Good Samaritan Ministries

Discipleship Program

Resident Guidebook

Phase One

We Are Overcomers Through Christ.

I John 5:5



The Good Samaritan Inn

2307 Hull Street

Richmond, Virginia 23224



We welcome you to our Discipleship Program. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help you through your difficult times. This is probably not like any program you have ever been in before. We know that this can be the last program you will ever need. I must tell you, though, that a program in itself will never do anything for anyone. As you read on you will find our purpose, plan and proposal. We will be praying for you every day. There will come times when you feel like giving up. You’ll ask yourself, “Is it worth it?” I can tell you first hand, “It is worth it!”

Michael McClary, ThD

The staff trust that your stay with us will be a profitable experience as you prepare for eternity. The Bible says: “For bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come.” (I Timothy 4:8)

When thou vowest a vow unto God, defer not to pay it:

for He hath no pleasure in fools:

pay that which thou hast vowed.

Better is it that thou shouldest not vow,

than that thou shouldest vow and not pay.

Suffer not thy mouth to cause thy flesh to sin:

neither say thou before the angel, that it was an error:

wherefore should God be angry at thy voice,

and destroy the work of thine hands?

Ecclesiastes 5:4-6


I. Purpose - The Objective

Our ultimate objective is character recovery of the whole person, not clinical correction of a single problem. Our goal is not simply to free you from drug or alcohol addiction, but for every graduate to become a contributing citizen of society. This is accomplished through a relationship with Jesus Christ, not through increased knowledge of your problems or through self-will.

A. Our first objective is to lead you to Jesus Christ. Without you accepting Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, and allowing Him to be Lord of your life, this program cannot work. It is not the program that changes people, but the right relationship with Jesus Christ.

Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature:

old things are passed away;

behold, all things are become new.

II Corinthians 3:17

B. The next objective is to introduce you to the Holy Spirit. We believe that the Holy Spirit indwells every believer at the time of conversion, and we need to teach you about that indwelling power. Without that power, there would be no hope of complete recovery.

But ye shall receive power,

after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you.

Acts 1:8

But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit,

if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you.

Romans 8:9

C. The next step is to initiate discipleship - teaching about and guiding in the new life in Christ. We will work with you for at least one year. During the first 45 days we will focus on getting you to a normal operating level, then increase levels of responsibility as you are ready for them.

II. Plan - The Cohesive Structure

A. First and foremost, our structure is Biblical.

Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it.

Psalm 127:1

We do not believe that “once an alcoholic, always an alcoholic” because of what the Bible teaches.

Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the Kingdom of God?

Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterous,

nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners,

shall inherit the Kingdom of God.

And such were some of you:

but ye are washed,

but ye are sanctified,

but ye are justified

in the name of the Lord Jesus,

and by the Spirit of our God.

I Corinthians 6:9-10

We want to show you that you are not continuously recovering, but covered by the blood of Christ.

B. Our structure is compassionate

We understand your problems and identify with you. Every staff member has followed essentially the same steps in solving life problems that we are leading you through. We will not give you clinical rhetoric, but testimony from personal experience.

We care enough to be honest and straightforward with you about your personal responsibility for your problem.

We understand that most people who come to us have guilt and shattered self-esteem. We will show you how to be forgiven and accepted. Many people have broken family and community ties. We will show you how much God loves you.

C. Our structure is personal

We will counsel any time and any place as the need arises, as well as during regularly scheduled appointments. A staff member is always available if you need to talk to someone. You will be evaluated weekly.

D. Our structure includes a restorative environment

The mission premises are strictly controlled to keep out harmful influences that would undermine your recovery. Program participants are not allowed to use profanity, vulgarity, or violence, or make sexual advances against other participants. Television programs promoting sex and violence, radio stations broadcasting unwholesome music and unbiblical religious programs, and books and publications advocating undesirable lifestyles are not permitted.

Constructive influences replace the unhealthy routine that contributed to your fall. Regular Bible study, a daily work routine and supportive friendships are fundamental to a new life.

Integration into a local church must be part of re-socialization as well as spiritual growth. Only consistent church attendance will allow you to achieve your long-term goals. While on the program, you must attend all weekly (Sunday AM & PM, and Wednesday PM) and special services at Community Baptist Church. You are encouraged to become involved in all appropriate church activities, such as singing in the choir, ushering, helping with the youth, etc.

III. Prospect - The Redemptive Message

A. We will not ask you to do anything that is impossible, or put you in a position where you are doomed for defeat. We will deal with you on an individual basis and assign tasks according to your ability and skills, and give assistance where needed, as in reading for Bible studies.

B. Most converts fail at their new life because they lack Bible knowledge and practical application. We will define for you what your faith in Jesus Christ means in your life. The essentials by which growth and goals will be achieved are as follows:

1. The Word of God - the Bible

2. Prayer

3. The Holy Spirit’s indwelling power

4. Fellowship with other believers through the church

5. Serving Jesus Christ, primarily through the church

C. We uphold righteous principles, restraining and rebuking while forgiving and restoring:

From whence come wars and fightings among you?

Come they not hence, even of your lusts that war in your members?

Ye lust, and have not: ye kill and desire to have, and cannot obtain:

ye fight and war, yet ye have not, because ye ask not.

Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss,

that ye may consume it upon your lusts.

Ye adulterers and adulteresses,

know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God?

Whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.

Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault,

ye which are spiritual restore such a one in the spirit of meekness;

considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted.

` Galatians 6:1

D. If you put your faith in Jesus Christ, you are guaranteed success.

I can do all things through Christ which strengtheth me.

Philippians 4:13

For whosoever is born of God overcometh the world:

and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.

Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God.

I John 5:4-5


This Statement of Faith does not exhaust the extent of our faith. The Bible, God’s Word, itself is the sole and final source of all that we believe. We do believe, however, that this Statement of Faith accurately represents the teachings of the Bible and, therefore, is binding upon all program participants. All literature, whether print or electronic, used in this ministry shall be in complete agreement with this Statement of Faith. In all conflicts regarding interpretation of the Statement of Faith, the Executive Director and Executive Staff, on behalf of the ministry, have the final authority.

1. The King James Bible is the inspired, preserved written Word of God, inerrant and infallible. It is the final and absolute authority for doctrine and life.

2. There is one God, eternally existing in three persons, identical in essence, the trinity – the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

3. Adam was created in the image of God without sin, but spiritually died when he disobeyed God. He passed on a sin nature to all his descendants, who are separated from God and incapable of doing any good works to reconcile with God.

4. Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, became man without ceasing to be God, having been conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of virgin in order to reveal God and redeem sinful man.

5. The Holy Spirit convicts of sin, regenerates the spiritually dead through indwelling and joins the believer to Christ through the baptism of the Spirit at the moment of salvation.

6. Salvation is a free gift of God and cannot be gained by any good works on the part of man.

7. The Lord Jesus Christ will rapture the church out of the world before the tribulation, and after the tribulation He will return to earth with His saints to establish His kingdom for a thousand year reign.

8. Those who have trusted Christ as their personal Savior are eternally secure solely through the work of Jesus on the cross, they cannot lose their salvation through sin. Those who reject Christ as Savior will spend eternity in hell-fire.

9. All born-again Christians should be active members of a local, Bible-believing church. There is no universal, invisible church.

10. We believe that the term “marriage” has only one, legitimate meaning, and that is marriage sanctioned by God, which joins one man and one woman in a single, covenantal union, as delineated by Scripture. Marriage ceremonies performed in any facility owned, leased, or rented by this ministry will be only those ceremonies sanctioned by God, joining one man with one woman as their gender was determined at birth. Whenever there is a conflict between the ministry’s position and any new legal standard for marriage, the ministry’s statement of faith, doctrines, and biblical positions will govern. (Gen. 2:24; Eph. 5:22-23; Mark 10:6-9; 1 Cor. 7:1-9).

11. We believe that God has commanded that no intimate sexual activity be engaged in outside of marriage as defined (10) above. We believe that any other type of sexual activity, identity, or expression that lies outside of the definition of marriage, including those that are becoming more accepted in the culture and the courts, are sinful perversions of and contradictory to God’s natural design and purpose for sexual activity. (Gen. 2:24; Gen. 19:5; Lev. 18:1-30; Rom. 1:26-29; 1 Cor. 5:1; 6:9-10; 1 Thess. 4:1-8; Heb. 13:4).

Without meaning to be unfriendly or unkind to anyone, we feel it only fair to say that the Good Samaritan Ministries does not agree with the modern day charismatic movement, and we believe that anyone who comes into the program should not speak in tongues while on the program.

The Good Samaritan Ministries believe in the verbal-plenary inspiration of the Bible, and it is our practice to use only the King James Version in the pulpit and in our Bible studies. We believe the Textus Receptus is a superior text, and we use it only when using the Greek text.

I have read and understand the Statement of Faith of the Good Samaritan Ministries.

Signature______________________________________ Date _________________

Spiritual Life

The spiritual growth of the participants of the program is our primary concern. This is each person’s opportunity to get his heart and life straightened out with the Lord so he can go out into society and live a stable Christian life. Let us encourage you to make the most of this opportunity. We will do all we can to help you accomplish this goal.

Daily Bible study meetings, and chapel services are required.

Church is required on Sundays and Wednesdays, and special meetings. There will be no visiting other churches except by permission from staff. These meetings are a source of spiritual exhortation and enrichment that is vital to Christian growth. Each year, outstanding evangelists, pastors, and missionaries from across America are brought into the church for the purpose of ministering to our people. Community Baptist Church operates in the spirit of an independent Baptist church, acquaints its participants with the workings of a separated, Bible-believing church and encourages them in their worship and service for the Lord. Sunday School, the Sunday morning and evening services are all times of spiritual instruction and encouragement. Many of the staff and their families come to the Community Baptist Church. Once one has been here for thirty days he is encouraged to get involved in church activities.

“Make America Godly Again” is a highlight of the year for those on the program. This is one full week of preaching, witnessing, and spiritual uplifting.

Health Service

Everyone entering the Good Samaritan Discipleship Program must have a tuberculosis test before entering the program.

If a participant of the Good Samaritan Ministries does not have insurance, we encourage them to get Medicaid so they can have the ability to have health care with no care or little charge. They will then be given a primary care doctor.

McGuire VA Medical Center should be used for those who are Veterans.


Mature behavior is expected of all residents. Any client who shows repeated behavioral problems will be dwelt with by the administration.

“Rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou, then, not be afraid of the power? Do that which is good and thou shalt have praise of the same.” (Romans 13:3)

“Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you.” (Hebrews 13:17)

The definition of “discipline” listed in Webster’s Dictionary is “training that molds and perfects the mental faculties and moral character.” Notice that training is part of discipline -- this is imposed discipline. Hopefully, that kind of discipline will develop into that which molds and perfects its own self-discipline.

Without discipline, Good Samaritan Ministries would not be the type of program that anyone would want to be part of. The purpose of our discipline is to train each person to achieve obedience, respect, and responsibility and to create an atmosphere where each person can find true happiness. Obedience to rules and guidelines is essential to the development of maturity (Luke 2:51, Hebrews 5:8). It results in genuine freedom in life (John 8:32). Respect is necessary for all successful and meaningful relationships (Luke 10:36, 37, Romans 12:18). The assuming of personal responsibility fosters a sense of achievement. Responsibility and achievement are necessary ingredients to the development of self-worth (I Corinthians 10:31, Ecclesiastes 9:10, Romans 14:12).


As we seek to provide a balanced and disciplined learning environment for all of Good Samaritan Ministries, we realize that man's wisdom falls short of God's standards. We do not claim to be perfect in all our decisions, but we do try our best to discipline in a way that is Biblical and that is pleasing to God.


Offenses must also be dealt with as they occur so that a pattern of problems does not develop. If no punishment occurs on the first offense, then there is no deterrent for the offense to occur again. Therefore, to avoid the forming of inappropriate habits, we believe that problems must be dealt with on the first offense.



Men on the Discipleship Program are expected to:

a. Maintain Christian standards in courtesy, kindness, morality, and honesty;

b. Maintain a Christ-like spirit as they obey the regulations of dress and conduct;

c. Give the impression to each other, and staff that they are in harmony with the goals, aims, and standards of Good Samaritan Ministries;

d. Dress appropriately and modestly, adhering to the stated standards;

e. Refrain from drawing, wearing, or displaying signs or symbols that are sensual, suggestive, or in any other way objected to by the Good Samaritan Ministries;

f. Live clean lives by refraining from unacceptable behavior such as cheating, smoking, gambling, drinking alcoholic beverages, using profanity, using narcotics, practicing immorality, etc. Any person observing questionable activities or overhearing conversations that are contrary to the policies of this program should immediately discuss the matter with a staff member.

THIS IS NOT TATTLING. It has been said, “All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.”

“Whoso is partner with a thief hateth his own soul: he heareth cursing, and bewrayeth it not” (Proverbs 29:24)


How can one disagree? If he feels that a discipline slip was given unfairly, he should not argue or display unhappiness in an argumentative way. He should talk privately at a time convenient to the person who gave him the slip. If that person agrees with him, the slip may be withdrawn. If that person does not agree, the slip should be accepted graciously. Program men should NEVER argue with a staff member and are expected to exhibit courtesy and respect at all times.

*  Character Training Through Biblical Discipline

To train means to exercise, to discipline, to teach and form by practice.  When a person is trained, it becomes part of his character to do what he has been taught.  It is built into his spirit, and he has to go against his own spirit to do the wrong thing. Training builds habits that are right, and training must take place all through the day, not merely in a "character lesson" taught once a day or once a week.

Every subject area, every teaching method, every attitude, every action of the program participant or staff is a means of training character.  Character training is taking place throughout the day, no matter what else is being taught.

There may be a place for teaching character traits in the abstract, and it is certainly important to give program participants a wealth of information from the Bible in which good character traits are acted out, but it is not enough to simply talk about doing right. Each person must be expected to do right, and even, so to speak, be forced to do right time and time again by means of Godly discipline until the time comes that he has learned to choose the right on his own, based on right teaching, common sense, and the Word of God.

* Character Training Through Bible Teaching

The most important area of the curriculum for character development is, of course, actual study of the Bible itself.  It cannot be stressed enough that Bible study is the main means of building character -- not the study of some man's distillation of the Scriptures by means of notebooks, workbooks, or systematic theology -- but a study of the Bible itself in the way that God wrote it. 

The staff member teaches the program participant that it is not enough to merely hear the Bible taught in Bible Study Time, chapel, and church, but that it is his privilege and responsibility to read the Scriptures for himself.  This way God speaks directly to him through His Word. Indeed, the principle of each person reading the Bible for himself is the core, the essence, the key to individual liberty, responsibility, and character.

* Character Training Through the Formation of Habit

Our aim is to produce individuals who will habitually choose to do right because it is right to do right.  Christians have a standard of right and wrong, the Word of God, and we must train people to habitually choose to act upon the teachings of that true Standard.

This goal is accomplished by carefully and clearly laying down rules and principles, and through Biblical discipline, getting each participant to 1) act in accord with these principles time after time and 2) learn how to carefully think about the principles and consciously choose to apply them.  Finally, by force of habit, each person will on his own be able to deliberate and choose to do right because the faithful training of his leaders has allowed him to choose the dictates of reason rather than the dictates of the passions.  It is at this point that God, through Christ, enables the person to serve the Law of God rather than the law of sin (Romans 7:25). God does the work, but it is the responsibility of the staff to lay the foundation, and it is the responsibility of the individual to choose to do right.


No one on the first phase of the program is allowed to have a vehicle. Once a person has been promoted to phase two of the program he is allowed to have a vehicle if he has only two months left in the program, but must use it only on his free time. Each vehicle must have insurance coverage. It is the owners' responsibility for the upkeep and safety of his vehicle.



(Revised 1/31/19)

The Good Samaritan Ministries is committed to the highest standards of Christian conduct and holds that the Bible, the infallible, divine Word of God, provides the basis for that conduct. Salvation by faith in Christ is the initial step in the Christian life, followed by spiritual growth into the image of Jesus Christ.

“For whom He did foreknow, He also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren.” (Romans 8:29)

This is the work of the Holy Spirit.

“But we all with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.” (II Corinthians 3:18)

This growth begins with the act of saving faith and continues throughout life. The Holy Spirit makes the Christian conscious of the Biblical demands for a holy life that fulfills both God’s moral law and high law of love.

“Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.” (Matthew 22:37-39)

“Owe no man anything, but to love lone another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law. For this, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, Thou shalt not covet; and if there be any other commandment, it is briefly comprehended in this saying, namely, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. Love worketh no ill to his neighbour: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law.” (Romans 13:8-10)

“For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.” (Galatians 5:14)

The result is a life consecrated unto God and separated from the world.

The Good Samaritan Ministries has therefore established Biblical standards of conduct to provide an environment conducive to the spiritual growth and development of Christian people. Although obedience to rules does not make one spiritual, the spiritually sincere person will desire to live by Biblical standards. As an institution that believes in development of men with strong character, The Good Samaritan Ministries contends that moral conviction, self-discipline, and enthusiasm for Christian witnessing are important.

The Biblical standards of conduct expected of the participants on the Discipleship Program are based on the following Biblical imperatives.

1. All activities of the Christian must be subordinated to the glory of God, Who indwells us.

“What! Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.” (I Corinthians 6:19, 20)

2. The Christian must endeavor to avoid practices that cause the loss of sensitivity to the spiritual needs of the world.

“But take heed lest by any means this liberty of yours become a stumblingblock to them that are weak.”(I Corinthians 8:9)

“But when ye sin so against the brethren, and wound their weak conscience, ye sin against Christ. Wherefore, if meat make my brother to offend, I will eat no flesh while the world standeth, lest I make my brother to offend.”(I Corinthians 8:12, 13)

“Give none offence, neither to the Jews, nor to the Gentiles, nor to the church of God.” (I Corinthians 10:32)

3. The Christian must endeavor to avoid practices that cause the loss of the Christian’s physical, mental, or spiritual well being.

“But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway.” (I Corinthians 9:27)

In today’s society this includes avoiding such practices as gambling, dancing, profanity, obscenity, abuse of drugs, and the use of alcohol. Under no circumstances will pornography, premarital or extramarital sex, homosexuality, or other sex perversions be tolerated. The Good Samaritan Ministries believes that each participant should seek to bring his behavior into conformity to that which brings honor to the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ.

It is not required that when a person enters the Good Samaritan Ministries Discipleship Program that he be a Christian, but it is required that he adhere to all the rules therein. It is our desire to see every person entering the program to become a born-again Christian.


1. Admit that you are a sinner.

Romans 3:10, “As it is written, there is none righteous, no not one.”

Romans 3:23, “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.”

2. Realize that a price must be paid for your sin.

Romans 5:12, “Wherefore as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin, and so death passed upon all men for that all men have sinned.”

Romans 6:23, “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”

3. Believe that Jesus loves you and paid the price for your sin when He died on the cross.

Romans 5:8, “But God commendeth His love towards us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”

4. Call on Jesus and ask Him to save you, and receive His payment for your sins.

Romans 10:9-10, “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”

Romans 10:13, “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”

These are the rules and regulations that every man who participates in this discipleship program shall abide by during the first phase of the program, which lasts a minimum of six months. While you may not always agree with these rules, you are nonetheless required to adhere to them or you will be dismissed. All of the guidelines, policies, regulations, and rules contained herein are applicable to every man enrolled in the Discipleship Program. It is your responsibility to know, understand, and abide by everything set forth in these pages. You are responsible for your own walk with the Lord, and abiding by these rules will provide a foundation upon which your relationship with God – and other program men – can be built.

These rules are designed not only to help you with self-discipline and to learn to accept responsibility, but also to help protect you from some pitfalls, which Satan would place in your pathway in an effort to deter or distract you from the main purpose of your being here.

Satan will do his best to get you to leave the program before God is ready for you to leave. We have discovered through the years that the man who stays only a short time does not accomplish very much spiritually, and quite often he comes back saying he should have never left and he asks for another chance.

Daily Routine

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday

6:00 AM Wake-up

6:00-6:30 Make beds up

6:15 AM Medicine Call

6:30 AM Breakfast

7:00 AM Chores

7:30 AM - 8:30 AM Bible Study

9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Work Therapy

6:00 PM Supper

7:00 PM – 9:00 PM Visitation Hours

7:25 PM Chapel

10:00 PM Curfew

11:00 PM Bedtime

Wednesday, Saturday

6:00 AM Wake-up

6:00-6:30 Make beds up

6:15 AM Medicine Call

6:30 AM Breakfast

7:00 AM Chores

7:30 AM Prayer

8:00 AM – 4:00 PM Work Therapy

5:30 PM Supper

7:00 PM (Wed) Church

7:25 PM (Sat) Chapel

10:00 PM Curfew

11:00 PM Bedtime


6:30 AM Wake-up

6:30-7:00 Make beds up

7:00 AM Medicine Call

7:15 AM Breakfast

8:00 AM First bus leaves for church

8:30 AM Church

After Church – 6:00 PM Visitation

6:30 PM Church

10:00 PM Curfew

11:00 PM Bedtime

Wake-up and Bed time

1. Wake-up call is at 6:00 am except for Sundays and holidays. Please do not get up before 6:00 unless you must go to the bathroom, but please get up promptly at 6:00. Wake-up call for Sunday is 7:30 am and Holidays is 8:00. (A person may get up before 7:30 a.m. but not before 6:00 am.) Once a person gets up he is not allowed to go to bed again until his work is completed for the day, unless he has a doctor’s note or permission from the staff.

2. Lights out at 11:00 p.m. There will be bed check at that time. There is to be no talking or noise making or getting up except to use the bathroom until 6:00 am. If you are not found in your bed at 11:00 PM you may be dismissed.


3. The doors will be secured at 10:00 p.m., therefore everyone needs to be in the building at that time. There will be a curfew check at that time.

Weekly Meetings

Times of the Meetings

4. Everyone is required to attend the following meetings:

Sunday Church 8:30 AM Community Baptist Church

Sunday Church 6:30 PM Community Baptist Church

Monday Chapel 7:25 PM Good Samaritan Inn

Tuesday Chapel 7:25 PM Good Samaritan Inn

Wednesday Church 7:00 PM Community Baptist Church

Thursday Chapel 7:25 PM Good Samaritan Inn

Friday Chapel 7:25 PM Good Samaritan Inn

Saturday Chapel 7:25 PM Good Samaritan Inn

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Bible Study 7:30-8:30

Wednesday, Saturday Prayer Time 7:30-8:00

Any special church meetings as announced.

Try to be at least five minutes early for chapel services. Roll call will be taken at 7:25.

All meetings are held as a means of presenting the tenets of the Christian faith and to develop strong moral character based upon Biblical teaching. All men are required to go to these meetings. Since chapel time is also visitation time all visitors are encouraged to be in chapel. It is our intent to make each person aware of his personal accountability to God.

Everyone should bring his Bible if he has one to all devotions, Bible studies, chapels, church and special meetings.

Responsibilities Before and After Church

• Everyone must ride the bus to and from the church.

• Everyone must leave tobacco products behind.

• Everyone is to stay on church property. Going to the store and other places without permission from staff is not allowed.

• Everyone is to have their shirt-tails properly tucked in.

• Everyone is to wear a collared shirt, dress pants, and tie.

Responsibilities at the Meetings

5. Do not sleep during or walk in or out of the meetings or church services. If you must use the bathroom at church use it before the preaching and after the church service (this means after dismissal of the service from the pastor).

• No hats or bandanas are to be worn.

• No Food or Drinks.

• No Sitting on the floor.

• Respect others

• No candy paper is to be left behind.

• Please keep the noise down when opening candy. It is distracting to the service.

• No out-loud yawning. (If you yawn you can be quiet about it)

• Bring your Bible to church and follow along during the preaching.

• No talking during the preaching to each other. There are appropriate times for this.

• Give attention to the speaker.

Bible Study

6. Bible Study is held in the Dining Room area. Bible Study is Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Personal Devotional time is from 7:30-7:45. Bible Study begins at 7:45 a.m. There will be booklets assigned to you each Thursday. Certificates are given on the last Sunday night in each month for your accomplishment. Other studies are available upon request.

If you are here for the right reason, which is to learn to live for God, you will spend a great deal of time studying God’s Word on your own in addition to time spent in Bible Study class. You will also learn how to pray. Your time will be wasted if you spend excessive time watching TV. Take this time in your life to study God’s Word. Quiet Time begins after chapel. Please abide by this rule.

Prayer Time

7. Prayer time on Wednesday and Saturday is at 7:45 a.m. after your personal devotions. Please be prompt. 7:30 to 7:45 is personal devotional time.

Fellowship Sunday

8. The last Sunday in each month is Fellowship Sunday. The schedule for Fellowship Sunday is different from the other Sunday services. After the Sunday morning service there will be lunch at the church. Visitation hours will begin after the meal and will end at 9:00 P.M. After the Sunday morning service certificates of accomplishment will be given in recognition of everyone’s accomplishments. Invite your family to Fellowship Sunday and all the services at Community Baptist Church.

Testimony Time

8. When giving your testimony about what the Lord has done for you, make it short. It should focus on what Jesus Christ is doing in your life. Giving a testimony is not an opportunity to “soapbox” or preach, or to complain about the program.

Holiday Schedule

9. There will be a cookout on all holidays except Thanksgiving and Christmas. Your family is encouraged to come at noon for the event. No one is allowed to leave with his family during this time, but visitation by family is encouraged. There is a special Thanksgiving and Christmas service at 11:00 a.m. on Thanksgiving and Christmas Day, followed by a meal. There will be chapel at 7:25 p.m. on all holidays except Thanksgiving and Christmas day.

The following is for first and second phase:

• Christmas Eve party

o Gifts will be given out to program men.

o Gifts will be given to program men’s family who have been adopted.

▪ If a marriage license or copy of marriage license has been produced, then the program man may go home for the night with his wife and children. He must be back at the Good Samaritan for the service at 11:00 a.m. After lunch everyone is allowed to leave with immediate family and return at 9:00 p.m.

▪ If there is no marriage license and the program man has gifts for his children, he may have someone pick the gifts up for him on Christmas Eve. Christmas Day everyone is required to be at the 11:00 a.m. service at the Good Samaritan Ministries. After lunch he may leave to visit family and must sign in by 9:00 p.m.

Everyone leaving must sign out at the desk and then sign back in.

❑ Note there may be changes in the schedule at any time.


10. Some chores need to be done in the kitchen and Fellowship Hall. If you are assigned to a chore please do it promptly and as unto the Lord. An important part of life at Good Samaritan Ministries is the development of personal goals, new habits and self-discipline. To aid in this, you will be required to complete your chores, asked to help with special projects and contribute in other ways.

Tobacco Products

11. No tobacco products are to be used in any building or vehicles or at church. Leave all tobacco products at the Good Samaritan Inn when you go to church. No one is allowed to use tobacco products when he is working. Residents are not to use the side parking lots for use of tobacco products, meeting with friends, etc. Don’t get cigarettes out or light your cigarettes until you get in the smoking area (commonly known as “The Pit” – that area is off the asphalt). Only the fenced-in area at the back of 2307 Hull Street is to be used for lounging and recreation. You are not allowed at the picnic table directly behind the building unless you are not smoking. This area and the “Pit” area are off limits when the school children are in the Fellowship Hall. No visitor is allowed to be in or use the smoking area.

12. There is to be no use of tobacco products after 10:00 PM.


13. No drinking of alcoholic beverages. No use of any medications, mouthwash, cologne, or aftershave containing alcohol. Anyone with alcohol in or on him or in his belongings will be dismissed immediately. Periodic breath screening tests will be given. Refusal to perform the breath screening test will be considered a positive and result in dismissal of the program. Even upon suspicion that you might be using we retain the right to ask you to leave.


14. No illicit drugs. Any drugs not prescribed by a physician are considered illicit. Prescription narcotics, anti-depressant, psychotropic drugs and over the counter sedatives are prohibited. Any prescription medication not specifically prescribed to you can’t be used at any time. Anyone using or possessing illicit drugs will be dismissed immediately. The following is also not permitted: sniffing gasoline or glue or paint. Periodic screening tests will be given. If you are asked to give a urine sample and you can’t give at that time, you will be placed into a room for the maximum of one hour with no fluids. If after the hour you have not given the urine sample you will be dismissed. Refusal to provide a urine sample upon demand for the purpose of drug screening will be considered a positive result, and will result in immediate dismissal. Even upon suspicion that you might be using we retain the right to ask you to leave.


15. No cursing or vulgar talk is allowed.

16. No dirty jokes are allowed.

17. No fraternizing with any women associated with the mission, including staff, and employees, and family members of staff and employees, and school children. Any conversation beyond “hello” is considered fraternizing.

Dress Code and Clothing

18. No clothing may be worn or displayed which advertises alcoholic beverages or cigarettes, or which has suggestive or offensive pictures or words and has holes in them. All tattoos that are also suggestive or offensive in words or pictures must be covered up if all possible.

19. Shorts and tank tops are not allowed except for sleeping only. Long pants and shirts with sleeves (no tank tops) are required outside the dormitories and bathroom. Shirts must be worn at all times except when sleeping. If a person has bed rest or is in bed during the day, he must be fully dressed. You must keep your shirt tail tucked in at all times during working hours and while you are on Good Samaritan Property outside the dormitory area.

20. Collared shirts and neck tie and dress pants must be worn to church. No denim jeans are allowed. Shirts must be tucked in and buttoned properly.

21. Dress code in the chapel or Bible study: 1) Shirts with collars 2) No shower shoes or flip flops or sandals 3) Shirts must be tucked in (4) No jogging pants or sweat pants.

22. Earrings are not to be worn by men or any kind of body piercing.

23. If you need clothing, you will be given only what you need. All clothing must be come through the clothing room. After the first week all clothing distribution is limited to two items per week. All donations to the Good Samaritan Ministries belong to the Good Samaritan Ministries. No one is allowed to take clothes or anything else as it is donated or before it is received, sorted, or from the warehouse, store, pick-up truck, or Good Samaritan Inn. If you need clothes and the clothing room does not have what you need, place a note in the box that reads “Reece”. Don’t simply take something because you need or want it. When someone leaves the program, it is your responsibility to leave the items alone, unless otherwise told differently.

24. All clothing must be hung up in the lockers or put in dresser drawers or suitcases

25. If you have more clothing than will fit in your allotted storage space, you must make arrangements to store it outside Good Samaritan Inn.

The standards of the Good Samaritan Ministries are apparent by the personal appearance of its participants. Styles that are extreme, or that sacrifice decency, general good taste, and Christian standards cannot have a good effect on an efficient spiritual education. Though opinions differ as to what constitutes proper dress, we must have an institutional standard in order for us to be consistent in our enforcement. Some general Scriptural guidelines for dress are:

1. Modesty

(I Timothy 2:9; II Timothy 2:22)

2. Distinction between the sexes

(Deuteronomy 22:5; I Corinthians 11:14-15)

3. In a manner pleasing to the Lord

(I Timothy 4:12; Romans 12:1-2; I John 2:15-16)

4. Appropriate dress for the occasion

(I Corinthians 14:40)

The administration reserves the right to determine what is acceptable and unacceptable dress.

Thrift Store

26. No one is allowed to buy anything from the Good Samaritan Thrift Store while on the first phase of the program. When working at the thrift store, you are not allowed to lay away items for yourself or someone else.


27. Clothes are washed every night from 11:00 PM to 7:00 am by alternating odd and even bed numbers. The night your clothes are to be washed, place in the laundry room in the plastic container provided after chapel. There is a limited amount of clothing that will be laundered:

• 2 shirts

• 2 pants

• 2 undershirts

• 2 underwear

• 2 pairs of socks

Note there is a separate time for washing of your sheets, towel, washcloth, and pillowcase. These times and bed numbers are:

Tuesday 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 23, 25, 29

Wednesday 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 24, 26, 30

Thursday 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 27

Friday 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 28

Radios, DVD, Cassette Players And Electronic Devices

28. The ONLY radio station that you may listen to is WYFJ, 99.9 FM. This is not to say that there are no good programs on other stations, but there is so much that is questionable mixed in with the good that it would not be suitable for someone just getting established in the Lord. NO WALKMAN TYPE CASSETTE PLAYERS ARE ALLOWED nor IPODS nor Electronic Devices. The only exception for cassettes or DVD’s or electronic devices are those required for Bible study courses. All other tapes, records, CD’s, DVD’s and electronic devices are not allowed. No computers are allowed.


29. TV watching is to a minimum. We will be showing videos after chapel. The TV is not to be turned on before 5:00 PM, except on Sundays. On Sunday it can turned on after the morning church service. When it is allowed it must be turned off by 11:00 PM. The staff on duty will control the TV. No soap operas, talk shows, or any vulgar, suggestive, or offensive shows are allowed. Any staff member may refuse to air any program that he deems objectionable. One may watch “Sunday Night Football” until 11:50 p.m. There must be absolute quietness at this time.

Reading Materials

30. Only religious and educational materials approved by Dr. George or other approved staff are to be read. Only the King James Version of the Bible is allowed.


31. Meals are served at the following times:

• Breakfast is served at 6:30 a.m. (Monday –Saturday), 7:15 a.m. (Sunday)

• Lunch at 12:00 p.m.

• Supper at 6:00 p.m. (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday), 5:00 p.m. (Wednesday, Sunday).

32. When there is a holiday, breakfast is at 8:30.

33. ` When going out to work, take a bag lunch with you. If you find out that you are not going out to work, turn your lunch in promptly. Only those working on the premises may eat lunch in the lunchroom.

34. Only those program men assigned to work in the kitchen are permitted access to the kitchen, pantry, and other food storage areas, and then only when they are on duty.

35. Nothing from the kitchen or food storage areas is to be given to anyone outside of the Good Samaritan Ministries unless given permission.

36. Do not take cups, glasses, plates, spoons, forks, or knives out of the dining room.

37. The kitchen will not make special meals for anyone on special diets.


38. You must shower each day. Showers may be taken before Bible Study and after working hours and before 11:00 p.m. You should be in bed at 11:00 p.m. After taking your shower, keep your soap.

Gambling & Card Playing

39. No poker, blackjack, or gambling is allowed. The lottery is considered gambling.


40. No food (this includes candy and gum) or drinks are allowed in the lockers, even if in sealed packages. Food and drinks are only allowed in the fellowship hall and outside. .


41. Keep your area clean and neat. Do not keep anything on the dressers except religious material, family pictures, and your drinking cup. Nothing is allowed on (inside or outside) the lockers, on top or side. This includes stickers, or calendars.

42. Shoes go under the bed. Shoes will be placed in a plastic container that is provided.

43. Everyone is required to make his bed before 6:30 am. Beds will be neatly and tightly made with blanket neatly tucked, using hospital corners; quilt will be on top, with pillow tucked inside.

44. Locks are not allowed on lockers.

45. Exercise equipment is not allowed in the dormitory. There is equipment in the Exercise Room.

46. Washcloths and towels are to be folded and hung over the rail evenly at the end of the bed.

47. There will be regular dorm inspections. Make sure that everything is in its proper place and your area neat. Check previous rules and charts on the walls in the dorm.


48. No weapons are allowed. Good Samaritan Ministries will make every effort to ensure the safety of everyone. As part of this effort, no one shall possess, use, threaten the use of, or store a weapon or look-alike weapon on the property, in the facility, in a vehicle, or at any function. A weapon is defined as any object that by its design, use, or intended use could cause bodily harm or property damage or intimidate other persons. Weapons include, but are not limited to, the following: firearms, whether loaded or unloaded and whether operational or not; replica firearms; knives; and martial arts equipment. Items not designed as weapons will also be included under this policy if they are used to cause or with the intent of causing bodily harm or property damage or to intimidate others. Such items include, but are not limited to the following: chains, belts, sprays, stun guns, explosives including firecrackers, and dangerous chemicals. The police may be informed and the individual may be charged accordingly.

The following are exceptions to this policy:

1. A weapon under the control of a law enforcement officer acting in his/her official capacity.

2. A knife may be used for preparation of a meal only or used on a job assignment.


49. A continued bad attitude is grounds for dismissal.


50. Requests for time off for any reason must be submitted to the program director in writing on the sheets that are provided, not less than 24 hours in advance of a scheduled appointment. If you have an appointment on Monday, please fill the form out by 4:00 Friday prior to Monday. Also, there are appointment sheets that must be taken with you. You fill the area out you need to fill out and the person you are seeing fills out their area. After the appointment you must bring back the appointment sheet stating the time of your appointment and the time you left, and with a signature of the one you are seeing. Go straight to your appointment and back. Do not leave your appointment and go somewhere else. If there is going to be some delay or some change in destination, call the office to let them know, and get further instruction. Be sure to sign out and sign in at the back desk on the log. Please keep your appointments to a minimum.

51. Dental appointments are made only in emergency until second phase.

52. Please do not take any electronic devices to your appointment.

Work Assignments

53. Everyone will work 6 days per week. You may be excused for emergencies only. You are expected to fulfill your work responsibilities to the best of your abilities, realizing you are doing it as unto the Lord and by working here you are an instrument in the Lord’s hands. Everyone is expected to speak, act, and move as if Christ Himself is by his side. If you are sick or cannot work, you must contact the Program Director or Assistant Program Director.

54. If you leave your assigned workplace or fail to perform your assigned work you will be dismissed from the program.

55. You may not refuse any work assignment given you.

56. Regular work hours are 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday), 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (Wednesday, Saturday) but some assignments may last longer or may be different in work hours. Do not leave the job until it is completed or you are excused by your supervisor. No one is allowed in the dormitory between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.(Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday), and 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (Wednesday, Saturday).

57. Break times:




Only during these times are you permitted to go on break while on the Good Samaritan Inn’s premise, unless you work in the kitchen. Break time will be determined by your supervisor when working outside of the premises.

58. You may be sent out to work with Good Sams Work Program (second phase). This would be your job assignment and may not be refused. No one on the first phase of the program will receive an allowance.

59. No one is allowed to earn extra money or unemployment while he is on the program.

60. No duffle bags, knapsacks, suitcases, etc. are allowed on job sites.

61. No one is allowed at any location unless he has been authorized or assigned to that location (example: auto shop, laundry room, clothing room, kitchen, and financial building).

62. Your work assignment is subject to change at any time.

63. There is to be no going out to lunch or to a store on break time unless given permission by your supervisor. You may not leave your work area at any time without permission.

64. When you return from your work site early, please check with staff (Program Director or Assistant Program Director or evening desk man if either the Program Director or Assistant Program Director is not available) on duty. (Early means if you haven’t worked your 8 hours)

65. When working on job sites whether cleaning a building or not, nothing can be claimed by any program person. This includes selling or taking of any items on the site for personal use.

66. You are not to seek employment to any agency or business that works with Good Samaritan Ministries until completion of the program.

67. Since you are not employed by the Good Samaritan Ministries, do not use the Good Samaritan Ministries as an employment history reference if you take employment upon leaving the program.

68. When waiting for a job duty or if you don’t have anything to do during working hours wait in the Bible Study area. Do not go into the dorm area during these hours (9:00-5:00 – Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, 8:00-4:00 – Wednesday and Saturday).

69. No complaining will be accepted concerning your assignment.


70. No one is allowed to use the Good Samaritan Ministries telephones except in emergency. Telephone calls can be made on the phone in the multi-purpose room when the desk-man is on duty. Telephone calls cannot be made from 7:30 am to 5:00 PM Monday - Saturday or after 10:00 PM. Telephone calls are limited to 10 minutes in length. Telephone calls that must be made to doctors, lawyers, or probation officers may be made during the day only upon approval by the program director or assistant program director or an approved staff member. No cell phones are allowed on phase one nor is one to use phase two participants phones. No collect phone calls are allowed.

71. If someone calls in for you, the receptionist will take a message and give it to you, as you are available. It is your responsibility to return the call on the Good Samaritan Ministries phone. No phone calls are to be made during working hours without permission as stated in the previous rule.


72. Transportation is provided to Good Samaritan Ministries functions, such as church services, only. Transportation is provided to personal appointments in the city limits. All other appointments outside of the city limits including Henrico County and Chesterfield you will need to provide your own transportion. You may not walk to or from your appointments.

73. The Good Samaritan Ministries vehicles are for its business use only. They are not to be used for any personal business by anyone without prior approval. There is to be no transporting of passengers other than those specifically assigned to any particular use of the vehicle without prior permission. You are to pick-up your trash before leaving the vehicle.


74. There will be a probationary period of 30 days during which it will not be necessary to give grounds for dismissal.


75. No one is allowed on Good Samaritan Ministries property except residents, residents’ immediate family during authorized visiting hours and visitors approved by staff. Visiting hours are Monday – Saturday 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM; Sunday after morning church service to 6:00 PM. For the first 30 days no one is allowed to leave with visitors. Visiting is only in the Fellowship Hall. Once a person has been here for 30 days he is allowed to go out with immediate family only. (Immediate family includes the following: wife, children, mother, father, aunt, uncle, grandmother, grandfather, grandchildren, nephew, and niece.)

76. All residents are to return to Hull Street after the Sunday morning church service unless they have specific permission to visit their families for that day, in which case they need to have a relative or an approved person to sign them out at 2307 Hull Street. The person who signs you out is responsible for you. They must also sign you back in.


77. Going to the store is allowed after you have been here at least 30 days Monday through Saturday between 5:00 PM and 6:00 PM, and Sunday’s 4:00 – 5:00. Only one person can go at a time and a limit of 15 minutes.

Social Security/Disability

78. No one is allowed to apply for Social Security or Disability while on phase one. If you should start receiving Social Security or Disability prior application you should have it sent to another address while on the program. You cannot receive any type of welfare while on the Discipleship Program. This includes general assistance, food stamps, etc. You may receive medical assistance if you qualify for it.

Admittance to See Staff

79. If you need to see a staff member, go to the receptionist who will inform the staff member that you wish to see him.


80. No one is allowed to congregate in any office.

81. The Good Samaritan Ministries is not responsible for your belongings.

82. No one is allowed to loiter at the front of the building, or sit or lean on the fence.

83. Once a person leaves the Good Samaritan Ministries Discipleship Program he is not allowed on the property unless he comes to see a staff member.

84. Everything brought in or out of the Good Samaritan Ministries must be checked by the person on duty. This may include you taking things out of your pocket.

85. No one is allowed on the property behind Good Samaritan Ministries unless you are authorized to be there. (For example: paying bills, going to class).

86. No one is allowed in the Fellowship Hall from 9:00 AM thru 5:00 PM Monday through Friday unless working in the Fellowship Hall.

87. No one is allowed in the apartments or at the apartments.

88. No condoms or contraceptives or Viagra or similar drugs are allowed unless you are married.

89. No one is allowed to get married while on the program.


90. Any hitting results in automatic dismissal of all parties involved.

Leaving the Program

91. If you are dismissed from the program or you leave of your own will, you will not be able to apply to come back to the Good Samaritan Ministries Discipleship Program for one year. Upon leaving the program, you have 24 hours to take all of your belongings with you. Removing your belongings is your responsibility. Anything left over 24 hours will be salvaged and/or discarded.

Bed Rest

92. If a doctor prescribes bed rest, or anything that should suggests that you can not work, you are to remain in bed at all times except to eat or to use the bathroom. In order to have bed rest one must have a doctor’s note. The only exception to that rule is to get permission from the Program Director or Assistant Program Director.

Electronic Devices and Cell Phones

93. No electronic devices or cell phones or similar device are allowed. You are not allowed to use the cell phone of a second phase participate.

Memorization of Bible Verses

94. Each week there will be a verse or verses that will be given out for everyone to memorize. If you have trouble please notify the program director.

Probation and Parole

95. If you are on probation and parole, you are to disclose that fact prior to enrollment in the program. You need to let the program director know who your probation officer is, where he/she is located, and telephone number of how to contact him/her. Any changes in probation situation needs to be noted on paper and given to the program director. While having warrants will not necessarily bar you from enrolling in the program, you are strongly advised to get any and all warrants taken care of before seeking to join the program. Trying to straighten you life out and establish or strengthen your relationship with God will be difficult at best if you have any warrants hanging over your head.

Group Bible Studies

96. You are not to conduct or participate in any group Bible studies unless doing so is approved in advance by program director. Even informal “discussions” of “hard to understand passages of Scripture” or “deep doctrines” can lead to confusion, misinterpretation of Scripture, or worse. If you have any concerns or questions about such things, talk with staff, not other program men.

Quiet Time

97. Quiet Time is immediately after chapel in the dormitory and Bible study area. All talking must be done outside of these areas.

Prayer before All Meals

98. Since this is a Christian organization prayer is said before every meal. Hats off during prayer.

Exchange of Prescription Medications

99. The exchange of prescription medications is strictly forbidden.

Needles for Diabetes and Other Prescribed Medications

100. If you use needles for diabetes or other prescribed medications, they must be given to the Program Director or Assistant Program Director. Medicine Call is given each morning at 6:15. Please get all the medicine that you need for the day at that time.


101. No borrowing or lending money to peers

102. Money may be left in the office safe. Banking hours are Monday – Friday 8:00- 4:00


103. Mail will be given out at mail call at supper time.

104. No magazines or catalogs are allowed to come to this address or to be in the possession of any participant unless authorized by the program director.

Weight Room

105. The weight room is only open from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

106. No smoking is allowed.

107. No headphones or mp3 players, cd players, cassette players, ipods, and etc are allowed and the only radio station allowed is 100.1.

Completion of First Phase of the Program

Completion of the first part of the program has two parts:

1. Minimum of 6 months on phase one

2. A vote of confidence from the staff

3. Completion of books and verses

4. Pass nicotine test

Upon completion of the program each participate will be held back one week so he can provide his own pillows, pillow cases, sheets, bedspreads, towels and washcloths. These items must be new. Failure to provide these items will also result in delay in going to the apartments.

After being notified of promotion, you must still abide by all the rules above as long as you live at 2307 Hull Street while awaiting transfer to the work program apartments.

I understand the rules and agree to abide by the rules. It is understood that I have voluntarily come to the Good Samaritan Ministries for help, and asked for the privilege of going on the Discipleship Program. I am not hired or employed by said Mission. Any substance given to me is solely a gift. Upon my departure from the Mission I expect no benefits. I further understand that failure to comply with the “Principles of Conduct” may result in my dismissal from the program. I also understand that the Good Samaritan Ministries is not responsible for any bills which may occur due to injury or accident while I am resident. I am committing myself to a minimum of one year on the Discipleship Program.

Any decisions by the Executive Director and Assistant Director regarding enforcing or not enforcing any rules are made on a case-by-case basis, with information you may not be in possession of. All decisions made are to be respected and trusted.

Changes in policy may be made at any time. When changes are made, all program men will be notified in a timely manner.




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