The giver study guide questions and answers pdf


The giver study guide questions and answers pdf

Score: 0% Rank: Correct Answer: Start Quiz >> The Giver- Comprehension Questions Chapter #1 1. What have you learned about the society in which Jonas lives? They do not have the freedom of choice.2. How is Jonas' family like your family and different from your family? My family punishes us for doing or saying something wrong like Jonas? family. In my family there are three children me, my 8 year-old brother, and my 5- year-old brother. We have 5 family members not like Jonas that only has four family members.3. How is the care of children different in Jonas' world from your world? In Jonas? world they have NURTURERS that take care of children. Here in my world the mothers take care of their own children.Chapter #2 1. Identify these items from the book: -Ceremony of One, -Ceremony of Nine, -Naming, - Comfort Objects, -Bicycles The Ceremony of One is where the babies finally leave the NURTURERS care and move into their family unit. The Ceremony of Nine is where the new nines receive a bicycle. The NAMING is where before a baby moves in with its family unit they receive a name to replace their number. A Comfort Object is a stuffed animal that is given to the newborn babies. Bicycles are given as a sign that the Nines can wander around the community with their new bicycles. 2. What rules does Jonas' father disobey? Jonas? father takes a peek at the naming list before the ceremony to see what Gabriel?s name was going to be even though it is against the rules.3. How do people receive their Assignment? The Elders are always watching the little kids every move and see where they spend most of their volunteer hours. That is how the Elders determine the correct Assignment for that individual kid.Chapter #3 1. What about the society is revealed by the reaction to eye colour? Everybody in the community has brown eyes. Jonas, The Giver, and Gabriel all have light colored eyes. This is why Jonas starts to see the color red.2. What is a Birthmother? A Birthmother is someone that acts as a vessel to carry the genetically modified babies.3. How was Jonas disciplined for taking an apple home? He was told not to repeat what he did and he apologized.4. Why had the apple intrigued Jonas? The apple intrigued Jonas because in mid-air it had changed. It had flashed with the indescribably color red.Chapter #4 1. What seems to be the purpose of the volunteer hours? Volunteer hours determine your future Assignment in Jonas' community.2. What are the Releasing Room and the releasing ceremony? The Releasing Room is where the Old and people that have applied for a release go after the releasing ceremony. The Releasing Ceremony is where they tell the story of the person that is about to be released to those who attend.Chapter #5 1. What is the morning ritual? The morning ritual is to discuss whatever dream you may have had the night before.2. Why must Jonas start taking a pill every day? Jonas has to take the pill every day so that he won't get Stirrings again.3. How are you feeling about the society in the book? The society is strict and organized. If you don't follow the rules there is usually a second chance but no third chance and then you get released.Chapter #6 1. What is interdependence? Give an example of interdependence from your experiences. Interdependence is when you have to depend on someone else. When I was younger I couldn't reach the top shelf of the pantry when I wanted to eat so I had to depend on my mom to get it for me.2. What is the difference in the book between loss and release? Why do you think the author points out the distinction on page 44? The difference between loss and release is that loss is when you lose a child or an adult if they fell into the river. Release is when a person is sent to Elsewhere according to Jonas. The author points it out because their was another child named Caleb like baby Caleb that fell into the river.3. Who makes the important decisions in the book's society? The important decisions are made by the Elders and the Chief Elder.Chapter #7 1. How does the Ceremony of Twelve start? The Ceremony of Twelve starts by naming a few characteristics of kids.2. What do the numbers mean for each person? The numbers mean when that child was born in that year. Jonas was born nineteenth in his year.3. What do you think Jonas' Assignment will be? Jonas' Assignment could be delivering food and other things to the community because he said he enjoyed that job.Chapter #8 1. What is announced as Jonas' Assignment? What is the job? Jonas' Assignment was said to be The new Receiver of Memory. The Receiver of Memory receives memories from The current Receiver to help the community escape pain.2. What qualities does the Chief Elder explain Jonas will need? The qualities Chief Elder said Jonas had to have were Courage, Wisdom, and The Ability To See Beyond.Chapter #9 1. What happened to the Receiver selection that failed? The previous Receiver could not endure the pain and she applied for release and the memories she had had gotten to everyone in the community and everyone had to experience pain.2. What are Jonas' instructions for his Receiver training? Why are the rules particularly puzzling? Some instructions for Jonas are to not talk about his training to anyone. He could not apply for Release. He could lie. He could ask rude questions to anyone he wanted. He would not be given medicine for anything that had to do with his training. He didn't know why he couldn't apply for release. He didn't know why he was allowed to lie. He didn't want to ask questions to anyone that were rude. He didn't know what kind of pain he was about to experience.Chapter #10 1. What does Jonas notice about the Receiver of Memory's dwelling? He lives alone with nobody else and his dwelling is apart from the rest.2. Why is it important to save the memories? It is important because that way only one person endures all the pain and not all the community.3. How will the old Receiver transmit the memory of snow to Jonas? The old receiver has to recall it and then through his hands transmits it to Jonas.Chapter #11 1. Once Jonas receives the snow and sledding, how does he feel? He feels free and awestruck by the wind.2. What other memories are transmitted on this day of training? The other memories transmitted on this day are sunshine and sunburn.3. Why did the book's world eliminate sunshine and hills? The people wanted everything to be safe and the same. They want everything to be the same including the World.Chapter #12 1. What is Jonas' first lie? When he returns home from his training he has to lie to his parents about his first day.2. Why doesn't Jonas tell his friends about his training? He wants to tell his friends bot his rules won't let him.3. Why don't the people in the book perceive colours? They decided not to see it.Chapter #13 1. What does The Giver share of his personal family life? He tells Jonas that he has a wife and used to have a daughter.2. What are you feeling about the book's way of life? You can't express your feelings and they are very strict.Chapter #14 1. How does Jonas react when The Giver gives him memory of breaking a leg in sledding? How does Jonas' understanding and growing wisdom increase after he experiences that pain? He reacts to his knowing that everything was dangerous back then.2. How does Jonas calm Gabriel? He calms Gabriel by transmitting some good memories to him while he is sleeping.3. Why does Jonas decide not to confess giving a memory away? He thought it wasn't important enough to bother The Giver.Chapter #15 1. Why do you think this chapter is so short? The author didn't have anything important to write about.2. Why does The Giver say, "Forgive Me"? He wasn't feeling well because he didn't want to give Jonas all the pain but he knew he had to give it to him.Chapter #16 1. How does Jonas learn of love? He was transmitted the memory of family and love.2. Why are grandparents a new idea for Jonas? He didn't think that his parents had parents.3. What provokes Jonas' first lie to his parent? He really didn't want to share anything to them.Chapter #17 1. Why does Jonas stop taking his daily pill? He wanted to experience Stirrings again.2. How is Gabe proceeding? He is proceeding fine because of Jonas' memories. Jonas' dad said he had passed the monthly test for newchildren.Chapter #18 1. What was the story of Rosemary? Rosemary was the child selected to be the new Receiver. She couldn't endure the pain much longer so she applied for Release. When she did all of the memories came back to the community.2. Why does The Giver advise Jonas to stay away from the river? He advised Jonas that because he didn't want to cause the community pain again like 10 years ago.Chapter #19 1. How does The Giver feel about Rosemary's release? The Giver said that he had loved Rosemary. He said that he was dissapointed and angry at his failure.Chapter #20 1. Why does Jonas refuse to go home? He refuses to go home because he doesn't want to see his dad after what he did to one of the twins.2. What is the plan Jonas and The Giver hatch? The plan is to get Jonas and Gabriel safe to the bridge and cross to find the place called Elsewhere.3. What are the specifics of the escape plan? Will Jonas succeed in his escape? He will leave his dwelling at midnight, steal leftovers from the community, and take Gabriel with him. Jonas has a high possible chance that he will succeed in his escape. Chapter #21 1. What makes Jonas' escape plan fall apart? He has to take his father's bicycle for Gabe to go with him.2. Is Jonas justified in his escape? Yes, because it will take the community a while before they have to perform the ceremony of loss.Chapter #22 1. What new dangers does Jonas encounter in Chapter #22? He has to hide from the planes above so he transmits cold memories to Gabe and himself to be kept hidden from the heat detector the plane has.2. In which different ways does Jonas think about starvation? He thinks of starvation like when you don't have absolutely nothing to eat. When you have to depend on nature or strangers for food.Chapter #23 1. What weather conditions impede Jonas' progress toward Elsewhere? Jonas and Gabe reach a place filled with snow and it is high and thick so he can't go through it. 2. How do Jonas and Gabe finally get to safety? SInce there was thick snow Jonas built a sled and sled down on it with Gabe until he could finally hear music and people singing but he thought it wa only an echo.


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