wednesday, Jan. It.

mary Martino, soloist, from the

Hostesses for the sm lal hour fol-

College of St. Rose. Humorous

lowing the meeting were Mrs, Flor-

readings were presented by Mrs.

ence McCatin, Mrs. William Horst-

Roy McCreedy.

man, Mrs. Milton Nethaway and


Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Sanford of Willow avenue have an-

Report on Convention

Highlights of the convention of the New York state federation of women's clubs held at Utica in November, were given by Mrs Wesley Meng, president of the Schenectady federation.

The next meeting of the F o r m e r s will be held in the spring, detailed plans t be announced.

Others present Tuesday were Mrs. Donald Carpenter, Mrs. George Pike, Mrs. B. B. Johnson, Mrs. Eugene Sisson, Mrs. LeRoy Scraf-

Mrs. Meerworth

Others attending were Miss Jennie E. Dewey, teacher of the class Mrs. Emmett Eason, Mrs. Mabel Underbill. Mrs. Laura McCarthy, Mrs. Roy Nelson, Mrs. Edna Mill!man. Mrs. Thomas Cleary. Mrs. Charles Lewis, Mrs Walter Thomas, Mrs. EdnA Anderson, Mrs. Millie Clark. Mrs Edward Rivenbing, Mrs. Gertrude Monahan. Mrs. William Houck. Mrs. Louise Eckert, Mrs. George Hloks. Miss Margaret Magulre and Mis Harold Denton.

nounced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Elizazbeth Ann Sanford, to Andrew John Kubica, son of Mrs. J u l i a Kubica of Corinth and the late Andrew J. Kubica.

ford, Mrs. Irving Friedman, Miss Viola M. Vedder, Mrs. Samuel Levy, Mrs. Clara Swanker, Mrs. George

Assist With

Miss Sanford was graduated trom Mont Pleasant high school and is attending Plattsburg State Teachers' College where she is a ?enior In the school nurse-teacher course. She received her nurse's

E. Ramsey, Miss Ellen M. Dewey, Miss Frances Travis, Mrs. Charles Roth, Mrs. Louise Eckert, Mrs.

Arrangements ?(Bruno P?xisno)


tHetnrich-Taroara) MISS SARAH IX3UI8E CLOWE

training at Albany hospital and recently became a registered nurse. Charles Shaw, Miss Lillian Apple-

Mr. and Mrs. Harold I* Clowe of Garner avenue have an-

Mr. Kubica is a graduate of Saratoga high school. He attended garth, Mrs. Theodore Roberts, Miss

nounced the engagement of their daughter, S a r a h Louise, to WH*

For Concert Champlain College and was graduated from Syracuse University. Late December Ceremony Is During World war II, he served with the U.S. Navy in the Philip-

pine Islands. Mr. Kubica is employed as mechanical engineer at the General Electric Test Station at Malta. He is a member of the

Held at St. Helens Church American Rocket Society.

Social Notes By Gretchen Dorp

Jennie H, Veeder, Miss Alice J.

Ham Nichols Cushing. son of Mrs. William Nichols Cushlng a n d

To Gates and Mrs. George Doran.

Arrangements for the Octavo

Visit Rebekah

I Sinners' presentation of the Mes!siah" at Union Collece Memorial

Lodges of District



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jChapel tonight, have been In charge

ii? J ' ? ' t n P following committees:

The district deputy

Mrs. Bertha Taber. and





Miss Amelia R. Lupe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wade, ProglHm iLEuldperedof OTwowenn,sesnodn orfoaMd,r.beacnadmMe rtsh.eGberoidrgee oOf wEennsigofn GGeenoersgeeeicBamovpinhee.ii.

il and poster*,




Frank Lein K

dt. Mrs

of Schenectady Rebekah d ^ t n e t ^ . ^ one will make an official

o n De ................

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