Evie & The Birdman Audition Pack 2019

Director: Ruth Myers

Choreographer: Ash Howes

Key Dates


Thursday June 27th AND Monday 1st July 6.30-8.30pm

CWA Hall, 56 Wason Street, Milton


Cast will be announced on our Facebook Page and webpage, by Monday 8th July 2019.

Rehearsals will start after the July school holidays on Monday 22nd July.


Rehearsals will be Monday and Thursdays 6.30-8.30pm and will continue through to performance dates. Not everyone will be required for every rehearsal. There will be some flexibility through the schedule, so please let us know any rehearsals you are unavailable for as soon as possible. (We are aware of the Entertainer’s September dates and will arrange schedule accordingly!)

Rehearsals WILL continue through the Sept / October school holidays for cast that is available.

There will be additional rehearsals/requirements on the following dates:

Monday 4th November: Theatre Rehearsal

Thursday 7th November: Theatre Rehearsal

Friday 8th November: Bump In

Saturday 9th November: Technical Run (Crew + Selected Cast only)

Sunday 10th November: Full Day Dress Rehearsal

Monday 11th November: Evening Dress Rehearsal

Thursday 14th November: Evening Dress Rehearsal


Friday 15th November 7pm: Opening Night

Saturday 16th November 2pm +8pm: TWO SHOWS Matinee +Evening Performance

Sunday 17th November 2pm: Matinee Performance + Bump Out

All cast members are required to be available for ALL dress rehearsals and performances.

Show Synopsis

Evie & The Birdman is a silly, sweet, funny, dramatic, all Australian musical. It follows the story of Lester and his best friend Evie, who set off from their small country town to seek fame and fortune. Unfortunately, Lester cuts Evie loose to be signed by the B.I.G corporation and Miss Yahoohow. Evie returns home heartbroken, while Lester is turned unwittingly into “The Birdman”, a character designed solely to fail and drive the company’s stock down.

The music is written by John Field, an original Cockroach member and writer for the Wiggles. As a result, the music is fun, catchy and clever.

The Characters

The Ensemble: This show is driven by its ensemble. The ensemble has to work really hard as they swing through the roles of narrators, country town residents, B.I.G board members, radioheads, Birdman Video, Movie and Musical dancers and Bird Cultists. The ensemble roles are exclusively sung, with multiple opportunities for solo singing. Members of the ensemble will be encouraged to let their personalities shine through in many of the scenes. The ensemble must also be able to move well together as a group. This does not mean that you have to be a great dancer! If you can hold your own on the dance floor in the Nutbush, Macarena or Chicken Dance then we want you! If you are a dancer, there are opportunities for Ash, our choreographer, to feature you throughout the show.

There are four leads, who must be strong singers and actors. These are the only cast that have speaking lines. Please advise the production team if you would like to be considered for any of the four lead roles at the Thursday June 27th or Monday 1st July auditions. Scripts and backing CDs will be provided to you over the July school holidays, and auditions for these roles will be held in the first week of rehearsals starting Monday July 22nd.

Evie (female, late teens – mid twenties): Smart, funny, but a little low on self esteem. She is best friends with Lester, but wishes for something more. After having her heart broken, she slinks home to recover, but comes back even stronger. She works through the ranks to host her own TV Talk Show – “On TV with Evie Tonight” – which is instrumental in re-uniting her with Lester and saving her town from developers.

Lester (male, late tweens – mid twenties): Sweet but dumb. Lester is easily manipulated and loses everything, but realises his mistakes and works hard to put it right and win back the girl he loves.

Miss Yahoohow (female, any age): The villain of the show. Smart, manipulative, cruel. Initially a pawn of B.I.G, she goes on to own the company and seeks to destroy Evie and Lester’s country town.

Lester’s Dad (male, 40+): A sweetheart who wants the best for Evie and Lester. A caring dad, he gets some of the funniest lines of the show.

Who can audition?

This is a PG13 show. As such, it is our preference to use only performers who are 13+.

While there is no swearing, there are some “Adult Concepts”. In the opening song “This is the Story So Far”, the cast sing the lines “Fame, and love, and sex, and money, it’s funny, the lengths and the depths to which people go for love, sex, fame, money.” There is a brief referral to a pimp in the song “What You Gonna Do” warning Lester about the city, “Where there’s sharks and sneaks and pimps and cheats”. Miss Yahoohow also uses her “feminine wiles” to recruit Lester to B.I.G and away from Evie, and Evie and Lester have a big smooch at the end of the show.

Performers under 13 will be considered only if they have a parent or guardian who is also cast in the show.

Audition Information

We want everyone to come to both audition dates on Thursday June 27th AND Monday 1st July 6.30-8.30pm

We want to spend some time teaching you some simple moves (think box step / grapevine / jazz hands) and then seeing how well you can work and move as a group. We also want to see how well you retain the moves between auditions (they will be put online for you to practice at home!)

We will also teach you a song from the show to see how well you can remember lyrics and move at the same time.

There will be NO solo dancing or solo singing at the ensemble audition.

Auditions for the four leads, as outlined above, will be the week starting July 22nd, and will require a singing + acting audition.

What To Bring To Your Audition

• Comfortable clothes for dancing

• Covered shoes for dancing (No thongs, sandals OR bare feet.)

• Water bottle

• Your completed audition form (see end of Audition pack)

• A small head and shoulder photo attached to your audition form


Additional Show Information

We are still finalising our show pack. At this stage, we anticipate that the show fee will be $70. Milton Follies is a Creative Kids Provider, so the voucher – if not already used – can be used for this show.

We will be asking performers to purchase their own makeup, including foundation, lipstick, mascara and eyeliner.

Costumes for ensemble will generally be performers’ own clothes.

All ensemble will be dressed in “blacks” – black pants, leggings or skirts, black shirt or T-shirt and all black shoes (eg school schools, court shoes, leather shoes, sand shoes).

As the show progresses, ensemble will put on “flannos” as country town residents, business jackets as board members, “hip” jackets and hats as radioheads etc. We will ask you to bring in what you can, and Follies will fill where we need to.

If you are experiencing financial hardship, please let our production team know and we will do our best to assist.

AUDITION FORM for Evie & The Birdman 2019


Age: _______________________________________________________________________________

Contact Number: _________________________________________________________

If under 18, name and contact number of parent / guardian: _________________________________________


Facebook User Name (Must be 13+):_____________________________________________________

Contact Email Address: ________________________________________________________________

Special Needs: (Allergies, Medical Conditions, Medication etc we should be aware of):


Briefly list your performing experience, eg, dance, voice, instrument, acting.




If you would like to audition for a main role, please let us know which one.





In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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