

Director: Di Falloon

Key Dates


CWA Hall, 7-9pm

• Tuesday April 10th

• Thursday April 12th

Please email us at with your preferred audition time and date and whether you would like a copy of the script prior.

Call Backs:

• Tuesday April 17th

• Thursday April 19th

Audition Requirements

Auditions are ensemble (group) auditions. The audition will start with a brief talk from the director about the show and what is required from the performers. Readings will be done in a group from the script. You will be asked to read from the lines from the play for your preferred character. You may be asked to also read lines from other characters to get a sense of where you might best fit into the ensemble cast. You are not required to memorise a monologue. The play will be performed in Australian accents.

What To Bring To Your Audition

• Water bottle

• Your completed audition form (see end of Audition pack)

• A small head and shoulder photo attached to your audition form



Cast will be announced on our Facebook Page and webpage, , by Monday April 23rd April. The first rehearsal will be the week starting April 23rd, but there will be a short break before main rehearsals start in June. Scripts will be handed out at the first rehearsal.


Rehearsals will be twice a week on a weekday evening. Days will be confirmed once the cast has been finalised.

There will be additional rehearsals/requirements on the following dates :

Friday 26th October: Bump In

Saturday 27th October: Technical Run Rehearsal

Sunday 28th October: Full Day Dress Rehearsal

Tuesday 30th October (TBC): Evening Dress Rehearsal

Thursday 1st November (TBC): Evening Dress Rehearsal


Friday 2nd November: Opening Night

Saturday 3rd November: Evening Performance

Sunday 4th November: Matinee Performance

Friday 9th November: Evening Performance

Saturday 10th November: Evening Performance

Sunday11th November: Matinee Performance and Bump Out

All cast members are required to be available for ALL dress rehearsals and performances.

Cast members are required to attend only their character’s scheduled rehearsals, however cast that miss scheduled rehearsals without reasonable explanation may be asked to leave the show.

Some flexibility may be possible in the rehearsal schedule. Please discuss further with the production committee if required.


When Annie’s husband John dies of leukaemia, she and her best friend Chris resolve to raise money for a new settee in the local hospital waiting room. They manage to persuade four fellow Women’s Institute members, Cora, Celia, Ruth and Jessie, to pose nude with them for an ‘alternative” calendar. The news of the women’s charitable venture spreads like wildfire, and hordes of press soon descend on the small village of Knapeley in the Yorkshire Dales. The calendar is a success, but Chris and Annie’s friendship is put to the test under the strain of their new found fame.

The Characters

Chris, 50s.

Chris is the life of the party. Chris is loud, and loves being the centre of attention.

Annie, 50s.

Annie is Chris’ best friend. She is the calmer of the pair, but enjoys getting up to mischief.

Cora, around 40.

The daughter of the vicar and now the church organist, Cora sowed her wild oats in college and came back a single mum. Eclectic rock chick with a dead pan wit, Cora opens the show singing and playing ‘Jerusalem’ on the WI’s old piano.

Jessie, late 60s/70s.

A retired teacher, Jessie lives life by her own rules and loves every minute of it. She does not suffer fools.

Celia, 35-50.

Porsche driver and more at home in a department store than a church, Celia is an odd fit at the WI, but game for anything.

Ruth, 40s.

Ruth is too eager to please and uncomfortable in her own skin. On her discovery of her husband’s infidelity, with the support of her friends, she redefines herself and chooses happiness.

Marie, 50s.

The WI is Marie’s pride and joy, and justifies her entire existence. It is her job to ensure that her WI outshines all others, much to the chagrin of its members.

John, 50s.

John is Annie’s adored husband. A beautiful man, his death inspires the creation of the Calendar.

Rod, 50s.

Chris’ husband and partner in crime, and best friend of John. A hard worker with a dry wit, he is Chris’ rock.

Lawrence, late 20s.

Lawrence is a young man who is press ganged – much to his embarrassment - into being the photographer at the nude photo shoot.

Lady Cravenshire, 60s.

The local dignitary Marie is desperate to impress, Lady Cravenshire “glides into the room like a galleon.”

Elaine, 20s.

A make up artist confronted with evidence of her affair by a timid Ruth.

Liam, late 20s.

A bored advertising executive who would rather be anywhere else than with a bunch of middle aged ladies.

Notes on the characters.

The leading ladies are Chris and Annie. Their friendship and their grief at the loss of John are the heart of the show. However, most of the scenes are set in the WI hall with the 6 main ladies discussing ideas and events of the day.

Chris, Annie, Cora, Jessie, Celia and Ruth ALL DISROBE ONSTAGE for the shooting of the calendar. The nudity is played for laughs, with MODESTY PRESERVED AT ALL TIMES by the other women and by strategically placed props. Please speak with the production team if you are not comfortable with this requirement.

Marie, John and Rob are all meaty roles, with no requirement for nudity.

Lawrence is on stage for the calendar shoot. It is a small but comically important role. This actor must have the trust of all the women on stage or else this scene will not work.

Lady Cravenshire, Elaine and Liam are all small but important roles. As the backstage crew will be all female, we are hoping that Elaine and Lady Cravenshire will be able to assist the back stage manager. Please bear this in mind when auditioning.




Age: ____________________________________________________________________

Phone Number: ___________________________________________________________

Email Address: _____________________________________________________________

Do you wish to be contacted about Follies' future shows, auditions and activities? YES / NO

Emergency Contact : ________________________________________________________

Emergency Contact Number: __________________________________________________

Please outline any medical conditions that Follies may need to be aware of: _____________


Briefly list your performing experience, eg, dance, voice, instrument, acting.

(Ideally, Cora needs to be able to play the piano and sing a little.)

What role are you auditioning for?_______________________________________________

Are you willing to accept another role if offered? YES / NO




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